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Is Sql -Pl still a member here?


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The Admin team has been alerted by a couple of sources and we have been talking other admins for the full low down.

This seems an incredible fall from grace for Maciek, but of course his long standing wont protect him if he is scamming.


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A repost from the OP, edgematic at RG:


At the end of 2010 I found out some strange things about SQL_PL, a well known polish member, long time member as well. Known for his nice pics with girls etc... You probably know who winkCA3D11ZE.gif

I bought a gen UPO strap from a guy on WUS, after a while I found out it was shady and that he was SQL_PL from overhere. I cancelled the deal and got my money back via paypal.

I have been checking him out until today and I found out he used different usernames, and was selling on eBay, WUS, Purists (watchprosite), etc. Well known GEN watch forums and the biggest online auction platform in the world.

I contacted the mods about this and they investigated the case, a few days later he got banned.

Now, he is still active on those gen websites and honestly, those are actions that I cannot agree with. Selling fakes as gen is just pure SCAM and imo work of a low life...

It seems he is still actively selling so I would suggest to try to report his fake items on eBay. Or contact eBay themselves. Off course it can not be leaked that we are from a rep watch forum.

Would it be possible to take down all his auctions?

Some of his threads:

Watchuseek forum (nickname dbgs1306)

Watchprosite forum (nickname watchsupplies)

The Bay (nickname bg.auto)

He has been selling the ceramic bezel he has for sale on eBay on Watchprosite as well, but I cannot find it, it was with another username. Fact is that he always uses the same pictures.

Take a look at the AP Diver strap, it is fake. This pic proves it all (it is the newest AP Diver rep strap from the V3, 1:1 with gen, pic is from Toro):


I tried to highlight it a bit with the 2 red circles, compare them with the Diver strap he sells.

Anyhow, any chance to let him quit selling these fakes as gen?!

It's a sad story...

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Guest Sql_pl

I got banned at Repgeek for a deal in which a member bought a Panerai Purdey watch that has been in perfect working order when it left my hands, even sales pics proove that it was working. Upon arrival it was supposedly non-working. I packed it in 2 bubble envelopes, that's how I ship most of the watches sold here and never had issues like that. I did agree to refund buyer's money upon arrival of the watch back in my hands.

Nembo, admin at RG banned me because of that. He DID mention in one of his PMs that edgematic was complaining to him about what he thought was me selling fake goods but as he had NO SOLID PROOF (how in the world would he have it if I did not do it!!!) he decided to not even discuss it with me.

I did have a deal with edgematic for a genuine omega strap (like 2 years ago maybe?) that was shipped out to him and went missing on the way! I provided him with tracking number (registered mail so not the best of trackings as you know), but according to him it never made it there so I did refund his money! What is funny is how edgematic writes in his RG posts: "I bought a supposedly gen rubber UPO strap from him, turned out fake" -> so did you receive it or not? I shipped out a genuine strap that you said never arrived and I gave you your money back - now you tell me it arrived and "turned out fake"??????? I did sell some GENUINE straps some time ago (single pieces of several kinds) but I have not been active in any watch aspect in quite some time as some of you might have noticed. I did see quite a number of places using my pics indeed, even in some sales posts at RG but who cares.

The pics of the gen Survivor strap (that I had even before CN friends released their great rep!) have been floating around so often I stopped counting, I guess they were good for other sellers so they used them.

Cannot say I regret getting banned at RG, it was always a second forum for me.

Thank you for taking your time to read.

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Guest zeleni kukuruz

Can we see some actual evidence linking those usernames to SQL_PL? It just seems a little odd that we are all instantly jumping on the band wagon that he is a scammer based on the the post from edgematic. So we have some links showing some fake items for sale? Where is the evidence that they are, in fact, the same person?

Obviously if he is truly scamming people, we will not stand for it. I'd just like to see some evidence first. Just want to point out one interesting fact here: if SQL_PL is, in fact, a scammer.... where are the FS posts for those items here at RWG? Do you really think that someone would list a bunch of crappy items for sale on eBay, WUS, WPro, and RG and then not list them for sale here as well?? Does that really add up to you guys?

Just playing the "lawyer" role for the defense here ;) Show me some proof and I'll be the first person to hit the "Ban" button.

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Without hard proof linking all these items to the same person, it's really all speculation at this point.

I don't put a lot of faith in the fact he was banned at Geeks, look around at all the other members who have been banned there...it's kind of irrelevant to what they may or may not have actually done.

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Guest Sql_pl

All eyes on me because edgematic bought a gen strap from me that somehow went MIA, even with tracking, for which I did refund him his money and took a hit.

If I had anything to hide would I even tell him it was me back then selling him his genuine strap on another forum?

And he claims that: "I bought a supposedly gen rubber UPO strap from him, turned out fake"

Someone has too much time.

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Have you accidentally insulted edgematic in some way?


I was wondering the same thing. This is start to feel more like a personal vendetta against SQL_PL.

Like I said above, show me some proof connecting SQL_PL with the other vendors being listed here and then I'll start listening. Sad to see the typical "Guilty before being proved Innocent" attacks over at RG.

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I was wondering the same thing. This is start to feel more like a personal vendetta against SQL_PL.

Like I said above, show me some proof connecting SQL_PL with the other vendors being listed here and then I'll start listening. Sad to see the typical "Guilty before being proved Innocent" attacks over at RG.

+100 here Red.

I love your comment too Gran.

There should never, ever, be a judgment without strong evidences!

Oh, and the fact that a member buys a strap from another, then says it never landed and follow up saying that it was fake (thus arrived) is the real weird point here so far :bangin:

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As there are 2 sides to every story, I have invited edgematic1 to read (& respond, if he wishes) to this thread.

Based on what I know, no rwg rules have been broken & there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that anyone purposely meant to scam anyone, so I would recommend everyone just move on. Feel free to contribute your thoughts, but please be respectful of everyones' feelings.

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Guest Sql_pl

I believe it may also be worth mentioning how he waited for me to be banned before airing accusations?

Quote from RG below (thanks to someone NOT banned there):

"Guys, since he is now banned after I informed the mods about him I can speak out loud. It was our long time member SQL_PL... Sad to hear such things.

Things were not right, he was selling on eBay, Watchprosite, watchuseek, ... and many more. He sold fake straps as gen, to me as well, I bought a supposedly gen rubber UPO strap from him on WUS, turned out fake. Also from his pics it was clear he was selling fake stuff as gen to make some money. For example AP buckles (ap diver), ap diver strap, hublot straps, hublot ceramic bezels, all fakes...

I have kept an eye on him for more than a year, he frequently changed names on the pages he was selling, but always used the same pics, e-mail adress, etc. So it was easy to find out it was the same guy.

I felt I needed to inform the mods about this, they investigated this case and he got banned...

Anyhow, sad to hear that such a long time member was in fact a big scale scammer."

Sure I could defend myself after I got banned.

Edited by Sql_pl
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