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maybe I overread some postings, so please forgive me. But by switching between the boards (rwg I + II, TRC...) and tons of information that can happen I guess :blink::D

I followed the discussion regarding the improved date wheels for 7753 and as planned by finepics for 2893-2. But is an improvement on 7750 available or planned, too? I would be in for a correct date wheel font to improve my pam050 then.


It could be done - I would need to prepare artwork. I am still looking for a better printer than the one doing the 7753 who struggled with it. The set-up cost for making the screen (and they cannot be done in a batch so are done individually) is what makes this expensive so unless there was a lot of interest then it's not worth it.

The 2893 is a about to become rare and because it's' the one Panerai use it's worth doing them (and I have 2 2893's myself!!).


Funny you bring this up. Finepics and I were discussing exactly this yesterday as we were trying to deal with the logistics of 100 cyclops. With the new Asian 7750 sub alongside the 49, 50, etc. there are probably enough folks to make it worthwhile. Especially, when you add the new cyclops to improve the magnification. As Finepics mentions, once the 7753 datewheels are complete he is going to focus on finding the right person to make the 2893. I was begging him just yesterday for the 7750 as well (I have the new Sub on the way). :D


I suspect we can find a way to underwrite the cost of set-up, if we find the right guy to do the work. ;)

P.S. Are you out of the doghouse yet? :lol:



great idea! I would be in for 7753, 2893 and 7750. Of course I was just put in for two cyclops and I guess with a better date wheel these watches become killer. But I would be interested in a complete date wheel without sending my own one for re-printing it.

What's about a poll to getting more customers for that project? As far as I can see the feedback for the cyclops isn't that bad. So what's about a date wheel call? :victory:

Stay well

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