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Posts posted by archibald

  1. Indeed ;)

    The funniest thing is that the Ferrari is NOT advertised as a 1:1 .. Probably because the market is not so big for it.

    The Ferrari isn't 1:1 either because the movement isn't decorated like the gen, but I like V's term "spot on" anyway since it leaves a little room for insiginificant or fixable flaws. The more interesting question to me anyway is why aren't more reps spot on? Case in point: They make a Graham I-Wish-I-Were-A-Porn-Star Chronofighter as good as any rep ever made and completely botch a new round of automatic PAMs that they've been doing versions of for 5 years.

  2. I heard that the actual cost to Rolex to build a stainless steel submariner is just under $500usa for parts, materials and labour etc. Then they turn around and sell them all day long for $5000 haha must be nice to make that kind of profit!


    If they made that kind of profit Richemont stock would be outpacing google by 10000%. Don't forget, to sell that watch w/ an MSRP of $5500, Rolex has to probably buy $1500 per piece worth of advertising in every major magazine in the world.

  3. Of course there's no intrinsic value to a standard Muller (or a Panerai, Brietling, IWC, or any other mass produced watch that uses ETA movements) that makes it worth even a fraction of it's MSRP in terms of labor and materials. The value is from brand cachet and brand cashet alone. You guys have been around here long enough to know that. You could make the argument that a say, a 13k 2892 powered muller will at least tend to be made out of gold making it's intrisnic value much higher than a steel 7750 powered PAM 212 that sells for the same price, but that's neither here nor there. What we like ispurely a matter of taste and what we pay is purely a matter of the market. The great thing about reps is that we non-hedge-fund managers don't have to worry. We can buy super-accurate reps of whatever ETA poiwered watches we like to our heart's content, never paying a second's attention to whether some marketing consultant of some big european luxury goods conglomerate is yanking our chains.

  4. There is only one way to handle the "is it real" question, which is the turn-around: "What do you think?" If they say, "real" you say, "good answer" or something else non-committal and walk away. If they say fake, you say "why?" If they reply, "well, the date font is wrong, the crossbars on the A's are too low, and the cannon pin in not flush" you've been busted by a rep collector and/or WIS and you can feel free to start talking about watches, why you buy reps, etc. If they say something idiotic like "the bracelet is too light" or "it's ticking" you chuckle condescendingly and say, "real or fake wouldn't matter a bit to you because you wouldn't know a real one from a $20 fake" and walk away.

    But I think your situation illustrates rule #1a or rep wearing--onlt wear reps of gens at least a small percentage of your friends would believe you own. Our friendshas a pretty good idea of our spending habits by what car we drive wear we live, our clothes, etc as well as a rough idea of our income based on what we do for a living, etc. That fact of life combined with the chickiepoo's proximity and your answer to his question made it a no lose situation for him to bust your balls. Live and learn: I suspect because you said that your dad gave the yachtie to you that you're a fairly young guy, maybe just starting out in your career. If I'm right, and you were wearing a Carrera or a Speedy date instead of an 8k platiunum and steel Rolex this never would have been an issue.

  5. Does anybody have any decent images of a 1950-style case that I could use for a CAD project I'm working on? A 6152 would be great (I've seen the scans of an uncased 6152, but the perspective is really distorted), but a Fiddy case is very close. Ideally, I'm looking for blueprints - but if anybody has any decent images of the top and all sides with minimal distortion, I'd really appreciate it. All will become clear with regards to the project!

    While you're at it, can you do a CAD file of the mainplate and bridges of a c.240? :lol:

  6. yes, there will be a bit of overhang on the ID. I don't know the exact measurement, but the axis of the Rolex date disc and number layout is smaller than ETA. That is why the overlay is used.

    Here is an example of the 12892 with a 3135 date disc attached as overlay. The layout is correct in your picture, that is how they have to be made.


