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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. China is in an economic position where they're coming out of where we were last century and want to catch up *quickly*.


    Whilst they're learning and improving production techniques an easy way of saving money doing that and having half decent goods is to skip the damned expensive design stage and copy other items.


    A lot of western stuff IS made in China which means there are factories out there that have all the western technology and very high QC controls, etc, but they're far from common and require a large cash injection from the west.


    China is famous for copying anything. Cars, TVs, watches, shoes, trainers, drugs, phones, etc, etc.


    I think they will have caught up with the west in another 20 years, maybe 10, the quality of "non western comissioned" goods will be just as good and use their own designs. The prices will go up as they start having to pay the workers more and doing their own designs but will still be cheap, and the competition will drive down western good prices. A side effect of that is they will need to improve their ethics to be universally accepted, so replica cars, phones and watches will vanish in 10 years I think.

  2. "Currently got these two in it.

    If anyone knows any other micro brands PM me! Mike? You must know millions!" I have a ton and own most of them :bangin: :bangin: :bangin: ....................will get them to you.

    And the man certainly did! 14 in there now :)

    Support the micro brands! The TDs might make the factories stop upping the prices if we buy less reps! (They're the same price as micro brand gens now)

    What about EsDee's amazing watches? I've got a bronze beast from him & it's a fantastic build.

    Got a URL? Not heard of EsDee?

  3. Absolutely gorgeous.


    Love the delicate, intricate hands, and the movement.


    I've seen a couple of these movements on EBay and I can see the hammer on the right hand side of the common pivot point, most movements have a matching hammer on the left hand side, but these movements have this strange things that looks a bit like a speed regulator that wizzes round fast?


    What on earth is it?


    Really looking forward to the video and wrist shots!


    You must be very happy this one is coming back home to be used and admired!

  4. "

    Policy Updates


    This page informs users in advance of important changes to the PayPal service, its User Agreement, or other policies. This page displays policy updates with future effective dates. Go to Past Policy Updates for previous policy updates.


    Amendment to the PayPal User Agreement

    Effective Date: Jun 17, 2014



    Nothing in there about these changes being specific to the UK or EU.


    There are some changes to some cut off times for transactions (so they will happen the next business day) that mentioned Greece, Ireland, Hungary and Czech Republic but that's it.


    I'm guessing these changes are worldwide (as far as local law allows them)

  5. Buyer protection changes are worrying though:-



    PayPal Buyer Protection

    With effect from a date to be confirmed by PayPal in due course (falling on or after the Effective Date), section 13 will be amended to make several improvements to the PayPal Buyer Protection policy. The amendments will:
    improve the conditions of reimbursement under PayPal Buyer Protection for PayPal users registered as UK residents by:

    1. increasing the time allowed for buyers to raise a Dispute from 45 days to 180 days from the date on which payment was made; and
    2. extending the range of eligible purchases to cover :
      1. intangible items (including, without limitation, rights of access to digital content and other licences) ;
      2. services; and
      3. travel tickets (including, without limitation, airline flight tickets); and
    3. for all users contracting with PayPal under the User Agreement, clarify:
      1. the conditions for reimbursement under PayPal Buyer Protection if you are a buyer (including, without limitation, your requirements to cooperate with PayPal if a problem with a purchase is reported to PayPal);
      2. the extent of your potential liability under PayPal Buyer Protection if you are a Payment Recipient (i.e. a seller)
      3. the nature and scope of PayPal’s discretionary role in providing PayPal Buyer Protection;
      4. the choices you have to resolve a problem with a purchase without involving PayPal; and
      5. by way of notice, that in certain cases the proceeds of a buyer’s payment to a UK based Payment Recipient for event tickets may be held on trust for (i.e. for the benefit of) the buyer, to ensure that they can get their money back through PayPal, subject to further conditions, if the event does not take place on the scheduled date.



    The buyer can claim upto 6 months after the sale!!




    "If I am a Payment Recipient? If PayPal makes a final decision on the buyer’s problem in the buyer’s favour, you will be liable to PayPal for the amount that PayPal may reimburse to the buyer. PayPal shall not be obliged to refund your PayPal or eBay fees associated with the transaction. In some cases (for instance, if you lose a SNAD Claim because the item you sold is counterfeit) you might not receive the item back from the buyer (for instance, it may be disposed of or otherwise irreversibly dealt with)."


    They're basically saying if you're selling rep (anything), you have to refund the money and have no expectations of the item being returned.


    Interestingly items that are "Custom made items" do not fall under the PP Buyer Protection program...


    And payments made in more than one installment are also not covered.


