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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, I mentioned in a thread that I had bought a Phong 5508 ETA and Mendota-Explorer asked if I could post pictures and give impressions, perhaps others might be interested. So let's start with a little history. I'm a Geek through and through. I used to design and build robots for a living, always loved and obsessed over mechanical things so it was inevitable I'd become a watch guy. I'm a car guy as well. Anyway as a kid I used to gaze in the local watch shop at all the expensive watches and Rolex soon became a favourite. A certain Commander Bond probably influenced that, I bought watches over the years each time stretching a little further in price until I finally managed my first Rolex. About twelve years ago I was cruising the net and bought a couple of reps. An Explorer 1 and a Comex. I didn't know much about models at that time and had little idea what Comex was. Anyway the Explorer was a good buy. The dial is very poor and may soon be updated, but the case is as good as it gets. The Comex.... Well it's a no date 1680 Comex without lug holes. Very rare model! As I got to know more I became embarrassed I even owned the Comex and never wore it. Lesson learned, I stayed away from reps for years. I got sucked back into the rep thing by discovering this and other sites. I lurked a lot, even before I signed up. I read and became a bit obsessive. I knew I wanted a good rep. I don't much care what others think. Actually 99 out of 100 people don't even notice my watch and most of the rest don't care. If they say nice watch, I say thanks. If anyone I don't know asks about even my gen, I usually say it's fake. I don't want mugging thanks. So I only want the detailed accuracy for me. I knew Phong had the reputation as the best. I firmly believe his cases are the best. The price was a hurdle for me. It is a lot to pay for a rep and I kept thinking what if I'm disappointed? What if it's a piece of ***? Why don't I put the money in a gen or towards a Rolex gen? Well I ordered, sent off my money and sat having pink kittens about Customs either seizing it or taking it as gen and wanting thousands in duty. I followed the tracking and it duly showed up at my door without problem. I opened the package and if worn it every day since. I totally love it and don't regret the price one bit. If or rather when I buy from him again, I will only buy a case. I know more now and will buy dial and hands elsewhere. I think my 5508 will get some modding in the near future. Some gentle aging would be good. The Comex? Well when I looked at it again despite all it's faults the case is a good 1680 project base. It's gone to a modded in Paris and I'm hoping it will come back a killer double red.
    2 points
  2. Hi everyone ! I'm the happy owner of a nice Big Dazza 6538 since 3 month. But after reading more and more thread I decided to improve this watch. Two detailed 6200 and 6538 build from Mike on HomageForum particularly. So i bought a silix case and tools to try my first reshaping. Lug hole drilled with 1,5mm drill bit. Silly crown tube removed, mid case drilled to 3,5mm, then tapped to accept Athaya big crown V2 in transit from Jakarta (can't wait !) Lug sanded with Dremel, tried to create a not too bad bevel. Sharp edges also softened. Mid case worked with 400, 600, 1000 sand paper then polished. Bezel edge sanded and light heated to reproduce gen brassed color. Crystal sanded from about 1mm. Bezel insert aged with 1000 sand paper, then light bleached 2 x 30 second. I'm not satisfied with the result, so I will use the insert aged by Big D. I therefore expected the crown from Adrian. I will have to cut the stem to fit the stem adapter. I will keep the aged dial, hands, spring bars and insert for Big Dazza. I know my work is perfectible, please give me your opinions. I have the other case to improve it. Now the pics !
    2 points
  3. Well I succumbed to the need to take a closer look at the updated Cartel 5513 and ordered one from Josh. http://www.pf-818.com/-p-9481.html At long last we can say goodbye to to the stubby crown guards, a good excuse for me start another build. Here we go The annoying "Stailesssteel" and 1665 model designation between the lugs. I will sand these out to leave a brushed finish. Comparison of case height with the previous stubby 5513 and 1665 Cartel models (both modded). First the 5513. 1665 with a phong bezel assembly Side by side with the modded 5513 Asian 2836 movement Replacement of dial and handset. Dismantling the bezel assembly and crystal removal in preparation for case work. So far so good. More to follow
    1 point
  4. So, originally this was going to be a sales thread. This build took a long time to complete (approximately 2 years). Part of it was Necky being slow, part of it that I was a noob and did not know what I wanted. By the time I received it, my tastes had changed more towards smaller watches. But, as I was taking the photos, I can't help admire it. To my eyes, this is a work of art. Necky is a true master; the wait was worth it. Specs: - Jackson miny 6152 case, heavily reshaped by Necky - Necky custom 2-piece bezel - Athaya 3-piece dial - front and back plexi I think are from Necky, or kpoy - NW caseback(s) - NW CGs, reshaped by Necky; custom lever - Overhauled and serviced Molly 3601 (by strodda) - NW rolex engraved plates (these were a pita to install, had to sacrifice two molly movements) I think I am easily close to 1.5-2K in this build in terms of parts and labor. The bill from Joe alone was more than a grand. Anyway, enough talk, here are the photos:
    1 point
  5. Wearing my Bond Sub today
    1 point
  6. Correct lugholes size is 1.25mm. Don't chamfer them. Chamfered lugholes were a result of improper polishing and was really never intentionally chamfered from the factory.
    1 point
  7. It looks like you saved some $$ too. http://www.network54.com/Forum/207673/message/1448854851/FS-+v.Rare+6350+Explorer+%2A%2AHoneycomb%2A%2A+dial
    1 point
  8. Amazing build, wear it with pride.
    1 point
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