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Posts posted by Sailinjack

  1. HaHaHa, i would have capped one guy in the leg. Kidding.

    I hope it was a slightly windy and your suit jacket and tie were blowing in the wind. Something out of the professional hitman kind of movies. And "Do you feel lucky..." would have also been a good one liner to those mofo's.

    Nice Job!

    More like ...Hi make my day! :D

  2. I only just mentioned Ajoesmith in another thread, when I remembered that Tech is no where to be seen these days!

    In fact, if it weren't for Hike, Bruce, Vlydog, and a few others, we'd have precious few of those jiggly jugs/female form avatars these days. Since I can't use this (it's just too weird for a girl), maybe one of you lads might enjoy it. :tu:


    Very nice Vicky :rolleyes:

  3. Just to clarify that point:

    Neil was granted access to his PMs, and on open forum, refused to log onto the site to view them..

    According to a member of the admin team, his PMs have been archived and emailed to him, so he would now have that information regardless of his access to this forum. Where people have argued with him in the past about issues, he has posted saved copies of those PMs/emails/etc, to support his points, so it is most likely he would have that information already stored, and of course, any new information, would have been emailed to him. Also, of course, if anyone does need to contact Neil to clarify their details, they can do so on RG.

    As DemonSlayer pointed out above, if Neil is having issues with his sight, which was his explanation for the problems with the group buy, then he should be taking steps to ensure that the products he sends are being checked by someone without impaired vision, rather than doing it himself. As mentioned previously, for someone who mentioned having problems with their vision, Neil has been quite active on RG since he was banned from this forum for threatening the Admin. I hope that activity is a sign that his vision is improving.

    [Edit for clarity]

    TTK was offered 12 hours of open time by the Mods to get his PM's. I was online and I actually saw TTK here @ RWG so I am sure he picked up his PM's. Matter of fact(correct me if wrong) TTK was posting to some threads while he was back online during that time period. Again, this can be confirmed by TwoTone. Not here to stir up crap, just posting what I know and what I myself witnessed.

  4. CHRIST BABY JESUS, Ken. Cheapest right now on Fleabay is $949, Buy It Now.

    ID: 180224200346

    Looks a bit dodgy to me though...

    For those not sold on the Kelly DT, thinking it's cheap and not chic enough to warrant the bucks/loonies, I found an alternative!


    Your wife will make love to you for hours.

    EDIT: Okay, I've spent two hours solid looking at the various sites, especially Jay's cheaper site, watchsilix. There are some gems there, but mostly, whew, they're clunkers.

    Who ON EARTH buys this crap?


    Your wife will make love to you for hours.

    Wow, the watch(gift) that keeps on giving! :rolleyes:

  5. Hi there.

    I came across this board by accident,looking for one specific watch.

    After one day browsing the site i have a list of about 10 watches i would like to own!

    There should be a disclaimer on the front page Stating that this hobby is liable to hurt your wealth :D

    Think i have made a choice on my preferred dealer(with some input from a helpful member,Many thanks) so just need to get on and fill this wish list with the watches.

    I have a real bad lust over the tag Sel chrono but cant find a rep anywhere,so am going to order a Link chrono and the Rolexs are looking like number 2 purchase(not sure which yet,way too many nice ones)

    You have no idea how expensive this can become. Know those guys that do 'from the ground up car restorations'? Kinda like that crazy stuff. :D

  6. my point being; how can you be "accused" of anything? who is the responsible party in this issue... not you, not the rest of the members in the group buy.. i just cannot see how a "solution" would be brought about on this board ?? If it's a debate you are interested in then I would equate it to a game of slow table tennis.. back and forth..is all..

    Neil has obviously made many enemies with his sharp tongue, and up until recently for lack of a better word .. exclusive sales of MBK-MBW... "monopoly" would be a very charged word... so there are many that would like to see him fry..

    I have been at the recieving end of his so called "wit"

    But I don't in anyway believe that Neil is a "scammer" in anyway shape or form.. and this is coming from a member who has nothing to gain nor loose by stating this.. with all his percieved faults.. Neil may be a person who is vindictive and would withhold sending out the watches immediately for the simple reason of "getting back" at those who are ... in his mind messing with him.Look at the members who have not recieved any communication from him.. just a coincedence that they are the members who stood up to him and in a "no holds barred" posting of his business ethics.. or "scamming accusations" ? I don't think this is a coincedence in anyway.. is it right ..NO... is Neil capable of this behavior... YES... IMHO

    And that is why my suggestion that it would be better to face the man rather than him not even being able to view these posts

    my suggestion as I stated was ..."just a thought" .. but i have explained my thought out more thoroughly....

    Sure this talk will get back to him.. but what good will it do here ?? other than to flame the man... you want bantar.. or a solution? or better yet .. your timepiece that you already paid for ??

    and in closing .. I Don't blame anyone for being as emotional because the principal coupled with the money dished out already (no matter if it is 1.00 or 100.00) .. makes it all the more grating...

    IMHO all the postings here are not really helping the members who are without their watches.. and if you say it will hurt his sales on the the only board he is allowed on... Well, it would seem to me ..Neil has made his bed... and it's "his" choice to loose sales .. not the members who are left without what they bought and paid for..and have yet to recieve..........


    You're supper passionate. I vote we add Lanikaii to 'Vote for President'. With a man like this man ....what a world this can be!

  7. Fortunately I had just left downtown when the tornado hit. We frequent a bar in the lobby of our building and I had just left about 15 mins before it hit. The building got hit hard, but my rep TAG Link and I lived to tell the tale. :) One of my buddies said he figured he was drunk because he kept hearing a "freight train". Everyone in the bar/lobby ended up huddling in a stairwell. Fortunately no lives were lost. Windows and possessions can be replaced and buildings can be repaired.

