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Everything posted by Fish

  1. Even Sapphire is not 100% scratch resistant, just say goodbye to that myth. You actually can scratch a sapphire crystal with quartz or corund. But the other, softer material will suffer more damage. That beein mentioned, no one will bother causing a scratch on a brick wall with his watch, but scratches on the watch crystal are annoying. A true sapphire crystal tends to break rather than scratch, but that
  2. I now read some where that the Stennis is at home, at the US westcoast. I am really irritated, the only thing i found now is that the Abe Lincoln went from the persian sea to the Gulf of Oman to be able to have Afghanistan whithin reach (to prevent the taliban airforce from starting aircrafts?) http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/07/08/carrier.moves/
  3. Did the google search again, found no more info older than a year..
  4. No old reports but recent ones. Just take those 3 names and thown them into google. You
  5. Glad to hear that. The News that the Enterprise went down to the Persian Gulf was published on several serious news sites. I did some more research and read that the Enterprise would be sent there to replace the Nimitz (Heise news agency). We
  6. Well, there
  7. U.S.S. Nimitz and U.S.S. Stennis are in the Red Sea (persian golf), U.S.S. Enterprise is on the way to them and there a re romours that a fourth group seems planned to join them. I just wonder if that means trouble... Anybody worried?
  8. Just hope we don
  9. A good combination would be the standard rep with gagger Swan neck from Joshua and a modded DSN CG. It is really tricky (the screw size and screw hole distance is different) but it can be done and the results are really nice. The crown stem with the Joshua version is slightly too long sometimes which requires to storten the stem and the CG feet to make the crown lock down correctly into the O-ring gasket (which is important for getting it waterproof). Here are some fotos for comparison, the one with 2 watches shows the difference between H-series style and earlier CG style.
  10. 7a. Remember you can always use WD40 to remove duct tape traces. 10. Maintenance is the useless practice of repairing something that isn
  11. Effective range could also be defined by different standards, one manufacturer might take the distance to which it is unpleasant for the target while another might limit the effective range to a distance where the use of that thing gives you the reason to expect the desired result?
  12. What I wanted to point out is that the M16 and the G3 are designed for different combat scenarios. The G3 will punch a hole in a 10mm steel plate from 200m distance and it could break a cast-iron or aluminum engine block on the same distance. Try that with 5,56 Remington! The G3 is a weapon designed for open areas while the M16 is more practical for closer distances man to man combat due to its weight and handyness. If you compare the G36 or a Steyr AUG with a design from the 1960s (M16) or the 1970s (G3) there are 2 different worlds, they just don
  13. The Seamaster 300 or a black/white 42mm PO would be my choice. But I
  14. The Mg 42 used the caliber 8x57. It was followed by the MG3 that is based on the same desigh but converted to NATO caliber 7,62 which is same as .308 Winchester. And yes, that one is designed to do ugly things. However, an assault rifle is usually designed for a certain purpose nd a certain way of use. The M16 is rather light and handy while the HK G3 is heaviy but much more efficient on longer distances. The AK47 by the way is based on the desigh of the german Sturmgewehr 44 (assault riffle designed in 1944) which furtunately never seriously came into use and was limited to airborne units due to low production numbers. By the way, do you know of the MDW? This is the German military "Material destroying weapon", a 20mm tactical snier rifle for use against lightly armored vehicles and aircrafts. However, it seems like we
  15. Andreww is right. The pic shows a 45mm, you can see it from the date position.
  16. Welcome to RWG, you found a good place to start into this hobby. There are lots of helpful infos and many members sharing their experience with you. No scam dealers here, this community decided to host only a few good dealers that have proven their honesty and reliability. Some of the dealers, sorry, collectors are really busy with their business so it is a good approach to do your research here before you decide what you want to buy instead of writing pages of mails to them asking a few dozen questions. However, all of them do their best to help if info or assistance is needed. It
  17. Happy birthday Warren! Hope you have some nice time with your family and friends today! Alos hope you stocked up well for the party!
  18. Happy birthday Warren! Hope you have some nice time with your family and friends today!
  19. no problems so far for me, 2 PAMs and perfect timekeeping out of the box. O.K., I did one minor repair...
  20. I have a stock Joshua CG with the feet shortened to get a correct, but still a little smooth lock-down with 0,5mm distance between case and crown. Lever was made flush with the CG and lever space was tightened. For obvious reasons I don
  21. @kruzer. I changed the CH koles so they would work with the standard case screw holes and screw. Did not change anything with the case holes...
  22. The trick is to cut the big holes from 2,8mm to 3,3mm while shifting the hole center about 0,25mm to the ends of the CG. The small hole inside where the screw goes through has to be widened to 2mm and shifted about 0,25mm to the ends so it becomes a long hole leaving a rim where the screws hold the CG to the case. Obviously you can
  23. The CG i used for this mod was originally a DSN Ti CG. I had to widen the screw holes and get them more to the side. Tricky without heavy machines! Then I used a belt sander to get the rough shape of the topside, rest was done with sanding paper. For cutting the CG feet (important for tight lock-down) i used a Dremel and sanding paper. I wasted one CG on the way to get the holes right so I would say that this is not an easy DIY mod without serious tools.
  24. Just let me know what you think... I think it
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