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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. er... sorry to interupt, but that art-dog-dying thing is a hoax... pretty good one, thoug


    The theme was a hoax. That he actually tied up a stray dog he found in the street, in an art gallery, as thousands of people passed by without so much as a whimper of protest, and then let the stray dog LOOSE into the streets afterward (once his fame and fortune was cemented) is uncontested.


    What next? Finding a little homeless kid, tying him up to a rope in an art gallery to highlight the hypocrisy of the public's "non-reaction"?

    Art is by nature subversive. Any art. It's supposed to get a rise out of you.

    But for a very long while, that's all its been. Where's the artistic TALENT anymore?


    I have to admit, this place was dull without you.

    Hey Reems! :)

    Frankly, when I recall ORF programming, it was pretty dull at night without you and RWG too...remind me whenever someone belittles American telly to clock them.

  3. The moment I read the title, I KNEW WHAT IT WAS ABOUT.

    You know, being in a foreign country has its benefits. Instead of being ALL OVER THE PLACE news-wise, like the US is which ironically gives the impression that nothing is covered (the opposite is true), watching a smallish European country's news coverage is a tonic of concentration.

    We got this story some days before I left, and you cannot imagine the reaction the day after. Everyone was talking of it, including the rather ditzy Italian tourists I met, who up 'to that moment, had only spoken of fashion and clubbing.

    What can I say, disgusting. I thought of you, Dani.

    Here is the artist's quote that most disgusts me, and refutes the idea it was a hoax-for-art thing. (Nativity - Navidad, I'm guessing - was the name of the dog)

    "Nativity was a very sick creature and would have died in the streets anyway."


  4. that misses Victoria? :g:


    Thanks LR, ST4, and all who missed me! As you can see by this message and .sig, perhaps the Shoutbox hint last night, I am back. :wub:

    I have learnt some things being on holiday, since (re-)discovering watches/rep watches:

    Most people in this world don't know what on earth Panerai is. I needn't have worried about taking my PAM reps at all. Secondly, only once was my HBB Aspen noticed. A man came up to me and complimented me on it, asked to see it, and with furrowed brow, I showed it to him.

    This encounter lasted all of 10 seconds, the look-see about 2, so if he can tell it's a fake, more power to him.

    So relax people. Enjoy wearing your watches, real or otherwise. ;)

    P.S.: I had over 1400 posts to read last night, but it's only 71 now. Ah well, must've zeroed it out last night. This is actually a boon for me, as I felt daunted at having to read 1400+ posts in order to catch up. BTW, why so little? I could've done that in a week? :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  5. Obviously I'm coming late to the party, but just checked Florida (US) law and possession is not illegal, unless you intend to sell. Sale over $1000 is felony, under $1000 is misdemeanor.

    Recently, I heard of a Floridian on Craigslist being threatened by Hublot for selling an obvious copy on the site (it was mentioned in passing in the Miami New Times, and I should've posted about it). I believe the person just claimed they didn't know it was a fake, having bought it on Fleabay.

    I presume the authorities didn't prosecute because it wasn't worthy of their time, and it's a civil matter now, perhaps.

    Whilst some marques are more aggressive than others, this reminds me of that Belgian chap who just got his watch seized by Customs this week. He might be in hot water, because the authorities of that country are more vigourous in their law enforcement of reps.

    I also seem to remember the sad case of a member who wasn't given a simple fax letter by a collector, landing him in much monetary trouble in Germany, IIRC. If the item you receive isn't a fake, then it must be real -- you will pay duties on it.

    This thread is now 101 posts long, and it may well be one of the most important threads ever posted on RWG.

  6. I do sound like a hippe :lol:

    Like a re-run of the Planet of the Apes, maybe...

    Dani, we humans are animals, specifically primates, we just have more highly developed brains. For you to have decided that certain animals deserve protections because they're not a negative life force -- that is, they can't destroy the world because they're not intelligent enough, is reductio ad absurdum.

    So then, are plants, amoebas, pandas and fleas.

    And I'm sorry, but a panda isn't as important as I am -- they can't gyrate like I can.

    I should really leave it at that quip, but keep in mind that only humans can be humane. We are so because we realise the complexity of the world, and its interconnectivity with other creatures.

    I doubt the fleas do, Dani. Or, sadly, the doggies.

    Doesn't mean we have to torture them, and your original point is well-taken. It's how you arrive at that point that gets convoluted. Well, tata for now. This thread will survive the cockroaches, you'll see.

  7. Did not seem like a peta activist site..Do it not say she is designing slaughter machines?

    Well, I do have to thank you for giving me her name. I'm reading up on her, and yes, she seems to combine her autism with her intrinsic understanding of the suffering of animals.

    According to Wiki, they call her the "Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow". Funny, I always thought that was my old Headmistress (thank you thank you, I'm here all week).

    Anyway, I'm all for her devising a less stressful environment in abattoirs. On paper, I have nothing against preventing people from bettering the lot of animals. I just don't care for those who connote the suffering of animals as equivalent to the suffering of humans. THAT is a step too far (for me).

  8. http://www.grandin.com/ what a twisted site, but good reading inded and it just confirmed what i now about halal and kosher.

    A noted PETA activist Dani. You usually find her on late-night interview shows like Larry King, etc. The name rang a bell, and sure enough, she's also an autism activist (my mother is a child psychiatrist).

    She believes that animals should have protections like what is given to humans in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Man and citizens...