    Happy to see your OK!

  8. To the best of our knowledge TTK has never scammed anyone, therefore I would be very surprised if the members in this thread do not in fact receive what they paid for.


    I'll believe it when I see it. Before he was knocked offline on RWG he posted a thread stating that my watch was mailed mid February. No tracking info of course. Since that time I have rec'd 2 watches from China, one from Hawaii, another from The Zigmeister and so on and so on. I am very skeptical Ken.

    @ Lanikai

    I am sure the postings would be better served on the other site, but then we might be accused of trying to cut off his potential business earnings over there. Enough said.

    Right about now if a parcel did arrive I would be worried to open it because of any air borne pollutant chems that might be inside waitng to pop out.....remember, he did write he was once a PI and other things in his early life. B)

  9. Serengeti Drivers...I find them(all my 6-8 pairs) excellent!. Chose the UV type with spring loaded hinges. Read up on them in their S web site before buying. Know as much as you can about them before going to buy. ;)

  10. Ho hum....Just thinking out loud here......Hmmm... lots of reading here. I was just wondering about how many members are Professors @ Business schools throughout the world? Could this make an interesting 'Business Case Review' for young eager minded business school students?

    What are the parameters of a business case? Does it fit within these parameters?

    Would it be lessons learned for students?

    Nah...well just maybe?

  11. As Twotone has pointed out, there is MUCH more to this story than is being shared on the board...from both parties.

    Suffice to say (having spoke to TTK) that those Repgeek members still waiting on a watch from him will still have your delivery.

    Those members here at RWG will sadly not have your watch. He now has no access to your info stored in a folder in his PM here at RWG, so this ban has had an adverse effect on the few still waiting for a watch.

    I'm sure that once TTK is feeling better (probably after he returns home to Scotland and receives proper care) he'll reach out and apologize to the Admin here at RWG, which could facilitate access to info contained here for pending orders and fulfill his obligations, as he takes pride in the fact that he's never scammed anyone.

    Sorry.......... I have read lots of your threads and buddy wewere not getting our watches anyways! It's TTK's business model. TTK sells pictures carries no inventory....get it?

    That's his forte...selling you pictures! He takes your money then he makes the deal with China. By then, the watches are either out of production or bought up by other collectors and TTK is out in the cold. Usually a businees runs on capital. This business model didn't. So when money came, those outstanding orders/those complaining members, got their items(if available) not the watches that were ordered by members with sent monies for said watches. Need I paint you a better picture? Enough said....you must have gotten the drift by now (if you haven't already known).

    As to the action taken by RWG Admin I am truly surprised that they did not have the cops involved in this. Anyone that makes threats (as I am lead to believe were made) is asking for legal action and jail time. All I can say to TwoTone and T is that they have NOTHING to apologize for nor to feel bad about about. No one is above the law. NO ONE.

    As for that famous TTK camera that some members so dearly love, I am sure you can get your taste of iagain via personal emails. Enough said! Whew.

  12. Well reasoned concerted decisiveness. This is what makes RWG's the greatest admin team around.

    Thanks for the notice, TT. Now we move on.


    Exactly... it's like when that red phone rings in the Whitehouse @ 3AM, there is no time not to be decisive!

  13. President Clinton's PAM is well-known, so much so, I think people call it the Clinton PAM. :p

    It's the 089.


    And just to make it fair and balanced, old President Bush wearing a PAM too (he discovered it way before Clinton did).


    I've remarked that celebs have this UNGODLY habit of wearing their PAMs on OEM straps or worse, the rubber diver. I mean, can't their personal assistants get on the 'net and find nice aftermarket straps?? Sheesh.

    Oh, and in case you're moaning that this isn't movie-related, nah. I'm sure GHWB was in Naked Gun, and Clinton was in Team America. :lol:

    Vicky you never cease to amaze me, that's why I like you so!

  14. Hi,

    I've just joined a consulting company and noticed that most of the consultants wear Tag Heuers and cuff links.

    What's your experience if any of you work in the consulting industry? Would a watch with lots of bling factor be frowned upon ?

    What would your suggestions be for this line of work?


    Casio/Timex.......they want you to believe they are frugal and not over charging you for their services ;)

  15. Thick straps are like skinny girls that wear oversized sunglasses. Some people think it's chic or fashionable others think they're just plain goofy. Personally, I don't mind a thick strap for casual wear. But If I had to go for a formal look though, I would definitely switch to something thinner. Like a nice suit, I'd want something that was clean, sleek, and fit well, not some chunky 6mm strap that made me look like I was wearing a freakin' armband.

    i AGREE. And that's why I prefer 4mm for my straps.

  16. I've been a big PAM fan for quite some time during 2004-2005... had some nice pieces... but then other brands started to appear as nice reps and I changed direction. Sold most of my PAMs and decided to stick to only 2 - a 111 and an old cased 196.

    I used to wear my PAMs on rubber straps or some DON straps I purchased in the beginning of my PAM frenzy. It means I did not buy a single strap since 2005.

    Until like a week ago when I decided to give my PAMs some more wrist time and to get some new stuff for them.

    Went with Strap Culture and one of their newest offerings.

    Strap arrived today. The quality, the leather, stitching, buckle... everything is awesome. BUT.... this strap is quite thick... and you know what? It feels so damn strange on the wrist.... the buckle area is thicker than the watch that is sitting on the opposite side of the wrist. My 44 mm PAM is dwarfed by that strap! It feels like it is way too small for the strap!

    And here is my question - is it normal???? Are you guys wearing such straps now???

    Just look at these pics:


    That buckle/keepers area is just crazy!




    I can't say it is comfortable plus I feel a bit like an idiot when I have it on... is this normal nowadays????

    Personally I LOVE your strap!

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