jonthebhoy Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 Also to be remembered is the fact that Leeds Castle museum in Kent houses a collection of dog collars spanning four centuries. ......and I thought they were all heathens there! JTB
dosanim Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 I don't give a damn about RWG1 anymore. I can't even go in there for no reason. I will not risk myself with phising scam neither. Enough with migratory birds flocking where they are pleased. Let them be. For me, RWG Collaboration fiasco was more than enough not to trust the guy anymore.
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 (edited) <body> <p><br> For the record ......let me state how I see the actions of the sycophants that have gravitated there....>!<br> 1. Given that RWG was formed for the very purpose of protecting replica did a pretty miserable job........TRC had the same sentiments at heart........and there were certainly members on there who got scammed by various 'dealer / members'..........still I can't ever recall the Administrator nor Moderators ever participating in any of those scams.........with the exception of banning the offender at the earliest opportune moment.......unlike The Holy See.....who shilly shallied and prevaricated at every opportunity.......promising the sun moon and stars......and all most members got was the moon.......such as a [censored] poor quality Railmaster wannabee that was worth [censored]........printing and engraving mistakes.......poor bracelet quality......serial numbers all over the bloody place.......he took the money.......even if he was less than circumspect in giving to Eric ? KIng? whoever........he did NOT act in the best interests of HIS members.....and he PROMISED all would be delivered by what happened......was everyone delighted on Xmas morning........NO.......what subsequently happened.......I know....Blade suddenly and mysteriously disappeared........he left Matrix holding the baby.......or so he tells us.......does anyone know WTF Matrix is..........I know hundreds that don't,.......!<br> All we've seen so far is excuse after excuse........shifting the blame to Matrix / Eric / his domain hosts / best friends being killed by the Triads / possible jail for draft dodging.......etc I need to go on...!<br> What did the loyal members get from this.........myriad notifications of changes.........censorship.......lack of communication.......suspension.......biased favouritism towards certain dealers ( possible kickbacks ).........etc etc.......and if the voice of dissent was raised........what happened......well Blade acted eponymously.......!<br> And in the meantime.....what about the members.....they were left in the wilderness..........flotsam and jetsam........not knowing where they were going to wash up.........LO!......what's that on the horizon.......WHY!'s the good ship the rescue..........building a safe haven.....for those very same lost souls.......a warm comfortable place........where they could repose themselves at the end of a day and enjoin with others in their favourite pastime.........hurrah Admin.....>!<br> And how do you and the rest of the sycophants repay him.......why as soon as The Holy See re-appears....( as if by magic....the Triads failed to kill him......the Serbian army have given him the designation of Scarlet Pimpernel....the Treasury Dept have decided he's just a poor Serbian and presents no threat....)......having been betrayed by all and sundry around him.....Eric / Matrix / King......his local Honda dealer.........he pops up like the proverbial bad smell.......and announces....hey I'm back........and YOU and the rest....( yes even certain Administrator / Moderators here )........are [censored] a hoop at the fact that he is OK........and welcoming him back........that to me is the betrayal.....of RWG II and those members all who helped to re-establish the home that you missed......with ABSOLUTELY NO HELP FROM BLADE......all those members who contributed to those who lost in the RWG scenario......that Blade wants to rectify by selling those same [censored] poor watches to NEW members and re-imbursing the old members with the funds accrued.......tell me.....what would be the appeal to a NEW member of a tribute RWG watch......and what likelihood of selling the remaining ones......what likelihood of the steadfast contributor who pledged $2000 getting his cntribution returned........not even SLIM........that chapter is closed.....and Blade wasn't mentioned in it...!<br> Watch now as Blade tries ( no matter how much he protest he has no intention of doing so ) re-recruit members from here.<br> I have no score to settle with Blade ......he means nothing to me.......but Admin and his efforts do.......and where I see injustice......I'll always step up to the plate and bring it to the boil......unlike the simmerers....who really haven't a clue what they want.</p> <p>Heroes are just as fallible as the rest of us....and when they fall they see the obverse side of the day a a's always by your own actions....people should be judged by what they do....not what they say.......!<br> <br> There's no duking it out with Blade.......he prefers that I do it by PM........simply because he has no answers that he would wish to see in public.......I do PM him.......he replies.......but he still won't swing towards free speech on an open forum......why......because as I said before........and I have PERSONAL proof.....he's a liar.......!<br> <br> </p> <p>In essence... ( and this is not addendum )<br> I've always believed in making decisions as Roosevelt / Wellington / FDR / Washington ( whomsoever you wish to attribute it to ) a balance sheet........make a tick list for RWG and RWG II and see in whose favour it balances out to.<br> <br> <font color="#FF0000"><b><u>RWG / Blade<br> </u></b><br> <b>Open free speech = No</b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000">Practices heavy censorship resulting in bans and suspension.