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Posts posted by Nebakanezzar

  1. In the real world, synthetic sapphire means sapphire. This isn't a cultural term open to interpretation. Do you check every bottle labelled "water" to make sure it actually is water?

    I do infact, because there are infact different types/grades of bottled water all labeld as water...some is spring water, some is distiled water, some has additives ect.

    but this is not the real world. the reality of this world is, this is an underground criminal activity..dealing with people of a different culture who speak a different language...

    As for Asian vs Swiss ETA, check google. No dealers here use the term for the colour, however.

    thats my point exactly Pug, here on this forum, you need to understand that Asian in the discription of a movement means not swiss.

    but common Pug and fess up, you see asian in the dicription of a movement on a $150 chinese rep...in the back of your minds you know it is not going to be swiss...weather it be the term asian or the low price, you know...you just choose to belive what you want to beleive...

    from what I have read here, we arent even sure the true Swiss ETA reps are truly Swiss ETA. the reason being the movement has to be put together in switzerland to be a true Swiss ETA, and it is thought these movements are put together in china...(please correct me if I am wrong on this)

  2. Once again, you're going against common use here. The scientific term, used by everyone on the planet apart from Joshua and Andrew, is Synthetic Sapphire meaning boule-grown Sapphire. It's as stupid as calling digital photos Scans. You're using a term that means something outside of this site to mean something different here. This is why I know when I get a Synthetic Sapphire off TTK, I'm getting boule-grown sapphire.

    Ok, you can remain to live in you perfect little world where every term means exactly what you want it to mean, and live with disapointment. or you can join us in the real world, where language and cultural differences exist, and to survive, you need to be a bit of a skeptic, read between the lines, and ask questions...

    Not so. There is a common term Asian ETA vs Swiss ETA that's already in use. It's used for the nickel vs gold-coloured movements elsewhere.

    I have never scene a dealer advertise a movement as Asian ETA when refering to it being nickle or gold colored..I challange you to show me one...

  3. Yes, but I also have the blind ignorance to think I can make a difference. :Jumpy:

    We let them do this and it is getting worse. Beginmariner? That's no ETA movement, yet the mail from Josh said "Due to the current serious shortage of swiss movt, I have called in 100pcs of Swiss Eta 2836-2 complete watches to salvage the swiss 2836-2 new movt to cope with my daily demands of my sales in daydate and datejust. The left behind swiss cases with sapphire crystal, i have install with Asian Eta 2813, 21600bph movt and is now offering these at special free shipping price of USD 108/-"

    ETA-2813? wtf? How many noobs bought these thinking they were getting a slow-beat ETA?

    common, we all know any movement that begins with "Asian" or contains "Asian" somewhere in the description, is some sort of asian copy....and if we cant figure that out, we dont belong here...

    same with crysatls, if it says anything other than "Saphire" before and/or after "Saphire", such as "Synthetic Sapphire" than warning flags go up in my head, and I ask questions.....the only time I have scene a problem with crystals labeled as "Saphire" not being "Sahire" is on the domed crystals (127, 212 ect.), and on those, I belive the dealres were miss informed by the manufacturers, and not "lying" to us.

    And as far as 1:1, the only true 1:1 is a gen...if you truly think you are buying a 1:1 or "perfect" $2-300 copy of a $5-10,000 watch you are either stupid or a fool...

    And as for newbs, they need to do more reasearch before buying, and have realistic expectations....things could be worse for them, they could be paying $600-1,000 for lesser quality reps on the scam sites.

  4. Really?

    Yet you've seen all my "It's not a Lemania" posts and my "That's no ETA" posts, right? :D

    No, I guess I havent. I guess I just assumed, based on the threads of yours I have read

    (and enjoyed), that you had enough common sense to not beleive everything you read, and to realize the reality of this little hobby we all enjoy...

  5. You guys are [censored]ing ridiculous!

    Always talking about why cant they make it 1:1, add AR, make date font prefect just do this or that and I would happily pay more for a “perfect” rep.

    So here it is, made “perfect”, 1:1, AR, everything else…dealers even got the “H” added to the movement when we pointed out it was missing….and now you are all crying that it costs too much?

    What a bunch of [censored]ing hypocrites!

  6. Had ordered a nice Tag Link Chrono on the 6th, got the e-mail that it had shipped, checked the EMS tracking and saw that it had posted in Malaysia on the 7th. Checked EMS again a couple of days later, and saw that it had arrived in the USA on the 9th! Holy crap that was fast.

    I thought to myself, this is too good to be true. Well, as it turns out, that was the case.

    Got the call from my receptionist today that I had a “letter” waiting for me. Curious as to why she did not say “package” I went to go pick it up. What I got was an empty envelope!

    The outer envelope had a little 3 inch slit in the top of it, obviously just big enough to get the watch out. The slit was then taped back up. When I opened it up the rest of the way, I found that there was a manila folder inside that had been torn open.

    No letter from customs or anything, so I don’t think it was seized. I can only assume that some thieving scum bag with sticky fingers snatched my Tag. Merry freaking Christmas slime ball! Hope you enjoy my watch.

    Ok, I’m done ranting now.


    Awe man! that really sux!

    You are starting to scare me! I am waiting on a package from The Zigmeister...(my most favorite watch in the world, my 7753 PAM 196 with a fresh paint job and palp crown)...It was shipped on the 1st, and there has been no word of it since.......


    ..... please please please please let it make it back safe and sound


  7. I know how you feel though, I am waiting for a watch I sent to The Zigmeister for some work...The Zigmeister mailed it back to me on the 1st, and I have not heard anything about it since...I am starting to get concerned....

    I hate the waiting...

  8. OK Obviously like everyone here that has ever waited on a shipment I am getting a bit anxious.

    My EMS Shipment has cleared customs as of yesterday according to EMS tracking. Once this happens how long would it usually take to reach its destination in the States?

    Unlike UPS & FedEx EMS does not give an expected delivery date.

    Generaly it has been same day for me...

  9. This is good newz... If you notice, the dial problem has been addressed..

    El also has another surprise coming in a couple of weeks....

    If anyone is interested in a group buy on this Inge Chrono from EL ... let me know....

    I am also soon setting a GB up for his next chrono.. that he promises will blow the roof

    off the place.... :D

    Looks like its time for another group buy RT! :victory:


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