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RWG Newsletter..update


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For an addition to our community .. what do you guy's think of a monthly or bi-weekly Newsletter??

to include .. anything that would be of interest to the community... such as Upcoming releases,Raffles, Reviews, GTG pics, anything that would be of interest.. upcoming newborns.. any event that would prove interesting to our Community.

maybe a "spotlight" on a member of interest.... a list of Newcomers.. welcoming them..

Just a cornucopia of interest within the community watch related or other hobby's that members partake of..

We would ned a small team of members ... those journalist that have time??

members could submit upcoming projects.. or a heads up to items that are being manufactured.. ie. .. updates on the Palp crowns that are being made, as an example..this would mean follow up by the "staff".. like Kruzers PreV watch cases.. which would help cut down the PM's to the individuals and keep us informed..

TJ ?.. Toad? .. Maxman??.. Redwatch??.. Deniz?? .. hackR.. Freddy333(articles?)...RoninQ??.. I'm naming members whose energy and enthusiasm could be "value added"... not that they are not already.. but there is so much more we can tap into.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Also, this will keep the members that cannot frequent the forum as much as they would like to be kept up to date on their hobby.. we can ask Admin if the "Newsletter" can be emailed to all members.. so no one will miss out on the happenings on RWG .

featured articles by members.. thought's.. of course we could just post these.. but it would serve as a vehicle to those that have been absent for awhile and call back some old members whom have taken extended sabbaticals..


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Modelizer.. sorry your name should be down for the team.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Of course /TJ for your art work and as a "Writer" or "reporter" .. "Editorials"... or featured tutorials.. Ubi..Jojo.. Freddy.. anyone that feels like contributing..

this is meant for "ALL" registered members to recieve via email..

We can request form the Admin Team a section.. perhaps below the GD section.. for members to post .. that they would like to "submit" articles or "events".

My thought is for the Newsletter staff to then contact the member and screen the articles or events..

We can organize the structure of the Newsletter as we progress..I suggest we keep it simple for starting up..lets do something simple to start and target our first mailing in maybe 2 weeks ???.. we can send out a mailing announcing our new project.. just to give members who haven't been around a "Heads Up"

eventually let's share stuff like.. different cultures.. diet.. habits.. and of course watches..

Dunno if an "attachment" to the email will be needed down the road.. all that can be polished as we progress..

I like the "Spotlight" Member thingi.. not to take away from KB's interviews.. it would be a very brief short paragraph or 2 to highlight an member or group..

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Great Idea. It's sometimes hard to keep up with all the posts. I generally read every day, but limit it down to what's "HOT" that particular week or month from my point of view. That sometimes keeps me unawere of a lot of interesting topics.

I remember a member back in 2007 made a magazine called ClubSoda or something, a very interesting and fun read. I say go for it.

I have a suggestion on a non-watch topic. As we are all different souls here, it would be fun with a "My day" pictorial. Where one member every week show the rest what his/hers life is all about. I think this would be interesting, it's not like we're all living in the same zipcode here. I'd be up for giving you all a insight in my own life as a start if it sounds interesting. I don't know, just like the idea of getting under the skin of the diversity of our lives.

No matter what, great initiative.


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I'm more than happy to do any graphics work needed, and would love to contribute some writing as well. Of course, I don't have much to review beyond budget reps, but I like interviewing people, so I'm happy to do whatever' needed :)

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Great Idea. It's sometimes hard to keep up with all the posts. I generally read every day, but limit it down to what's "HOT" that particular week or month from my point of view. That sometimes keeps me unawere of a lot of interesting topics.

I remember a member back in 2007 made a magazine called ClubSoda or something, a very interesting and fun read. I say go for it.

I have a suggestion on a non-watch topic. As we are all different souls here, it would be fun with a "My day" pictorial. Where one member every week show the rest what his/hers life is all about. I think this would be interesting, it's not like we're all living in the same zipcode here. I'd be up for giving you all a insight in my own life as a start if it sounds interesting. I don't know, just like the idea of getting under the skin of the diversity of our lives.

No matter what, great initiative.