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Reliability = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000">Absolutely not every sense of the word...from site reliability to judgement.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Good communication = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000">Definitely not....doesn't seem to care about whether his members know what is going or not.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Flexible Administrator = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000">Will not enter into any kind of discourse with the exception of stating his view.</font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><br> <b>Loyal Administrator = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> No...disappearing for 6 months ( and not for the first time either ).......whilst handling over the reins of the sit to his imaginary childhood friend.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Innovative Administrator = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> No...almost everything he did was directly copied from TRC ( Christmas theme )......and now various other things Admin did first ..Post hovering etc etc...)<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Trusted Administrator = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> can you trust someone who just cuts and the drop of a hat....with no regard for his membership<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Securely hosted = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> No.....has been brought down many times......has been hacked now...still isn't secure.. it seems he doesn't know much about running a website.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Moderate in behaviour = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> No.....swings wildly between being enthusiatic about his downright disinterest.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Fiscally responsible = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> Not when he handed over members money for a failed project with no recourse to getting it back.....and no investment other than $69.00 in a hosted site.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Good track record in preventing scams = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> Seems not.......he became embroiled in not one but two "alleged" scams.......RWG Watch and the Lottery prizes......!<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Open sales forum = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> Still hasn't figured out how to provide this service.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Dealer biased = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> No names mentioned......but most of us know who...!<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>Secretive = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#FF0000"> Reveals publicly that someone else was involved ( again someone else )....but won't divulge who....!</font><br> <br> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>RWG II / Admin<br> </b><br> <b>Open free speech = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Practices restraint and closes topics that are too controversial...will often PM to member and ask for restraint.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Reliability = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Absolutely every sense of the word...from site reliability to excellent judgement.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Good communication = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Definitely ....does care about whether his members know what is going on or not.....will e-mail or post changes / additions etc etc..<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Flexible Administrator = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Will enter into topic / discussion and will accept and try to implement any suggestion that the membership request or favour.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Loyal Administrator = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Yes......nothing need be said about Admin's loyalty.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Innovative Administrator = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Everything he does... Admin does as a result of his first hand knowledge regarding computers and how to make it more interesting for the members.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Trusted Administrator = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Unequivocally<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Securely hosted = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Absolutely.....Admin saw the need for secure hosting first on TRC and brought it to RWG II.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Moderate in behaviour = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Yes....very steadfast.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Fiscally responsible = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Yes......has implemented many methods of securing appropriate funding in order that members can have continuity of service.</font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><br> <b>Good track record in preventing scams = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Yes.......never shirks from protecting the members.....not likely to be embroiled in any kind of promotion / venture / that could bring criticism to him........!<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Open sales forum = Yes </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Well established with a good code of practice on both TRC and RWGII<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Dealer biased = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Never demonstrated any bias towards any particular dealer.