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Posts posted by Raijor

  1. Sold my gen Rolex watches save two and used the money for a first class family vacation to Disney World for 10 days. Got way more enjoyment out of the trip than the watches I sold ever gave me. Nothing wrong with buying gens and at the same time having reps. You can have both and enjoy each for what it is. I go through periods where I only wear my gen Datejusts and then periods when I only wear a rep.... just thinking out loud.

  2. I would sell off the gen and buy some higher quality reps which is what I did. I sold off several gens keeping my two favorites and added a stable of quality reps to enjoy and in the process put away thousands of dollars. I saw this a a no brainer move.

  3. Here are my two vintage Rolex Gens. I love the older acrylic crystal Rolexes. I passed on two vintage DRSD reps because I wanted to make room for new reps to a couple of members here and maybe they will post photos.



  4. Ebay's feedback system now prevents sellers from retaliating against buyers who post negative feedback about them ... I tend to think that this seller is concerned that perhaps the dial may not be genuine and is afraid of negative feedback from a knowledgeable buyer. Ebay is essentially fraud-ville when it comes to Rolex and the risk of getting fake parts is there. I have asked sellers to verify authenticity of watches and parts I have purchased on Ebay and never had trouble from sellers over that question. Seems that seller is a little too touchy on the subject. I do not view your questions as out of line.

  5. so are there already 2 versions of this watch out there ? Lanikai states in his review that he has only 12 clicks to his bezel, not 24, and that his bracelet doesn't have the 3 micro adjustments that are clearly visible in your pics.....

    I was really looking forward to getting in on the 2nd batch of these, but if they're not going to be correct hand stack versions, I won't.....does it make fiscal sense for the factory to engineer this movement for so few watches, then stop ?

    Watchmark claims to be getting this model in too...is it possible that Josh/Andrew just got first dibs on distributing the 1st batch ?

    Given that Doc's watch suddenly stopped and later started again it makes sense to me that these movements were problematic and the factory decided to go back to the more reliable non-correct hand stack version. It is a possible explanation for the change. Personally I prefer reliability in this case over the more accurate hand stack. I hope that Doc's movement settles in to work OK for him.

  6. The disclaimer on the dealers website states that these replica watches "Are meant for novelty purposes only". Indeed, they are novelties, and by and large, they are fairly well made copies of the real thing. The genuine GMT is around 9K in US dollars and the rep is 388.00 Most Rolex reps are a couple hundred bucks, but this one has a ceramic bezel. That feature drives the price up as ceramic watch making is quite costly. Again, the rep watches we buy are not bad at all for the prices, if those who want to pee and moan about every tiny detail, then buy the genuine, otherwise taking this hobby so seriously defeats the purpose.

    Very well said :good:

  7. :clap3::clap3:

    well said.


    you now what police use to sedue combativ or threatning people?

    They use pepper spray or CS gas if you feel so unsafe a knife is by far the worst thing to use or have..

    I have used most stuff also against others and by far the best product was pepper spray..Pepper spray is so easy to use and gives you time to get away or if you have other agenda do him good..Also against dogs it is very good me as a dog owner have it to combat dogs that is not on leach so their will be no fight against my dog as my dog woud never lose its just a better option for both partys.

    If you need any points to where to get it i can give it to you police grade stuff no weak bs stuff, my mom even my grandma has pepper spray :lol:

    Sorry for the OT.



    you now what police use to sedue combativ or threatning people?

    They use pepper spray or CS gas if you feel so unsafe a knife is by far the worst thing to use or have..

    Ok .. thanks for the heads up Dani .. We have a Cabellas store where I live and I will pick some pepper spray up. CS gas is illegal in Canada.

  8. A Kubotan does not kill, a knife does. Are you prepared to go to the ultimate extreme and take another person's life? Does a drunk deserve to be killed because he has gotten a bit rowdy and scared you? Are you prepared to give a robber the means to kill you if you pull out a knife and try to fight back and fail? Sure, a knife is a good visual deterrent but are you prepared for the sensation of sinking steel into living flesh if the deterrence does not work? If you pull a knife out, self defence or otherwise, you make sure you are emotionally prepared to use it.

    A Kubotan does not kill, a knife does

    I beg to differ on this point

    Are you prepared to go to the ultimate extreme and take another person's life?

    I don't know ... hope I never have to find out

    Does a drunk deserve to be killed because he has gotten a bit rowdy and scared you?

    I did not fight with him or use a weapon on him ... I ran arournd house with him desirous of laying his hands on me and I called the police to remove him.

    Are you prepared to give a robber the means to kill you if you pull out a knife and try to fight back and fail?

    I would prefer not to.

    Sure, a knife is a good visual deterrent but are you prepared for the sensation of sinking steel into living flesh if the deterrence does not work?

    I am not a trained killer so will I have to cross that bridge when and if I ever come to it. I would prefer the option of putting a 9mm into into a bad guy intent on hurting me or my family but I live in Canada and we can not legally carry hand guns.

    If you pull a knife out, self defence or otherwise, you make sure you are emotionally prepared to use it.


  9. I don't think he carries a "blade" to feel like a "tough guy," I think it is a self-defense tool to be used as a last-resort during a time of emergency. Furthermore, brandishing a weapon and slicing up a crook are two very different variations of the term "use". It is unlikely that most people would need to resort to doing the latter, but when it does happen, it could mean the difference between life and death. I have similar security "systems" strewn discreetly throughout my home for this very purpose. Life in London is very different than life in North America, and while you might not see a need to carry a weapon, somebody living in a heavy crime zone region of the United States surely does.

    So very true ... the world has changed very much since I was a teenager ... Carjackings and home invasions never existed.

  10. What I'm saying is that only fools carry knives and 9 out of 10 times those that carry them don't have the stones to use them. Does it make you feel like a tough guy carrying a blade?

    There does that make you feel better now that you got that out?

    I have not been in a physical altercation since I was a teenager some thirty years ago and hope that I never get into one again. My first preference is to avoid problems when ever possible and I have no difficulty saying I would rather run than fight. I am a home builder and often am alone in my show home working late in the evening and meeting with strangers for the first time in a vacant home.

    My preference would be to carry a concealed hand gun for personal protection, however, in Canada extremely restrictive gun laws make this impossible. I carry a 6 inch Kubotan on my key ring and a CRKT folding Tanto in my pocket both for personal protection.

    In the past 3 years 2 real estate agents in my city have been beaten up and robbed. I have been chased around my show home by a drunk who could not run as fast angry as I could scared. he had to be evicted by the local constabulary.

    My wife and daughter carry key ring Kubotans because I believe that it is better to be prepared than to believe nothing can happen. There are bad people in the world who are armed and want to hurt other people and take away the things that they have and they will use violence to get what they want. Why should they be the only ones armed?

    I certainly feel better making clear my side.

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