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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. Hint: Don't buy the 1 Series, if you want to buy something similar to the 1 series get a Mini or a Golf.

    These were sage words! (Even if you would rather ride a bike!)

    The 1 series is for BMW-wannabes. It's pig ugly, and BMW didn't have a clue what they were doing with it. Avoid it!

    I'm very jealous of your other choice of cars though! :wub:

    No Audis? :D

  2. Okay, I've made an effort to make up the numbers here! Hopefully there are no glaring typos!


    Phone call at ten, three miners are dead,

    But it's in Tassie, we'll just send down Ed.

    Press release Sunday, not dead only trapped

    Message to me, your week off's been scrapped.

    Newsroom's gone mental, “get on a plane!”

    Goes without saying, can't take a train.

    Day one is boring, miners still stuck,

    Mulling 'round Tassie, dumb out of luck.

    'Beckon' or 'Beacon', chewing the fat,

    Nothing to do, but shiver and chat.

    Newsroom to laptop, “what is the rub?”

    “Shh,” I say thinking 'PO or Sub?”

    Day two is worse, even less news,

    Tap up some local, suss out their views.

    News people restless, let's make something up

    No sod will notice, let's sell them a pup

    Day three, four, five, news people itchy,

    Some of the anchors, decidedly bitchy

    “We'll get them out safely,” the manager whines,

    Just get 'em out quickly, we're fed up of mines.

    Not much to do, but stare at my watch,

    That guy in the hat, is that David Koch?

    Now May the sixth, still metres away,

    Looks like we're staying, just one more day.

    Next day no further, we no longer care,

    Just spare a thought, for the news anchor's hair.

    Carleton collapses, “cameras away!”

    No such thought, for the rest of our prey.

    “It's harder than concrete, tougher than stone,”

    But we haven't got news, we continue to moan.

    “Just blow them up! Just give it some thought!”

    Just think of the headline - 'Family Distraught'.

    Suddenly they're out, in the lorry jumps Koch,

    If we pay enough money, will the audience watch?

    Chequebook journos, not much to admire,

    Glance over the bar, is that Eddie McGuire?!


  3. I predict with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY..... That all will have to endure several weeks of this unending worldwide diatribe of twaddle.

    You're right! :lol:

    But when it's the World Morris Dancing Championships then it's your turn...!


    (I jest, I jest.... :group: )

  4. Feckin' beans!! :lol:

    Does this give you a clue?

    Aye, I got there in the end! Or do you think I have some kind of Father Jack Hackett tourette's syndrome about baked beans?

    I mean, when I have I ever brought up baked beans out of the blue before......no, wait, I see....... :D

  5. Ah my friend you seem a man of the world who has a gift with words, why not try to come up with something to help pad up your gambling money :D


    It's a reputation I hope to maintain by not unleashing my inner hopeless poet! Is the world ready for my eighteen stanza masterpiece entitled 'porange'?

    That said, maybe I can be enticed to make up the numbers...

    BTW did A Current Affair really ever have a poet/dickhead/singsong on once a week, or was that just an invention of Frontline?

  6. And there was me trying for 57 steps..........(think about it!)


    :lol::lol::lol: lol!

    You got me! I'm thinking, gawd, what kind of hardcore football knowledge do I not know here?

    Feckin' beans!! :lol:

    BTW I picked beans because they're funny, but I still think one tin of baked beans (including the tin) has the energy of 80 million barrels of crude oil (used as, well, oil)....

  7. Yup I think you're both right that one of these African teams will give people like me (that bet all their money on the usual suspects) a good kicking.

    It's usually about this time that I become very fearful that England might actually win the feckin' thing! Deep breaths...

    Gerrard is amazing. (Up there with Chic Charnley for sure. :lol: )

    But after they breeze through the group stage, it gets tough for them very quickly.

  8. Almost a week gone and so far only 3 acceptable entries, remember I need 10 to be able to award more that just first prize. :)


    Are you angling for seven crap entries?! :lol:

    I must say, for someone who is not keen on verse (I was 'damaged' by Shakespeare, Milton and Chaucer at school - rhyming words they made up, when they do it =genius, when I rhyme orange with porange = fool) these entries were reasonably pleasant. Perhaps most of all for the lack of words like 'porange'.

    Keep up the good work :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  9. If any of you are gambling people, I hear that putting money on France to win (Netherlands are the next best) is a good bet. Meaning that their chances are better than the odds at the moment. Cisse has just broken a leg which, frankly, can only improve things! ;)

    Almost as interesting - I wonder who the "surprise package" will be this year - this year's Cameroon, Croatia or South Korea. Hmm.... :g:

    Australia?! :Jumpy:

  10. There's only been one post mentioning this brand on the forum, so I was intrigued to see that they have such a big range. Not necessarily my cup of tea, but some interesting watches nonetheless. "Repable"?

    de Grisogono


    FG ONE (Blackened-Steel / Black / Leather) $14,000


    FG ONE (Blackened-Stainless Steel / Black / Leather) $14,000


    Uno Grande Seconde (Steel / White / Leather) $10,000

  11. A bit like a meeting in Celtic FC boardroom......Baird's Bar....mebbes aye......mebbes naw.....:D

    Only when that wee hun Dalglish was in charge. Thank god we saw through him. Took us a while though! :lol:


    Proof, if ever it was needed, that any conversation on slaughter in the middle east can be turned to talk of Scottish football, via baked beans, in only 51 steps :lol::thumbsupsmileyanim::lol:

  12. Earlier tonight I made a huge Swiss purchase mistake...


    I went to the supermarket to buy, you know, crap. Thought I'd buy the missus Toblerone...

    Big mistake. Apparently she told me in 1998, and again once in South Korea in 2003, that she doesn't like Toblerone very much and WHY WON'T I LISTEN, etc., etc.....

    I was confused because I distinctly remember her eating the 2003 Toblerone, but apparently THAT WAS BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING BETTER IN THE MINIBAR.

    Now I have TWO Toblerone's, which is highly selfish.

    Obviously I had to get back in the car, drive back to the supermarket, in order to buy - you might say - a cheap Asian chocolate bar, although the Toblerone was probably made in Asia too.

    I selected this bar:


    And she is now MUCH HAPPIER. In fact, so happy that if I play my cards right I may get LUCKY.

    Except, I pointed out, tonight is the start of the WORLD CUP.

    Why this tale? Just to give all the soon-to-be-married members an insight into the rock 'n' roll world they are entering!!


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