<br> </font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><b>Secretive = No </b></font></p> <p><font color="#0000FF"> Won't discuss certain matters openly...but will discuss with Admin / Mods<br> </font><br> <br> All of the above is why I pledge my allegiance to RWG II / Admin......and would certainly never comprehend any kind of return to RWG / / he has NOTHING to offer....other than complete uncertainty as to it's future and constant aggravation every time you try to log on and get a 404 or similar message.........I don't need that aggravation or uncertainty....and I think most members would agree.....!<br> Having said that......all that the former members are doing by posting there...regardless of whether it's favour or criticism is feeding the situation.......Blade will either sink or fall......but he should have no assistance from former members to achieve either.......he's big enough and hairy arsed enough to rise on his own......he did it before......I'm sure he can do it again........pity the poor newbies that end up there ...rather than here......I know where I would rather all means express your relief that he hasn't been shot by the Triads / in jail for going AWOL......or not in jail for being involved in a hobby that contributes to terrorism ( allegedly ).......and that his Acura will give him good mileage and service.......but after your loyalty to RWG II the other members and Admin.......JMHO.......I'm entitled to it.....just as you are to be critical of it.......!<br> Everyone seems afraid of getting blasted, coming down with an incurable disease or irremediably compromising their ethics just for going over there - nevertheless, it's the only way to see what's going on:<br> The point is.....we don't need to see what's going on........we have our own forum here......every post you make over there....every visit.....just bumps it upwards......and detracts from this site.....!<br> <br> </p> </body> Edited June 7, 2006 by TTK
eLiNK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 (edited) As it seems, Neily, you have too much time on your hands. It should be clear up to this point there's no love lost between you and Blade. But you forgot to tell there's a reason, ... or rather plenty of them. Remember yourself being banned by Blade from the Dealer's section? Remember the story with a woman whose daughter you assaulted? These are only a couple of issues which come to my mind. I'm also unhappy with Blade's attitude. But for another reason. My grievance is he didn't have the board under control and allowed the people like yourself with no ethics and morale to do whatever they would want for quite some time. This is my personal opinion and it is not up for discussion. EDITED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING: Although the message is directed at neil, the information provided is intended for those who may be new to the scene. I have to add for the sake of the argument, I don't have first hand information, which should be obvious, and my opinion is based on what I have read on replica boards during the last two years. You can build your own opinion. Edited June 7, 2006 by eLiNK
ryyannon Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 Call what shots........all I saw was you kissing Blade's tho' he were the Holy See....and whether I was banned or amount of currency from you was ever going to change the situation....I was unbanned thru' my own efforts......not anything you said.....!<br> Show me when and where. You can't, since I never did. Are you sure you're not confusing me with Rya? What the hell are you smoking these days, Neil? As for supporting you for the few days when they locked you out, of course nothing I said got you back in - on the other hand, I was not part of the lynch-mob that was tearing your reputation to pieces once you were no longer there to defend it. For the rest, I'm not going to take up bandwith and member's time turning pages to reply - especially since concerning this particular issue (ie, me) you're your own worst spokesman. I don't even have the time to post a proper response, since I'ver many things to take care of today. I will be back to update and amend this post when time permits, however.
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 (edited) Oi.....missing link......I don't know you....and you don't know in future.....don't call me neily......I'm TTK to you....! As for your post not being up for discussion....dream on....that shows your level of stupidity....believing you can make a PUBLIC post and nobody will discuss it......DUH.....! 1. I wasn't banned from ANY dealer section....I was banned from the board.....! 2. Tell me how is it possible to 'assault' any woman's daughter that you've never met.....nor spoken to...and who doesn't even know that I existed.........make sense're flapping your gums and there's a distinct smell of recalcitrant plebney emanating from your gub....! 3. I don't give a [censored] about your opinion.....! If you had exercised some degree of'd have understood that my post was about the reasons why members should stay here......and not there.....personal observations on Ryannon's side and mine apart.....! Don't presume to put me in my're not smart enough......who are YOU anyway......? Edited June 7, 2006 by TTK
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 @ryannon.......I'm going to make a public apology here.......and I'll tell you why......! I can't log into RWG Blade has decide to respond to my post publicly on RWG......but decided it's in his best interest to prevent me from responding.....! Therefore it may be that I have mistaken in the interests of I am unable to establish the facts at present.....i'lll retract everything I said about you.......I've respected your posts in the past and I'm sure I'll respect them in the i'll edit my post accordingly......!
eLiNK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 I told you Neily, I'm not interested in the discussion. Go find another playground.
ayra1 Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 as if this couldn't get any better, out of the shadows comes elink. I mean, you can't write better than that.
