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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Spin replied. Phew! I hope he can help me. Might want him to see how I can improve a cartel 6241 too.

    As for the Pam 363, it came off tswatchltd. I believe the name mentioned is Mary in rwi forum.

    I have to confess I have ordered stuff from Henry and he's screwing it up. Sending me a wrong watch. Hard to tell from his pics. Hardly a qc photo. Taking forever to send it to me. For another watch, took my order, my money, and then tells me it's not available. Well, to his credit, he says I can return the wrong watch when it gets to me. And he said he would refund me for the watch he can't get.



    Glad to hear that mate..hopefully he can take your rep up a step :) But check out what others have done...that way you can ask him specifically ...as you dont want to send it to him and get it back and realise that you could have done a bit more .. :)


    Sorry I was thinking in abbreviations when you said that.... I remeber Henry when he was about on the forums so maybe he was a bit better with me because of that..but i aint spoken to him in a while... he was one of the first to start doing QC pics when Chris started at Euro...yet he wasnt on these forums doing it so it was always kudos that he did that for anyone on the net...


    And to be fair nearly every dealer will take the money before they check... and some just get caught out ... thinking it is and it aint anymore even if they bought one the day before from the maker...



    I think a lot of guys get caught in that idea ... thinking dealers have stock of everything on the site or if it says it... as we all know that aint the case.. even from just a common sense or logical POV  let alone knowing this game :)

  2. I guess you want to see the dial texture better?


    Overall its a nice looking OTB rep...there are a few flaws I can see like the DW and thickness plus hands maybe ..dial texture is hard to judge knowing how variable the pics on the site can be to the watch in your hand.. plus I nearly forgot ...superlume :) :)


    Hopefully J or maybe A might have some QC pics soon in their sites sales thread to view and get a better idea...


    I can accept those flaws..I think the only one that might bother me is if it looks to big on the wrist..in terms of height... as the gen always looks so sleak under a cuff.... :)



    Here is one of them for reference of others :)




  3. i prob will have the tracking site favourited lol Im in nz where everthing is done so slow :(

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk


    I have no experience of NZ shipping wise and have never read of anything about it..good or bad...but there are plenty of guys on here that are from round there so help and advice is always at hand.. :)


    I will be very interested to see your comments when the watch is in your hands and with that hindsight in relation to your original post here...and the comments and concerns you raised from the QC pics..


    It would be an interesting take on a newer guys thoughts and expectations.. :)

  4. Pete,

       Having second thoughts but this is our RWG member appreciation raffle so trying for a real solid line up, and this watch fits the bill as a first rate piece!


    Reading back..I am sorry if that line I made came across wrong mate... it certainly wasnt meant too and I am astounded and in deep admiration of the efforts you go to in keeping this place a great place to come and share this great hobby...


    You are the quintessential example of what a great RWG member is mate..and I tip my hat and my respect to you my friend :king:



    I only meant that I would of liked you to get a chance to enjoy the watch as it is a great rep with great wrist presence.... and I only hope that guys getting in on this raffle will appreciate the level of effort and generousity that you bestow on us all and this great community... :clap2:



    I also hope that even if guys have a VIP membership that instead of upgrading maybe they could make a donation however small to keep this place running smoothly... and all of us in this happy home :)


    Maybe guys could justify it not just with the info and help this place can give but also and maybe more tangibly in the money that they save and have saved and potential scamming they have avoided by the existence of this place... and its community :)

  5. I am the same mate... I think its a good sign and I firmly believe we will see better..as in much better IH PAM movements coming next year.. ;)


    I would prefer this in any of the current reps with IH movements... I know they wouldnt be correct gen wise... but the styling is more gen looking to the general eye that might look at it..


    True the 5000 markings etc but the balance etc does it for me in that sense... :)

  6. Pete,

      Left the way you sent to ship properly going off to winner so point kinda mute.



    PS afraid to put on  will like to much!  I buy a lot for Raffles have to be disciplined or I will be over whelmed in watches!


    PSS fatal mistake just took out to look at! :bangin: :bangin: :bangin:



    Sorry mate but I cannot make out what you mean in the first line.... you sound like the guy I speak to on the phone when ordering my curry ! :)

  7. Heyy guys,

    I am wondering if my parcel is lost or is this normal that I have no news since 11/30...

    When I check others tracking on the web, it's written that the same day or one day after the parcel is "RECEIVED to Roissy..."

    ROYAL MAIL Tracking:





    29/11/13 17:00 ACCEPTED AT POL


    Is it also possible that the customs find it ?

    Or there are no control between UK and France


    Thanks for you help



    Customs do check packages within EU but it is much rarer and only happens mainly with suspicious packages or listed addresses or names...( there is a computer that generates tracking info and pulls out any known or previously known names and addresses)


    . It is a very busy time of year and things are slower



    But when it says POL it means that it is in a sorting center.... usually it says the postcode too..


    It can mean 2 things...


    1) either it had an attempted delivery and postman left a notice in your letter box or that you are about to recieve an extra charge for postage or customs (customs not relevant in your case)


    2) It has been sent to the wrong sorting center by RM mistake or by error in the address post code



    I would call Royal Mail and ask if they can check where it was last tracked (location/postcode).... then depending on the answer ask them to help in notiying the location (if mistake or error in address) it is at or by contacting your local sorting office an chasing them up...



    Hopefully it has been packed well enough that no one holding it can tell what it is... no matter what it may be..watch, strap, buckles etc as RM have a lot of part time staff this time of year and things do go walk about with these guys... especially if teh packet is easy to spot ;) Its a big temptation.... and no one can prove if a particular guy stole it ... the RM customer services just assume lost and move on which dont help you but there are so many packages sent everyday they just dont care..

