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Posts posted by Raijor

  1. Yes until some gangster draws a glock in your face and he has no regards to pull the trigger.

    Its easy to draw a gun but much worse to use it..I never wear a knife or gun its illegal but thats not the reason i just think you have far more chance to get into problems when having such things on you then if you don't have it..I leave such items in my house..

    Hella 4000 HIDS is those the big headlights? truck,Kimber gun, big headlights i aiint gone do a psychoanalysis on that. :p



    Any weapon in the hands of a trained person is only as dangerous as that person wants it to be at any moment in time. A weapon in the hands of an untrained person is inherently dangerous all the time. I agree a person who does not know what they are doing will end up in more trouble than it is worth carrying a weapon. However, a trained person is a weapon and a "knife or gun" is just an extension of them and there is nothing wrong with that. I never leave home without my folding Tanto.

  2. Heck of a story but I am curious ... would you have shot them if they had turned and run away after you "inform them that it would be in both of their best interest that they kneel immediately and interlock their fingers behind their heads." ?

  3. @Raijor:

    Now, that looks like an interesting list. I've read a bit of Bateson as well as the (I believe it was) Stanford/Santa Cruz? group that he was associated with, and although it was I long time ago, I remember that it was good.

    I don't know if it's related information, but the Systemic Analyist Mony Elkheim drew on Bateson's work to develop his theories of the interactions in dysfunctional families which I greatly enjoyed reading - being an entire dysfunctional family unto myself.

    Your descriptions make me want to Google up some info on these guys and see what's up with them; thanks for posting them.

    A lot of great thinkers stood on Bateson's shoulders to look out and see where they could go with their own theories. Bandler and Grinder site him as a primary influence along with Dr Milton Ericson and Virginia Satir. I happen to live in Virginia Satir's home town and know people who worked with her. She was considered a brilliant family therapist who could help people make changes in one session after years dysfunction and inability to change. Dr Ericson's work as a psychiatrist led him to be known as the father of of clinical hypnosis. Another brilliant man who helped people make big changes in their lives after years of inability and to then be able to live better and happier lives.

    Another person I should have mentioned in my post is Dr Robert Cialdini who teaches at the University of Utah. He has devoted his academic career to studying compliance by people in social interaction. He and his grad students have spent years creating experiments to determine why people comply with requests from others in various social interactions. I can no longer just go on auto pilot when I hear or read the word "Because" with out carefully thinking about what comes after it because of his work. It is brilliant stuff.

  4. So far, the 2 cheapest places I have found for apparantly genuine croc straps is panatime and internationalwatchman.

    1)PANATIME - 24mm black croc with white stitching $49.99


    2)INTERNATIONALWATCHMAN - 24mm black croc black stitching for PAM $45.00


    3)INTERNATIONALWATCHMAN - 24mm black croc regular $35.00


    Can anyone give their opinion on which one I should go for for the best quality?

    I own the Panatime black crocodile with white stitching and it is the most comfortable crocodile strap I have owned. I wear it on my Ferrari and it is a looker. Generally I prefer the large scale alligator to the small scale crocodile but I lobe the Panatime strap as it is. I also have the International Watch Man tank with white stitching crocodile strap and it is also very high quality but I prefer the Panatime. Cheers

  5. I own a couple of small businesses. I am a custom home builder which takes my main focus. Also, I have an import business that is run by my wife. We bring in products from China under our own brand name which we sell to retailers in Canada ... we have a line of women's silk bags and purses and men's wristwatches and have a casual clothing line for men which is along the lines of Tommy Bahama's silk shirts, shorts and pants which higher end men's shops then add their own label to and sell as their own. China is an amazing place. We are now working on importing a line of gardening products for the retail market in Canada.

  6. ... John Grinder co-developer of the the Neuro-science NLP. A linguist who co-wrote the books The Structure of Magic : Vols 1 and 2 which offers the methodology to a complete breakdown of English communication by native speakers allowing non-linguists to understand the structures of language. He also wrote the book Turtles all the way Down which breaks down the nature of thinking by Genius and then describes the thinking model and methodology used by geniuses so that it may be replicated by the people like myself who need a little help. Thanks John.

    ... Richard Bandler co-developer of the Neuro-science NLP A computer programmer who co-wrote the books The Structure of Magic : Vols 1 and 2 which offers the methodology to a complete breakdown of English communication by native speakers allowing non-linguists to understand the structures of language.

    ... Gregory Bateson deceased.... anthropologist ... social scientist .... linguist .... and cyberneticist whose work intersected that of many other fields and on whose shoulders many great minds stood.

    ... Fr. Malachi Martin PhD deceased ... Catholic Exorcist ... received doctorates in the Semitic Languages, Archeology and Oriental History.... former Jesuit ... expert on the Catholic Church ... a man who shone a light into the darkest recesses of the Catholic Church in search of the truth.

  7. I live in Canada and we have a long history of good relations with the U.S. and I believe that they will continue regardless of who is elected President. We are similar people with similar values who came from the same parentage. I believe that we in Canada view America much like a family member views a successful older sibling ... sometimes with admiration and sometimes with envy ... but in the end we are family and because of that we will always stick together and will always have a common connection.

  8. I own my own business and set the dress code by what I wear ... always casual golf wear. Where I live there are only two seasons that count. Long cold winters and long hot summers. So people here dress accordingly. I gave up suits and ties a long time ago and do not miss them one bit. Almost all my watches are sport models and go with a casual look.

  9. I find it odd that a photo would be required from a person in order to use an on-line payment service. No transactions are taking place in person where the photo could be used to verify that the person using the account is the person in the photo. I can not figure this one out. :huh:

  10. The point I am trying to make is that when wearing a $4000+ watch, the rest of the outfit has to match somewhat... the same way as you dont wear slippers with a suit.

    I disagree .... wear whatever you want with whatever you want and create your own style. I do not see how not dressing up to the perceived value of the watch is somehow inappropriate.

  11. Thanks to the friends

    I have suspected that watchmakes is a scam. But the photos are very good, more detailed than other sites. A collector is possible that dont know that the watches are identical as $ 200/300 reps from rwg dealers

    watchmaker9 states with a disclaimer that the photos of the Yacht-Master on his site are those of a gen Rolex

  12. I took the following from his web site. It is a rip-off. you can buy the BK Yacht-Master for much, much less and have a watch that is equally good or better. Try the search function and do some research otherwise you will get taken.

    Grading: Super Grade 1, (AAAA) Estimated Market Value: $2,100 ~ $2,500 US dollar

    This is complete B.S. This estimated market value is fiction.

    Final Price After Launching Date: USD$675
    The BK Yacht-Master is much less money.
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