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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Got a link to this news?


    Be interesting to read.









    It seemed to happen with a number of law enforcement agencies...so depending where you read depends on the number closed down...ie server locations


    I think Russians etc did similar ... not sure if Chinese might have...they are much keener than they used to be and crack downs are common place ...

  2. Pete, the order is upside down, most recent at the top.


    Seems to have been posted in the UK, and has arrived in France.


    I wouldn't worry until another couple of weeks are up.


    Nearly all postal services won't investigate until 28 days have passed.



    DOH !!


    What a fool I am :) OK dont everyone join in !! :)



    Well theres your answer French post... :);)

    • Like 1
  3. Good point Pete.


    Hopefully it'll all be OK.


    Got this on order from Angus, an Armida coming from the US from M2M sales, it's a gen so shouldn't be a problem (bet that'll get customs duties), the PP I ordered from Andrew came in a few days, and my finished PO coming from Rolexman.


    That'll be in until the new year! And hopefully for many months into 2014!



    I think the pearl that's in the bezel in the pics Angus has posted looks good, so the one I get will be a spare.


    I think it has changed recently...when I last checked the VAT threshold for imports it was around £40 but now if the value is over £15 then you will get hit for VAT on value plus shipping cost plus the carriers admin fee (PF is £15 and RM is £13 approx) regardless f it being a gift or sample etc etc ;(


    So any package with a value greater than about $24 will get VAT added on the stated value and shipping...(Though dont even deduct the £15 threshld !)


    I might guess some might make it through without charge but in UK we can all expect the surcharge if the senders states anything over $24 ish :(


    Then of course if more you run risk of hitting the Customs tax threshold which adds the commodity percentage on that item including shipping value ..then plus VAT on that total plus admin charge :(   And then of course to add insult to injury they calculate using their own conversion rate !!


    This is a useful tool to calculate customs mate :) (apologies if you have seen it already)



  4. Another pig in a dress......

    I love clone movements but only if they copy the functions and the looks. Not only the looks....



    Ahh! Mate that is very unkind...my mum said I looked lovely in my dress :(



    It is a shame.but until a movemnt maker takes the OP plunge we wont see any functional IH complication movements...

  5. Hi mate


    On these it would be a simple fix... and one you might even manage yourself if you feel confident enough to do it...but certainly dont bother sending it back... it does happen and is part of the game..frustrating i know mte and very annoying but it happens and can happen even to gen watches travelling in postage... did you get QC pics OOI?


    But make sure if you can that it is simply fallen off...


    Have you any local guys that could or would do it ..Do you know?


    If you need to send away then if it is out of your country probably best to wait till after Xmas now with high volumes of post etc.. :)


    If you know no one local and dont want to consider trying it yourself then maybe there might be a member close or in same country as you that might be able to help...


    Do you know any members from the forums near you or in same country? If not then where are you located?

  6. I never knew that about the measuring standard... thanks mate


    I agree and yes you are right about worrying about the bracelet...I hope the same


    I have found with these that your wrist seems to make a difference to how the watch looks compared to gen...so if say the rep is slightly bigger then if you ahve larger wrists than average that inaccuracy of size seems to be lost because of the biiger wrists..


    if that makes sense


    And IMHO its the same if you have a smaller wrist than average... again that very slight difference in size can make the rep size appear more.. if you know what I mean


    If not I will shut up :)



    The dial is really what we need to see..in daylight...to see that texture and that subdial finish...


    I hope it will be as good OTB as those pics might suggest it could be overall... :)


    But no matter I think it would be white for first choice.. :)

  7. Regardless of where ALE gets his info and images from (Google Images or own source), I think the guide is a great starting point (especially for someone like me with little experience on this matter) to start your research with.

    It was never my goal to be lazy, I also did a lot of research on this (and other) forums, but can't seem to find many info on the KW-one. I think it's a new rep? There is a lot of info about the Noob and H-factory ones.