    It said something about these terms & conditions, one sec and I'll quote that bit.

  6. Just read this from PP:-


    Seller Protection Programme

    Section 11.1 is amended to clarify the scope of the Seller Protection Programme. The amended section 11.1 reads as follows:

    “11.1 What is PayPal seller protection?

    If you are the recipient of a payment made by a customer ("Payment Recipient"), we may reimburse you an amount for Claims, Chargebacks, or Reversals made against you based on the following reasons:

    a. A Chargeback or Reversal was issued against you for the reason of an “Unauthorised Payment”; or

    b. A Chargeback or Claim was issued against you for the reason of “Not Received”,

    where PayPal receives from you proof that the item was posted or delivered in accordance with the requirements set forth below, subject to the further provisions of this section 11 (including, without limitation, the Eligibility Requirements at section 11.6)."


    So if someone doesn't receive the goods and the buyer does a PP claim and wins, if you have proof of postage, or proof of delivery, PP will "reimburse you an amount" for the buyers chargeback.


    Don't know the section 11 it's referring to, don't know the details on the amount they'll reimburse you for? I can't see it being the full amount, if it was PP would be offering it's own postal insurance service for free - and there's no chance they're doing something for nothing!!


    A little glimmer of hope though.


    • Like 1
  7. If you read my sig. and use the app in it, it will give you a list of all the dealers on this (or any other) rep site.


    As you're a new user, please ONLY use the dealers who are registered at this site (in the lower left box, click on the RWG Forum box and make sure the rest are NOT checked). Doing so gives you protection via the moderators and admin if anything should go wrong - it's not common to need this help but it can be invaluable if you need it.


    Also please DO click on the links to the RWG forums for the dealers and have a good read of them, and also the feedback forums for the dealer. (at the top of the dealers forum page)

  8. His MacBook has died - battery swollen up and dead - replacement has been ordered and will be with him in a few days.


    He has very limited connectivity via his iPhone to the forums (he posted this message on RWG.bz), but NO access to email, so if you have sent a PM or an email or are expecting an email, or an update in your photo album showing work done, bear with him whilst he gets the MacBook back up and running!


  9. This is the one I bought






    It's great for the price.


    The bottom row of winders can only take thin watches as they're close to the perspex front - thick watches actually touch the perspex as they are rotating (not a problem for the watch as metal and sapphire is harder than perspex)


    It does make slight juddering noises as some of the "turrets" aren't perfectly central and at times touch the sides - I think just taking them out (they clip in and out easily) and putting some light grease around them will shut this up, but I'm half deaf so never hear it when sleeping :)

  10. The problem with UK or EU people using dollars is if we work it out when placing the ad, and then a week later sell the item, the exchange rate may have changed and we could lose out.


    And "that's what the dealers have to do" doesn't wash as I'm me and they are them and we're not joined at the hip :)


    I'll put my prices in £ and say "using exchange rate at <xyz date> this is $xxx, the actual dollar amount will be recalculated when the item is bought".

  11. I've had winders for over a year now.

    The current one is a 12 watch winder which is full.

    If I only had a small winder the other watches not on it just wouldn't get worn as I consider it a pain to correct the day, date and time each morning as I rotate around them.

    So for me the choice is:-

    1 Have a winder and get the majority of watches serviced when they need it, and have all my (auto) watches keep the correct time and date.

    2 Have no or a small winder and have 25 watches sitting there never being worn as they all need setting.

    I feel the second choice is daft, why bother buying those watches? They won't get used. Buy a decent winder and enjoy ALL my watches :)

  12. And if it turns up at the dealers after another 8 weeks you'll update this thread?

    I know it seems an absolute age, but for some perverse reason the shipping TO the dealer in china can take 3 months, sometimes 6-7.

    I suppose it is the simple fact that the dealers actual location obviously has to stay secret, so where you send to may be a PO box or something like a private house of someone who's paid a few dollars to accept them, that'll all take time.

  13. Hi all,


    Just added a new category "Gen Micro Brands" which has got 14 manufacturers in it so far.


    Check them out, some cool watches and most at the same price as the "super" reps we're seeing now!



    Link in my signature to download the app (Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1), install, run it, let it grab the most upto date data and play around and view the bookmarks and info :)



    Big thanks to MOAB for supplying the info for the new category!


  14. Olivier watches is no more. He took a bunch of peoples $ and never delivered. Nor will he respond to any emails. Very peculiar how he burned so many bridges.

    Really? Their website is still up. Last (and only) comment on it from them was April last year.


    Ok, removed from my RWIT tool then!


    Thanks for the heads up.

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