  8. Stick to MM mate... the Cali is a lovely dial but I personally dont like it in the MM case....


    Though if i was playing with options ...I might try blue hands or maybe even gold to pick up the surround of the Cali dial... (Though i doubt I would like the gold but who knows always hard to judge without seeing it)


    Or maybe those hands you have with a Dirty lume... again to pick up the Cali markers...



    But overall I lurv the MM as is... beauty mate.. and works so well on that accordion rather than any other strap style... :)

  9. so i can say i do learn stuff on this forum :)

    Thanks, i just hope customs dont stop me from my new rep :(

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk



    Exactly :)


    Its hard but try not to check your track number for a few weeks.... I have learnt to never check (within reason)... it keeps my heart rate low and makes a nice surpise when it arrives..



    As for customs - I think any delay will more likely be because of EMS generally now or because of the time of year.... Where are you?

  10. +10000 you wouldnt expect to send that back mate and no dealer will send out a watch to replace before they recieve yours back plus they wouldnt swap yours they would just fix it and send it back to you.. :)



    You might want to research yourself in the 'How To;s' just to see how easy it is with the minimal of tools.... ie if you have a screwdriver to change a PAM strap then you have really the main tool you need..the rest you will find round the house :)


    But have a look and see what you think about trying.. you can PM me if you want me to talk you through it :)



    If not you might find a local watchsmith who will do it...or you may find a member close to you that might do it for a few bob.... you can ask around here


    If you send away to a watchsmith then please wait till after Xmas unless he is in the same country.. and quality of your country's postal service is decent  ;)

  11. Ale does go to a lot of effort and for the community as a whole he makes a great contribution... I applaud his time and effort :)


    But a lot of what you read is flawed or based on a false premis.... however as a guide for a noob who dont give 2 hoots about PAMs like alot of guys do and are only bothered about having ' the best sub' then I think its a great source of info... If you want a decent OTB PAM rep and cant be bothered to do your own research and study and learn about the models or the brand yourself then it is a great lazy mans guide..and anyone who relies on it gets what they deserve... ;)


    As for the 005 the best OTB version was the H makers K



    However you will not find one ..or its unlikely so try a WTB if you want something like that...


    If you just want to order one from the dealer then as Hubrisin says go for the current Noob version...which is a decent OTB rep...and I am sure will meet your critical needs ;)

  12. It does open up some amazing possibilities ... but I really dont know enough about them or what the final product looks like to know if it could be used to eplicate external parts of a watch accurately not in terms of shape or size etc but in terms of finish and the look of the original material... ?


    For example using the Hublot ...could the 3D printer create a bezel that could be made to look like the ceramic bezel or any bezel material or would it just be a great shape etc but no look of the gen?


    It might sort out that big flaw of the V6 bezels though that they all have... !!  ... which i wish they would sort out... That edging...always too many cuts compared to gen... and easy to see on the wrist ;(


    At the moment I would be more interested to see if a movemnt could be done...say like a PAM P2000..at the moment the rep stuff aint great but could these printers do the job in some way to help or indeed completely..?

  13. You got a good point here!

    Last year I've waited 6 weeks before I received my watch (December). It was my first rep so the waiting is killing in this month. This year I'm not buying something this month just because of the shipping.. 



    It is for me one of the 2 times in the year I totally avoid ordering anything... and if I do I ask to wait for it to be shipped.... I do the same with stuff coming from modders etc..I have asked Domi to hold off until New Year for a watch i have been waiting for since July !! :) So patience is needed ;)


    And especially more given what some dealers are telling me recently about EMS.... ;)

  14. Anyone who is in the first pre-order batch will be shipped a replacement pearl when they update them.


    Hopefully he'll be in a positiion to start shipping the first batch end of 2nd week in December, the 15th or thereabouts.


    If it goes like the 389 then I reckon most will get shipped with pearl even PreOrders (because of delays and QC issues the CB issue on the 389 caught up with the pre-orders ;) )



    But as a word of warning guys generally....


    Dealers are saying to me and others that EMS is becoming more problematic for them and more packages etc are going missing or being seized...


    If you add that to Xmas business period... not just quantity but remember one of the biggest risks is the additional part time staff brought in that may increase that risk in the shipper themselves plus increased customs staff that are also part time generally drawn from the offices and very very keen !!! ;) then you may well find your risk increasing in shipping over that period..



    So if you have preordered and it will need the pearl update... then I would suggest you tell Angus to wait get the watch sorted with pearl etc and ship after Xmas or same with any order ..



    just my 2 cents for you yanks and my penny's worth for us limeys.... :)


    Before I bought a watch in the puretime, feel good quality, don't know if you have a better place can buy high quality noob and really minimal gap.



    Search here on Trusted dealers sites..they are listed in this section





    And in case you need more help..as I see your English aint great mate :) Here is direct links to the main trusted dealers that guys use....










    You need to search for yourself... they are all good dealers... They all sell watches from same makers.... (They are just dealers not makers)


    If you are not sure what model to buy ... then you must search the brands section for Omega etc and see what guys say are good and bad..but you should search that yourself


    If you find you then have questions then ask in the brand section... but please do some research yourself :)

  16. that links not working? any new ones?


    I believe Angus closed it again mate so all links to the BB are offline



    He did say regarding some of the flaws mentioned that the maker was addressing some of them for the final release..so maybe that pearl might look better on the end issue :)

  17. I was reading yesterday about the 300 odd sites for reps etc that got shut down yesterday...as a clamp down on cyber monday...


    I know RWI aint one .... but wondered if it might have effected any of our hang outs? like dealers etc or was it just the scammers etc...I think it was mainly EU and US servers...

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