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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. i could never compete with TTK - love em or hate em his photos were phenomenal

    No I thought they were pretty poor actually. It takes no imagination whatsoever to buy a really expensive camera, really expensive light tent, and push some buttons. His photos lacked creativity. You can have the best equipment and the most "perfect" looking photo but without a motif or theme that personalizes it the picture is merely a reference and fails to qualify as anything artistically worthwhile.

  2. Wear them, bump them, scratch them, knock them. They are but things.

    If wearing an Ebel makes you smile, don't deny yourself the pleasure because it might get scuffed up.

    Some guy on Timezone once posted a close-up photo of his $50,000 annual calendar. It was completely scuffed up with bruises and scratches - but he loved it, and so did everyone else. A watch you love is meant to be an extension of you: your personal style, taste, and passion. At the end of the day, every mark is a piece of history - the history of your life. How exciting and memorable it is ten or twenty years down the line depends on you.

  3. Josh has always provided me with excellent service; and while I seriously believe the watch you buy would come with all the proper engravings, the price-tag is ABSURD and you are much MUCH better getting it from Narikaa, or another local dealer who will do on-site QC instead of drop-shipping. Just to make sure.

    What are these dealers thinking?

    Because we're in a recession they release a $400 SS Longines rep and a $1,300 QUARTZ?????? To all of you who said the recession would bring in great savings for our hobby: looks like the same ol' same ol' from where my lazy butt is sittin'.


    Josh is a GOOD DEALER, and a GOOD PERSON. I just simply cannot afford to buy counterfeit watches from him anymore. Ha! Didn't think I'd ever say THAT.

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