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 (edited) @missing link.......Of course you're not......that won't stop me from showing your idiocy......! Let's see now....! I'm not interested in the discussion. Possibly because like a goldfish you can't express interest for any longer than 30 seconds....! It should be clear up to this point there's no love lost between you and Blade. insightful're as sharp as a sausage supper....! Remember yourself being banned by Blade from the Dealer's section? Wrong again......I was banned from the board in general......c'mon now go for the big prize.....enlighten us all as to why I was banned......! Remember the story with a woman whose daughter you assaulted? So...if somebody told you the earth was flat and the moon was made of'd lend it some credence.....of course you would.....! These are only a couple of issues which come to my mind Could that possibly be because your neanderthal brain is full...and now you have to go purge give you some more cranial capacity....! "Assaulting a woman's daughter"....... ....what a horse's ass....! Edited June 7, 2006 by TTK
ryyannon Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 End of story, Neil - it's been a pleasure crossing swords with you - one always comes out stronger with a worthy opponent.
r11co Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 Board Offline I need to move RWG to a new host because the old one going out of business. This should be finished in 24 hours. sniff, sniff "I smell [censored]!!"
jonthebhoy Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 insightful're as sharp as a sausage supper....! Brilliant, quite brilliant. Get yours here: and if you don't like the taste of your sausage supper you can always wear it: JTB PS - This guy looks awfully like former Rangers manager [censored] Advocaat. Figures!
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 (edited) Hey JTB......'fess up....where did you get the photo of E-link........can I buy fact...can we all buy copies.... Edited June 7, 2006 by TTK
jonthebhoy Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 Just thinkin Neil (dangerous I know)...........Re: my top picture.......can you imagine the reaction of any wee Glesca punter asking for his sausage supper and gettin offered that.............unless of course the chips are gigantic in which case I could be way wrong!!!! Maybe this was the sort of thing you could get at Rico's place? JTB
jonthebhoy Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 What was it we were talking about again? JTB
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 (edited) Sorry John...I lost my focus......I saw Elink was on line....( link....sausage supper....get it ).....! Don't think that's a r11co special looks like an Ardeno or Prego ( Govan Cross on a Saturday )....special.....remember all those drunk guys wi' the supper in their left hon.....that weighed half a ton.....2 steps forward....4 backwards..... Talking of Elink.......I've come to the conclusion that it's best to probably keep him indoors.....I mean if there's any chance of Avian bird flu jumping species.......then he's the most likely link.......I mean ...after all....he's chicken.....! Edited June 7, 2006 by TTK
Watchmeister Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 I certainly am with Neil on his most important post in his last few comments. TREMENDOUS THANKS TO THOMAS AND THE MODS for creating an RWG as it should be. RWGI was a dream that turned into a nightmare. For those who want to go back to RWG I - do so. But I think it is kind of irrelevant here. IMHO, there is no competition. This is a competent and well-run site administered by thoughtful and caring group of people. RWG1 is not. In my own case, I see no reason to spend alot of time dwelling on what was a disastrous ending. I am thankful that it allowed me to meet a number of wonderful folks and that somehow most managed to migrate here. But that is where my thoughts end. Cheers to all the great folks who found there way here and made this forum the true RWG. Oh, and would all you guys stop yelling at each other.
warburg Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 I'm not really interested in the personal controversies raging here or in the traffic situation in Leeds, but two questions developed on this thread have really piqued my curiosity. In what country did Blade evade conscription into the army? What did TTK do before he became a replica watch dealer?