    I think the sausage dial on the KW 005 looks better than the one on the Noob 005, but it's hard to compare the two without proper images/review/comparison..


     I aint sure why you are quoting my post mate especially in relation to what you wrote...


    If you think the lazy quote was aimed at you then I am sure if you reread my comments you will see it wasnt..and nor was it intended to... as for his sources nor did I mention that.. my comment about lazy is to those who rely on it... or treat it as gospel... rather than use it as an aide memoire etc... nothing more mate :)


    All I can see from what you have written is that you seem to re express what I said...



    As for you comments regarding the 005 dial ... well thats a personal opinion fortunately I have had the gen so it is easier for me to make judgements but reaching your own opinion was the main point of what I wrote.. :)


    Making comparisons is there for anyone to do... unfortunately for some it will require an effort to do so and the search of other forums including gen forums and other less obvious sources etc to do so... which in turn will alow that person to reach their own conclusion..



    As for opinions generally it can be subjective as well as the more obvious objectiveness as many details and flaws vary so to simply say one maker is better than another is not unfortunately always the possible... what you end up needing to do unless you go franken or hybrid is for someone to make a selection based on thier own preferences..so the dial may mean more to someone than say the case does or the CG etc


    So when you get guys expressing their opinion usually it is based on those factors rather than specific details..  and is the resason why most guys ask others..it isnt necessarily to say what particular detail is better than another...


    So when a guy posts on here and asks which is curently the best rep version of a particular brand or model that is generally what they get in the replies... whereas if they ask specifics about those versions for example which ahs better dial or which has the better case etc that is where more objectivity can be made.. because it is more focussed and specific


    Just to be clear though the above is a general comment..

  8. :snorkel:



    Muff diving.... :) I'm in !!



    I never knew bakelite could be clear.... I remember the bakelite phones and light switches etc ... but never seen it clear...


    I wonder if that dial has aged much in terms of colour... or is that pretty much the colour tone when new?



    Nice share mate..... I know you sweaty's wouldnt buy gold anything.... afterall you vcant fit it in your wallet and keep it closed !!!  :) :) :balloon:

    • Like 1
  9. :clap2:



    Well done mate.... look forward to seeing what you choose... and please check out the thread I linked above..it is a great way to get involved... :)



    And if like me your are a bit cynical then please dont be... the money isnt for profit...the servers cost a fortune to keep going on a monthly basis :)

  10. Congrats and wear in good health....



    I bet that knowledgeable guy was talking out of his a*rse.....they usually do...I hate those sorts of guys.... dont ask him anything again he obviously aint got a clue...!!


    But me personally I always found them all case.... but there is a lot to be said for "all fur coat and no knickers ! " :)

  11. New member here.. Already bought my first rep and looking for some advise on my second one. Will post later about it.




    remember if you up grade your membership you can get many more features and access much more info and advice...and of course you can post in the trade section too !!



    And if you go to the general discussion forum and look at this thread






    You see there is a great incentive apart from the above to upgrade and its very cheap to do it and also you can do it monthly for just a couple of bucks :)

  12. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a frequent member on RWI but would like to expand to other forums as well. I realized not everyone is on each site. 


    I'm a Trusted Watchsmith over there and would like to see how things are over here too!



    remember if you up grade your membership you can get many more features and access much more info and advice...and of course you can post in the trade section too !!



    And if you go to the general discussion forum and look at this thread






    You see there is a great incentive apart from the above to upgrade and its very cheap to do it and also you can do it monthly for just a couple of bucks :)

  13. very new to the replica watch world.  Hello to all from Edmond Oklahoma.



    ..remember if you up grade your membership you can get many more features and access much more info and advice...and of course you can post in the trade section too !!



    And if you go to the general discussion forum and look at this thread






    You see there is a great incentive apart from the above to upgrade and its very cheap to do it and also you can do it monthly for just a couple of bucks :)

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