Now that's what I'm talking about!!!.. different cultures.. foods.. .. why not be the first to do this NR.. do you have time for it.. a couple of weeks??.. of course your uncanny LUCK..:lol:

I think a link would be easy attached to the email for all registered members

Ok I'll request a section to post our Newsletter..

Ok TJ.. lets go with your banner like the Member of the year and the RWG ring logo..Maybe a note at the top of the page "edition#, date etc."thes ecan be added on upon release.. introduction as one of the Editors would be apropos.. a little background of yourself..

hmmm.. let's get other ideas to do our first periodical... "Hot for 2010".. upcoming ..whatever.. "Missing Ya".. who's been MIA???

Ubi got anything??

RED..Modelizer... Toad.. hackR... oopss.. HIKE... got something ???? didn't mean to leave ya out buddy..you gotta get in on this :1a:

MOP.. calling MOP... :victory:

Let's do this...

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Now that's what I'm talking about!!!.. different cultures.. foods.. .. why not be the first to do this NR.. do you have time for it.. a couple of weeks??.. of course your uncanny LUCK..:lol:

No problem. I do however probably need to wait until I go offshore again on one of the oilrigs, I think that will be more interesting. I can then combine an article with the three lives I live. One onshore at work, one offshore at work and one of the 4 weeks I have off in between ;) I'll start tomorrow and build up an article. I will then contact you with the end result if this sounds ok? I'm starting my ON schedule in a week. I think there are a lot of interesting lives on this forum, so this could be a nice contribution to a newsletter me thinks...


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i may be not be any help but thank you very much for a wonderful idea Lani. What would i do without this forum?

It would be a great way to keep members informed that either don't have the time or have gone MIA and need to be rounded up.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

whatever members can contribute in the way of interest.. or anything will be much appreciated :D


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No problem. I do however probably need to wait until I go offshore again on one of the oilrigs, I think that will be more interesting. I can then combine an article with the three lives I live. One onshore at work, one offshore at work and one of the 4 weeks I have off in between ;) I'll start tomorrow and build up an article. I will then contact you with the end result if this sounds ok? I'm starting my ON schedule in a week. I think there are a lot of interesting lives on this forum, so this could be a nice contribution to a newsletter me thinks...


Sounds great NR!!.. we will just pulish it whenever you have it .. I'm really looking forward to your lifestyle view.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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You know it's funny you mentioned the bit:

"Missing Ya".. who's been MIA???

I've been wondering what's been up with Pugwash lately? Haven't seen him around in a long time. There was even a Birthday thread wishing him a happy birthday which I don't remember him posting in. The last time I saw any posts, he asked about Vegas because he was going to be there this weekend for the CES. Anyone heard from him?

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You know it's funny you mentioned the bit:

I've been wondering what's been up with Pugwash lately? Haven't seen him around in a long time. There was even a Birthday thread wishing him a happy birthday which I don't remember him posting in. The last time I saw any posts, he asked about Vegas because he was going to be there this weekend for the CES. Anyone heard from him?

Well I gave him instructions on how to be part of the pornindustry in that thread, as the AVN Awards run at the same time as the CES. I had a blast as a VIP pretend porn-producer at the awards some years ago. I think it's actually this weekend. Maybe he's changed his identity and ended up working in that field?


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Pugs goes MIA as he has more than a full plate..he's always around though

I put in a request to the Admin team to see if we can get a "Newsroom"..

and a couple of members will start a chronology of their daily habits.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

TJ is working on a News banner..and intro as one of the Editors..

why not take the MIA part RED?? just a short .. "we miss ya" paragraph.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:


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Lani, I think that member interviews would be of interest rather than... daily habits. Haha. I also think it would be cool if there were running updates on new models ex: BK stuff, VDB stuff, Sead's list of watches for the month etc. There should be something like, a learning article of somesort, not related to watches "How to Party" "How to get a woman" "What new investments are there?" (Men Interests) and, there should be a recipe section/food reviews. GTG pics section. Technology section. I can volunteer myself for the computer expertise section. There should be a "What are you listening to" section for hot and upcoming music of different genres. There could be a home improvement section with a weekend project. There can be a weekend watch mod project with step-by-step instructions.

All kinds of ideas guys!

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