    The ID of the overlay is 14mm. You want to go with the most rigid material available. Since these will be screen printed a WIDE variety of very rigid materials should be available. MBW uses painted metal, which creates a verry shitty print IMO, but there are many kinds of specialized plastic print media that will work great using the latest screen printing inks.

  7. Yes on all four watches... + the Panerai Radiomir automatic please ... and a quality rep of the JLC Compressor series! :rolleyes:

    Just tried on the Black Seal Automatic---my favorite new PAM by a wide margin. 100% class. I know the rep makers will undoubtedly find something to screw up given their recent performance on PAMs, but it's going to be hard to find something they can completely ruin. All they'd have to do is rework the existing black seal case to fit the A7750, add a solid back, copy the existing dial adding a date window, use the make a cyclops sandwich, and toss the pretty-good font DW on the 7750.

  8. personally i don't trust a man who can't handle a drink or two...

    and i find it unseemly to have a president who brags that he can't handle his booze ;)

    Or one who doesn't drink, except at superbowl parties...


    Love the Big Dog video!!! Shows exactly why his approval rating was 2x higher the day he was 'impeached" than Bush's is during wartime.

  9. Wow. Thanks for the pics. Perhaps there will be a tourbillon in my future. I would settle for a single though. :lol:

    I guarantee watches like this are why the Swiss rushed to change the "Swiss Made" rules---they know how patriotic large corporations are and were worried that there'd be a seagull in every mass produced hiigh end "swiss-made" watch.

  10. I thought there were still some issue with the "ultimate" rep that they were still correcting?

    GT XL 2007 Ultimate comparison

    Am I wrong?


    I'm thinking we won't see this till after CNY. Hopefully the delay is caused by them saying, "You know, arch won't buy this unless the rehuat in engraved like the gen, and we can't have that. Fire up the CNC, boys! And work through Chinese New Year to get i done right!!!"

  11. I've been after one of these since I started collecting.

    I hope they do the new one, the squarada or whatever it's called, both because the duo, dport, etc are way too small and because you can get a used gen for $2200 or so which makes modding an expensive rep a no go for me.

  12. :bangin: Nevermind....I hate this about pictorials...perspective can play serious tricks on the human eye. a couple degrees of angle difference between the photos and a difference in size/lighting just fooled me big time...the bezels are damn close, sorry to waste everyone's time!

    Actually, I noticed the bezel teeth, too which is what I was referring to above. But you're right, the shape of the teeth is not very visible on the wrist since most views people get are top down without the benefit of 10X pics, which mitigates the problem considerably.

  13. This is getting very wierd:

    Just came accross a pic posted by someone trying to sell a 104I. The back checks out, but the dial has the high L SWISS and open 6....The only explanation is OP changed dials during the run, right? Still, it looks like the rep factories worked their usual magic--putting the wrong text w/ the wrong number. I hear that DSN has been working with a member who's knowledge of PAMs I trust completely, so I have high hopes that we still have a goos chance at an near 1:1 104.


  14. I've been toying with the idea of producing a new 6 mm cyclops with proper magnification that would be suitable for the 29,63,etc. I could use a couple spares myself. If there's enough demand, it might be worthwhile. And besides, then people wouldn't have to use a rep of my previous cyclops that was sized for newer PAMs only. ;)

    Great idea!!!

    BTW, no need for any kind of AR on the 29 since the gen had none.

  15. I don't know about these SpeedMaster Chrono pushers @ 2 & 4 o'clock position...

    seems like they're gonna fall off anytime soon...

    looks quite fragile.

    W/ a used gen price a little over a grand, this rep doesn't leave a lot of leeway for modding, but if they get it as close as the pics look I'll definitely pick one up.

  16. You guys crack me up. People cry all the time. Even Cheney, when Halliburton stock goes down. BTW, of course it was staged. Of course it worked.

    The important thing is now you Repubs are stuck w/ Romney, which makes our primary mute 'cause any of the three wins by at least 5. Sell the stocks boys, the commies are taking over... :lol:

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