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Posts posted by duke1973

  1. I have 2 of them, one from Toro (superlumed new model) and one from PC that was supposed to be the "improved" version.....They are both the exact same watch with HORRIBLE rehaut! I don't think there is an improved version? I looked at the latest QC pics posted on PC and my watch is that exact same watch, the way they held the watch during the QC pics just hides the awful rehaut. I held my watch up to the monitor in the same position/angles of their QC pics and it looks the same. I'm 99% sure I have the same watch as in their updated QC pics, the watch is nearly as good as my SSD V2 in every aspect exept that horrible wokky rehaut!

    I would love to see your QC pics by PM if you don't want post them here. I will send you pics of my two also....

  2. He's giving you the run around, file the dispute, get your money back and consider it a "lesson learned"......I've already had 2 bad transactions on the rep forums in just a few months of buying. I bought and sold over 100 watches on gen forums and never had the first issue? (Go figure?) The first deal was just like yours, I was promised the watch would ship for well over 2 weeks then he fell silent for 2 weeks, I had just days left to file a claim when I did....The mods got involved and he never answered them either, so he was banned..

    The second one was a real pisser, I found a Super Sea Dweller after months and months of searching. I paid the HIGH asking price immediately without consern because he had excellent feedback. 2 days go by and I get a message saying, get this [censored].... "I've refunded your money, I was at the PO getting ready to ship your SSD when I opened my car door and it fell out of my lap right in to a storm drain!!" He goes on to say, "I tried everything to get it back but the storm drain grate is welded down and I can't get to it" I also called the city to see if they can help me get it back but I doubt they will"....."I will keep you updated if I get it back"....

    Yeah right, F--king LIAR!! He sold it someone else who offered more money!! It would've been fine for me if he would've just told the truth and gave me a chance to up my bid but no he had to come up with an extravagant LIE! What some people will do is just beyond me???

  3. The more I think about this the madder I get.....This is total CRAP! I'm going to email Trusty and ask Josh/Andrew what the deal with this "improved" SD rehaut is? If they say it's fixed I'm calling bull s--t!! I'll send them pics of what I received and show them it's NOT fixed, it's the same watch from the old QC pics...

    I'll let all of you know what they say, although it may be a couple of weeks before I get a response.....

  4. The SAME EXACT watch........I said on another forum that I thought it was strange that the were able to totally rework the rehaut in such a short time. I mentioned I thought they might have used old pictures or photoshopped the old ones... The elder members over on the other forum totally defended Andrew and said he has never been un trustyworthy. Well IMO, THIS is misleading and ttoally unacceptable [censored]!

    It's going back........

  5. This thread seems to be about the first version that was pulled. What about the updated version witth better rehaut?

    I supposedly have one of the "newer" ones coming also.....It was ordered from Trusty time the same day they posted the updated pics. It will be here today according to the tracking.

    I'll update the thread with new pictures of it if it's different.

    • Like 1
  6. E,

    That's what I'm thinking. I'll swap this dial and hands into the SSD I have now. The lume is awesome on this one! The dial is the same diameter as the SSD so it should fit. It appears the caseback is the same size also.

    So my intial plans for this one look to be good to go! (initial plans were to use the caseback, dial, hands for the SSD cases we bought as "parts"....for those who are wondering?)

  7. Well this one arrived today, just some Q&D's for you guys. The rehaut is wokky but it looks like the crystal makes a lot worse than it it. When looked at from dead on the rehaut doesn't appear to be so wokky. the farther I hold the watch away from my eyes the worse it gets? So that's why I think the crystal distortion is making look much worse than it is.

    The crown guards need to be shaved but are not stubby like we thought. The lugs at 2 and 7 o'clock are not finished properly, looks like they forgot to brush them? I don't think the bracelet is alll that bad, it's really close to my SSD bracelet. the end links look decent to me.

    The superlume is good but not great like C3 superluminova, it will last all night though.

    Gotta go to work so I'll let you experts take over from here.....post-39931-0-66766900-1327543170.jpgpost-39931-0-23918900-1327543197.jpgpost-39931-0-99286800-1327543210.jpgpost-39931-0-10527200-1327543224.jpgpost-39931-0-15008500-1327543240.jpgpost-39931-0-82193500-1327543258.jpg

  8. I was also talking about the rep on my arm with the greenish looking lume.....I couldn't tell from your initial pics if yours was a gen or rep anyway.... The pic was a little too small to tell the color of the lume.

    The gen is a great watch but after wearing the rep, I'll never spend the money on another gen U1. IMO there's no sense in it, the rep has the same exact movement (well, almost 2836 rep/2824 gen) and the case construction is SPOT ON to the gen. Just the lume and red hands are agive away and no one will ever call you out on those unless it's side by side with a gen....

    GEN U1 $2000 plus.......REP U1 $200 or less......

  9. I'm absolutely positive about the white C1 lume. According to the Sinn experts over on WUS that's why Sinn uses the weaker C1 instead of C3 because of the snow white color of the C1. The C3 SL has a green daytime tint.

    The 2 gens I had (U1) both had sub-par lume IMO. That's ultimately why I flipped them. I have to have good lume on my watches, it's just a pet peave of mine. That's why this rep scene is getting so expensive for me, between getting the best model rep and then modding it with expensive gen parts I also have to send the damn thing off for a re-lume (another $150 bucks) just to satisify my pet peeve....

  10. I'll save you all the trouble, I have this watch sitting in customs right now! I ordered it on Jan. 16th from trusty....I also ordered the same updated watch from Toro and he has some better pictures posted of it on his site. (I don't even know his web site address but I saw it linked by someone else) Oh and it's in customs right now too! I should have both in my hands in a few days so I'll post pics of both individually and each beside my SSD V2.....

    Should be an interesting comparison!

  11. Can't tell from the picture but does the lume on the dial have green tint to it? If so, that's the first thing you have to fix! The GEN has stark white lume on the hands and dial and this is the BIGGEST tell of the rep.

    I've owned 2 GEN U1's and just yesterday received my first rep U1. I have say the rep is VERY good! The only thing I plan to do to mine is a dial/hands/pearl relume and it will be VERY ahrd to tell that it's a rep!! The AR on the crystal is really good too!

    Here's a couple of pics of my old gen... The other thing I noticed is the red on the hands and dial printing is a little more orange looking on the gen as where on the rep it's bright red.


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