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 (edited) Serbia.......! And I was a wringer out for a one armed window cleaner......! 5 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) 5 Members: TTK, Edge, willjous, cornerstone, eLiNK Hello Cyber sausage......sorry...eLiNK.......have you come out to play.....or are you still in a huff.....? Edited June 7, 2006 by TTK
Edge Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 Let us not dwell on the past, RWG1 is and forever will be "dead to me". B;ade can try and come up with any horseshit excuse that he feels that some of the smallminded amoeba will accept. For me it's old news, what has RWG1 got that RWGII, TRC, RWI and WT don't have.......for me NOTHING, and there are a lot of POSSIBLE cons, that it carries with it that NONE of the other boards have. Why take the risk?? A home is what you make of it, and for me I want a secure, steadfast and reliable place to call home. I PERSONALLY choose to spend my time here and on RWI. This is not because they are BETTER than ANY other board, it is merely that I Have people on both boards I call friends and that I have come to enjoy the feel of both boards. When RWG1 went down, that was the end for me. When RWGII came up, only a SHORT WHILE ago, ALL of the members were exstatic, praising all the efforts of the Mods/Admin...... What kind of 2 faced, weak, POS, renigs on his comments and FLEES back to RWG1, the SAME RWG1 that was a barran wasteland for so long, run by someone who has impunable morals AT BEST. There need not be any argument in this matter IMHO, as there is only one choice. I thanked the Mods/Admin for their efforts and I meant every word, without them we may still have been waiting on mighty Blade to come and RESCUE the old board. I have pledged this and RWI my home and WILL NOT be jumping ship back to a place run by characters of reptilian resemblance. Let us not dwell on the pros and cons of the 2 RWG's it's not a competition, one is GUARANTEED to be here, and be a safehaven for horologists of our ilk, the other is a 50:50 guess at whether it'll even be up, which is run by a COWARD, who deserted his OWN COUNTRY, just think how quick he'll be to drop the members again if he dismissed his home nation, and who seems to be solely motivated by financiary gain. I hope that members will take time to ACTUALLY THINK about what they are doing, but c'est la vie. " Ours is not to reason "Why?" " "Life is long, but in the end, the journey is the destination" You choose the path along which your journey will follow, and I will choose mine, in the end our journey's will both finish, and it is only then that we will come to ponder, whether we made the right choices. Choices are the the only undeterminable force in our journey, you will make yours, and I mine, we shall meet again whence we can compare path's, but until that day comes........ .......Have a pleasant journey and I wish ALL of you all the best, I shall never forget any of you who have touched my life, and those who will share some more of my journey with me, let us travel on.......
TwoTone Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 I've been to leeds. Was there for a week; felt like a month. Just kidding. the roads out of leeds are very good. I spent a year there one night...
V Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 which is run by a COWARD, who deserted his OWN COUNTRY, just think how quick he'll be to drop the members again if he dismissed his home nation, and who seems to be solely motivated by financiary gain. I agree with all said about Blade BUT if you have not experienced the compulsory military service I think all of you don't have the right to judge it. Calling and giving someone the label of 'Coward' because he is trying to avoid military service is ridiculous. In all the NON-mercenary countries EVERYBODY, and I mean EVERYBODY tries to avoid for a couple of years the compulsory military service (with university papers and other ways). When you are 18 and you just start your life you don't think about your country in case of war but for yourself (Which anyway, even if there was a war situation it is not the 18 yo who will save us). Also when the years pass, the compulsory service reduces in months till in a couple of years will be replaced with mercenary only. For me RWG1 and Blade are dead and I agree with most of your point BUT this. P.S. In my country we HAVE compulsory military and I went in time when I was 18. BAD decision because if I had delayed it a couple of months instead of 18 months I would have done only 12.
ubiquitous Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 RWG2 and TRC are where I hang my hat(s) to call 'home'. Great people, and great discussion- I have a lot of friends at both sites! Besides... The two sites are about all I can keep up with anyways. Sometimes, I can't even keep up with RWG2 by itself! I will never forget my days at RWG1; afterall, no one forgets their first! But those days are long past, and the ship has since sailed. I thank Admin, and Ken along with the moderators and members for all that they do here. For me, I don't need anything (or anywhere) else
Guest TTK Posted June 7, 2006 Report Posted June 7, 2006 @V.....I understand your point of view.....and believe it or not.... I know the old Rod McKuen song...."soldiers who want to be heroes....number practically zero...but there are millions who want to be civilians" The bone of contention isn't really that he shirked his duty....but that he was using it as an excuse for his actions....that makes it all the more you think if he had been running RWG correctly...and everything in the garden was rosy.....but everyone knew he was avoiding service...that we would all have implored him to go do his duty.....I think not......!
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