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Posts posted by gplracer

  1. JoJo this post is a nice contribution to the forum. I used to wonder why someone would want a plastic crystal. After buying a gen crystal for my 6263 I now I love plastic crystals. Whenever they get scratches you can just polish them out. I like the face that finger prints do not show up on them as much as sapphire crystals.

  2. Jack, If you want the best possible modding base the MBW is the way to go in my opinion. Be sure you get a MBW that takes gen parts. I thought I read on here where some of the newer ones are not made as accurately as the ones from a year ago. I hope someone will comment on that so you have exact information. Joshua's watch is nice. It would be better in my opinion for someone who does not plan on going all out with mods and gen parts. Instead it is a great watch for someone who does not want to mod or someone who will do some light modding or someone new to the hobby.

  3. Sorry to sound dumb but what do you mean by the thirty minute counter?

    That in a nutshell is exactly the problem with an A7750- you can't get parts unless you take them off of another movement and they happen to match. And using an eta7750 would require taking a part or two off of the A7750 to move the thirty minute counter from 12 to 3 and once again, it may or may not work.

    Hopefully your watchmaker will be able to makke it work.

  4. I pm'd spin and I have been waiting for a reply with his address. In the meantime I have a friend who is an excellent jeweler and he works on rolex watches as well. He told me he would take a look at it. He said if it the main spring and I have one it would be an easy fix. I wonder if an eta spring would work as well. The problem wit the A7750 is what do you do when you need a part?

    I have just read this post after replying to you in my Michael Allen thread, hence the crossed wires. Sorry to hear you are having trouble aswell, do you not have any comeback from spinmaster?

    I'm afraid I can't help you on technical questions about movements but I think the questions you raise are well worth answering as an ETA powered 6263 would be a great watch IMHO. I'm sure the knowledgeable chaps across the pond (I'm in the UK) will chime in with definitive movement answers very soon.

    All the best to you and I hope your watch blues evaporate very quickly.

    Be strong.

  5. Well something is wrong with my DW6263 (7750) My watchmaker is looking at it now. He thinks the main spring maybe broken but he will not know until he tears the movement down. Also the little gauge for adjustment between the plus and the minus is loose. I do not know what that means. Maybe it is related to the main spring being broken. I have another 6263 (7750) with a bad movement and he should be able to take the main spring out of it. My concern on these is what to do when a part goes belly up? It appears no one has parts for the A7750. Are any of the parts on an ETA7750 interchangeable?

    This leads me to another question........ This watch has asymmetrical pushers but uses a 7750. Is that a special 7750? Can an ETA 7750 be used as well? To be honest I am almost at the point of wanting to use an ETA7750 because I know can get parts for it. Suggestions?

    I love my DW6263 and I just want to be able to enjoy it.

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