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Why Is Nfs60 Selling Them On Ebay?


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Don't worry about GAF, or their legal equivalents from Panerai, knocking here.

Ebay have this VRO ( Verified rights owners) programme. Its up to the Owner of the Intellectual Rights, to contact Ebay, to have the "offending" listing removed. Until a representative is appointed, Ebay won't even listen to complaints, although they will randomly remove some listings, just to appear to be doing something.

This is not about right or wrong, but about playing the legal game of " We do everything in our power to prevent this"

Of course Ebay don't want listings removed- that's their income stream..... but whilst they play the " We really try" game, they can't be taken to task. Its only if a VRO pushes the issue, that they will do anything, and then only to "comply" with a specific request.

I have looked in to this issue, have even spoken to some of the VRO's ( Owners of the IR)

They really see it as too difficult to enforce.... from this end....Enforcement must be from the manufacturing end.... ie , prosecute the manufacturers, who, as we all know are based out of China, an expanding ( rapidly) Communist country, whose masters are only concerned with the economy, not right or wrong.

So its all about politics, it would take pressure from an industry organisation, ( Swiss watch manufacturers)

to even have some token closures of "manufacturers"

If we ever have GAF, or their equivalent knocking on our doors, ( Which they have done) it will only be to justify their billing fees to the the IR owners.

Just my cynical view of the state of play.


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If we ever have GAF, or their equivalent knocking on our doors, ( Which they have done) it will only be to justify their billing fees to the the IR owners.

Which is bad enough IMO. There is no point deliberately sticking one's head above the radar.

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Sometimes one needs to make a bit of extra money to keep ones rep habits afloat. I am a full time student not a full time worker so its hard at times. I always buy from our beloved trusted dealers as I would never look any were else for a watch. We all need to live and the way I see it, I would never offer or sell a watch that I would not feel comfortable buying myself. Also, keep in mind that if one of my buyers decides to return the watch that I have sold them, I would always accept a full refund. I now get many emails from most of my buyers asking for more watches as they are so happy with the watch have sold them. I have also fixed and serviced two of my buyers watches a year after the sale to keep them happy. I love watches as this is my true passion. I am not trying to screw anyone as this is not my mission. You ask why I do not change my name to sell them on EBAY. I don't feel like I have anything to hide to anyone on this or any other board. If you have a problem with me just PM me and I will gladly discuss this in better detail. In the end of it all, my goal is just to own more and better reps and try to have some fun in the process.


Edited by nfs060
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