  9. And on the skin as well.....

    Agree. The orange brought out the orangey undertones in your complexion, making it sallow. This brings out the blue hues, so much better.

    Love that OEM strap Vic.... Is that the 27/22 Kollector was selling??? Was looking at that one as well.

    Alas, no. I bought it full-price on Risti. Really got hosed on that one. :p

    My 183 has some lug issues, still, so I can't change the straps (TWP is sending me a new case) similar to the 232. However, I did find some 183/Gator combos online.




  10. It was this one most weekend and still got it on this week


    That combo looks delicious. Are those the cufflinks the watch ones you were supposed to have worn to the Brussels GTG? Sorry, I almost never clicked on the threads. :)

    Taken in the bar of the Hotelgrand pupp in Karlovy vary, The same hotel used in the shooting of Casino royal and last holiday. A nice place to visit and lots of watch shops but with heavily inflated prices "I was quoted Euros 7000 for a TI ingy that i could get for about 4k in germany" due to the patraonge of the place. A normal room per night at ther Pupp costs Euros 180 ish a night. They do a 007 theme package with cost of 270 for 3 nights, with massage, a spot of pistol range time and ammo, dinner, cocktails and a few other extras. if you add up the price of the extras it is worth it.

    The sumptousness of the hotel, if those films are anything to go on, is amazing. A similar stay at a five-star hotel elsewhere would've been at least $1000 per night, I'm sure.

    We won't even talk of the 007 package! That's dead cheap, that is, FxrAndy.

    Classy choice of watch, at that. Did you get any looks/compliments?

    EDIT: Just saw your new photo.

    WOW! Daniel Craig WHO? :wub:

    @Freddy: Very Cartier-Bresson. Lovely.

  11. My contribution to keep the thread going. :tu:




    My "new" 26mm, 220 year-old hide, Metta Catharina on the DSN 127, since I'm still waiting on the other unfinished hide to arrive. I LOVE THIS STRAP! It is truly one of the Holy Grail of straps for any Panerista.

    BTW, the Wristcheck turned out rather freaky. Like Fay Wray escaping from King Kong or something. :p

  12. Search didn't yield this link as posted before, so here it is.


    To whet your whistle:


    Vulcain Cricket


    Harwood  (apparently the first worldwide wristwatch automatic movement,  1930)


    Record ( Cal.174  18000BPH,  1952)


    Logines Chronograph (Cal.539 / Cal.30CH  18000BPH)


    Junghans (Cal.83-S  19800BPH,  1962 , apparently the only German chronometer Automatic)


    Seiko Quartz (Cal.3863A) :lol:

    This 1989 Rolex Sea-Dweller is already considered antique, I suppose.



    I had never seen the guts of a Cricket let alone a Harwood, etc. A fascinating site, for those who like antique watches, and especially a look inside (WIS porn).

  13. Oh, the reason they say not to set the date between those times is because that's when the date is changing and if you manually set the date you can cause the gears to grind.

    That's what I've been told repeatedly too. But I read never to set the date when it's between 9 PM to 6 AM. You just go beyond 6, and then set the date. Since then, I read it's 3 AM.

    This thread needs the master modder from Canada to explain.

    However, may I ask you Zeus are you Greek? Because new member Nasosn also posted his thread in capitals, like you did. Maybe it's a Greek thing. :p

    P.S.: It's usually changed to lower-case by Mods. As you know, online, capital letters stand for "shouting".

    @Zeus: No worries, darling. BTW, you have a lot of compatriots here, but since they didn't say anything YET, welcome to the forum.

    Oh, and your English is wayy better than my Greek. :p

  14. Ahh the Indiana Jones scene :lol: I'm Indian, however I didn't take any offence to it or find it racist. I don't think Spielberg or whoever was responsible intended to represent Indians in a negative way. Indians don't eat those things, the huge majority would be revolted by that (though you get weirdos everywhere and some might eat it :lol:) I think it was just a way to make the 'baddies' seem twisted :lol: I don't think it deserved to be banned (IMO).

    I'm glad you think that way, though of course you're British, Demon. I frankly think people who ban films/books because they are offensive towards their culture, are absolutely ridiculous, and their attitude redolent of "Tercermundismo".

    If Americans had that attitude, Borat would've been banned instead of making hundreds of millions in USA box offices.

    Reminds me of when Riotur (the official Rio de Janeiro tourism agency) threatened to sue Matt Groening for his "unfavourable" and "imperialist" portrayal of Brazilians in a Simpsons episode. If memory serves, the Uruguayan government also threatened the same for Homer pronouncing their country, Uruguay, "You're a gay".

    Oh brother. God spare us from people with inferiority complexes.

  15. Back-to-back Daylights, in different dial colours!

    Don't you love when that happens? It makes comparison so much easier -- a bit like my Blackseal with Spartan's.

    P.S.: Thanks, Xim. A little florid perhaps. :p

    @Golfman: That drifter looks JUST perfect on your 111, but more importantly, on you. You were meant for tan straps! Like me.

  16. RBJ had last been seen posting in RWI late September last year....AWOL since.

    Excuse: Marriage.

    What?! But he's a redneck whose word is law? Hand on fire time, sir!


    That's what I read by one of his supporters over at RWI -- a very amusing thread, to anyone but the guys whose watches he ruined. And I'll never forgive myself for confusing Thumbmodds with him, just because of that blasted thumb avatar RBJ has.

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