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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. So, I have a dilemma.


    I finally installed the C&I 7206 bracelet, with minimal stretch for its age, on my 1016 project (Project: http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/151625-1016-wip-almost-fin/).


    I then received an offer of $750 from an acquaintance who wants to buy the bracelet from me.  I am on the fence.  I don't need the money, but I am also luke-warm on the "fit" (primarily endlinks).  I also need to remove a link (which is no big deal, I have a tool that makes quick work of R&Ring these links).


    Finally, I could install a 9315 w/558 end-links (558 are the correct link for the 160x case).  This would proved the best bracelet fit, but I loose the rivets.  It does fit the "Service Theme"


    Photos to help with decision.






















    On the Fence...

  2. Excellent job, and excellent photo journalism. :tu:


    Question for the group, I built mine out of a 1603, so what, if any advantage does a 16200 case hold.


    All I did was swap crystal, JMB, and opened the lug holes on the 1603 and added a service dial.


  3. I am not a Patent Lawyer, but Patents do expire, and that is why the likes of Invicata, etc can more or less copy the designs without issue.  As long as it does not contain a Rolex logo or association they are free and clear.  I believe the current Patent last 7 or 9 years.  This is also why Rolex makes major changes in about that amount of time.

  4. First of all, the writing is on the wall that the next Bond will be (not sure how to be politically correct, so I will just say it), black actor Idres Elba.  Welcome to:  "this ever changing world in which we live in" [Paul Mcartney - Live and Let Die]









    Personally, I like Daniel Craig, and HE could be the best Bond but, other than Casino Royal, the scripts have been lacking.  We had Quantum of Suck, followed by Skyfall which might as well have been a mash-up of Batman, Bourne and Bond.  You had a "Joker+Bane" villain, and Skyfall Manor (might as well have been Wayne Manor, complete with Alfred), and dead parents that sent him on his course.


    That said.  Connery still #1.


    (Edit to add, just watched "The Living Daylights" (Dalton), and damn, that was an excellent Bond film.  Dalton played it more like Craig, however coming off of Moore might have been too serious)

  5. Richard Carver is still running it on a Windows 95 box-- can't you tell.  :fool::)


    Best bet is to use Watchrecon.com --- Watchrecon USED To allow you to filter by forum, but for some reason removed that option. (If anyone has in-roads with them, tell them to bring back the per forum feature)

  6. I stumpled upon an eBay sale of 1570 powered watch that much to my surprise had a 1520 Balance installed in it.


    After some Google searching, another thread was discovered on TRF which appears to support its intechangeability.  (Both 1570 & 1520 - 19,800BPH)


    Based on this information, if you should find yourself DIY servicing a 1570, and say don't want to mess with the micro-stella regulating tool-- a 1520 Balance can be dropped in and regulated like the ETA & Miyota(based) movements we are used to regulating.


    Now I realize this is probably a sin to many, but it does provide options.  Thoughts?



  7. Attempted again.


    This time Payza tripped a fraud alert on my Visa card.  Just spent 10 minutes on the phone getting it lifted.  Tried again, and Payza is still declining the transaction.  I will give it a few hours to uncache and try again.


    Wish I could just PayPal one of the Moderators here and have them forward the funds to you T.


    P.S.  According to Visa the transaction is routing to MOSCOW.  Joy!

  8. Just tried to get to Payza via Upgrade/Renew/ and Store.  No luck. 


    Sorry, you don't have permission for that!


    The purchase you are trying to renew already has a pending invoice which has expired. Please contact us for further assistance.





    In the meantime, any chance you can lift the PM Messenger limitation?  When the system dumped me from Platinum to Member it rendered my "Huge Mailbox" perk to NO Mailbox since I am over limit.




    Link to Payza? 

  9. The point is that having an armed guard at your daughter's school (as is already the case for schools where most politicians' & celebrities' send their children) will deter all but the truly insane. And, with an armed guard on premesis, your daughter would have a better chance of surviving an attack by the truly insane.

    Again, because criminals who commit crimes, by definition, do not follow laws, there are no perfect solutions. But I have been convinced that having the ability to protect oneself & ones' kin is a better alternative than relying on the government to take legal/political action after lives have been lost.


    I am still failing to see the "armed guard" logic.  For years, banks have had armed guards, and banks still get robbed.  Short of "Secret Service" level protection, the "rent-a-cop" armed guard will just be the first target of the crazy person.


    You also have situations like Aurora Theater shooting where he was wearing body armor.  A non-body armored guard would not stand a chance, other than possibly seeing them coming. 

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