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  1. Well he didn
  2. Holla T, seems to revitalize the T-48 / T-60 design team? Perhaps we can do a set of drawings for a CG?
  3. Hi Serge, T just presented his new T-48 crown in PVD-finish. Ti is availeable as well and the T-crowns fit just perfectly without any need for changes. You might need a longer stem, though.
  4. Oh and I forgot to mention that the 040 doesn
  5. The black susage dial with Ti case and closed back exists, it
  6. I experienced that it
  7. For some reason it looks best with the strapmaster cordovan, however, what I am really jealous for is your 118. Very nice!
  8. Frankt, TeeJay, the replica yacht thing is a common issue. Look at the Hinkley picknick boat. There are dozens of yards building boat of that style now. And Hinkley did not even start it, they copied designs from the 1950s by Raymond Bunker. Some turkish yards reproduce the style of Princess yachts in an excellent way, with great attention to quality and details. However, they don
  9. I agree that several theories about the things happening in the world today are just plain wrong, nonsense. But we have to face the fact that something unhealthy is happening. What really happened with the WTC? I don
  10. Hi John, the documenttion did not blame the U.S. government for the 9/11 tragedy, but it showed that there are several aspects of the official version that have to be doubted. Did you know for example that the twin towers were designed to resist the impact of a Bing 707 (the biggest civil aircraft in the days when the WTC was built)? Slightly bigger than a 767 by the way... Next thing the report stated that the collapse of the buildings was accompanied by many events and technical details that show every sign of a controlled demolition and that a controlled demolition would in fact have been well possible since the occasions fot that were there or have been artificially created short befor that incident. For example, there were no more dogs that were used to search for explosives inside the buildings. this had been stopped a few weeks ago. Then Alan Silverstein made a real big fortune with the collapse of the (asbest contaminated) WTC from the insurance coverage of the incident. (He did not pay much for taking over the WTC which was sliding into red numbers by then.) Gold depots in the basement of the WTC site were found empty. Melted steel was reported from ground zero, but officially there was nothing that could cause temperatures in excess of 600
  11. John, I never said that the media in the U.S. can
  12. Fish


    I really feel sorry for all who had to suffer from that criminal act against humanity. For those who died and those who lost friends and relatives. And I feel sorry for those who suffered the same from all the consequences that followed this unbelieveable act of cruelty.
  13. Would be nice to let him chose between 5 years in prison or 5 rounds against a kickboxing champion...
  14. Oh my god, how can it be? Common people could be around in their elite club and they wouldn
  15. There definitely are unanswered questions about 9/11. And there are a lot of reasons to doubt that the US stands for the freedom it claims to protect. Many civil rights are going down the toilet in the U.S. Now if you say: Well, perhaps there is really a danger for our beloved democracy the authorities have every right to fight it... Patriot act, homeland security, human rights dienied for certain people, the U.S. government standing above the UN and civil rights, Guantanamo, Abu Ghoreib, now mass arrest camps prepared in the U.S. whenever there are demonstrations expected, the government claiming the right to record telephone calls, evidences in a law suit no longer need to be found in a legit and legal investigation to be accepted by court, the U.S. is in fact under war rights since 9/11 with the president having additional authority concerning changes and restrictions to civil rights. Civil rights are no longer birth rights but they
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