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Bike Mike

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Everything posted by Bike Mike

  1. Yeah good luck getting help around here with a attitude like that F*cktard! Valerian was just trying to help you out and correct a common mistake seen here often. Maybe instead of flying off the handle at someone for a mistake you made, you should correct your post and put in the word you meant to use!
  2. Take it to a Breitling AD, just the bracelet and let them take the screw out. This way if they damage it, they will have it covered by Breitling.
  3. Not to metion when you buy a Gen from a Breitling AD you get cool gifts!
  4. Why sell it, if it has the Franken has the gen dial and you are just going to replace it with the same model only gen
  5. Could be the angle, but the hour hand looks too long. The black dial looks very nice!
  6. They issue with the deployment is one the strap takes the set, game over. If you need to adjust it a little, it will stay for about a hour and then move its way back to the set position. This is why I moved to the tang strap with a aftermarket butterfly deployment. Best of both worlds. Security of the deployment, the position stays as a tnag and you do not wear out the strap like with a tang.
  7. Nice. Tang or Deployment for the strap?
  8. With a $12K Price tag to match. Like the plane in your avitar. Where did you get it from? Please tell me I have to buy another Gen for Breitling to send me one.
  9. Rethinking that 7750 tear down and build up now huh?
  10. 24/22. Gen Pam tubes fit perfect in it too! The 250 is getting surgery this weekend to have a special Pam case fitted too!
  11. I just received and mounted my Blackbard special today on my Pam250. Grey Tallahassee Crocodile, with some extra length for my big wrist. My jaw is still on the floor! BBs craftsmanship is phenomenal and it shows in his straps! The croco is soft and has a very reach feel too it. Honestly, putting BBs work next to my Gen Breitling croco straps, BBs is superior is looks and suppleness of the croco. It is not stiff as a board and requires having to wear it to break it in. I will be back for many more BB's straps! More granite for HackR too.
  12. I heard that as well, as it also gives you watch a nice minty fresh smell too. No worries, you are not going to hurt the, with a nylon bristles of a brush. Ceramic is one of the hardest materials known to man. I use liquid hand soap at my sink without issue. Just dont submerge your watch in the water.
  13. Beautiful Lani! Breilting should take note, and supply a strap like that for the BS!
  14. Look'n good Sixx. Just got one myself from BB, going to have to post some pics when I get it on. Cheers Bro!
  15. Soft toothbrush, soap and water is what I use on my reps and gens when they get dirty from daily wearing.
  16. Read HEAR . Tearing apart a movement and putting back together can be a bit of a challenge. Getting it running is a whole other ball of wax and the instructions will not help you with it. This is what I am going through right now.
  17. Thanks Francisco. Of course I want to find the problem. I am a OCD Engineer that has to fix everything! As I mentioned I checked all the jewels. They are not broken and not cocked in both the main or train wheel bridge plate (have not built it up beyond this as it is giving me the issue). So I am thinking it has to be the opposing jewels in those 2 plates not lining up perfectly. I thought about swapping plats, however the movement has nice perlage decoration on the bridge and my replacements do not. Not like the movement is visible
  18. It is one hell of a ride and I was excited when Ford looked into bringing them over here, but the numbers did not work out. The car was going pushing into $40K+ territory by the time it got into the hands of the consumers, so the plan was scrapped. Same reason Ford has not brought over some of the smaller engines from Europe that get great fuel economy. I have insider information.
  19. Great articles Merc! A couple of notes. On the Focus RS, it is about $38,000 and would cost US consumers $42-$50K if Ford brought it State side, hence why they did not because no one is going to spend that on a Focus. It is a sweet ride though, have tested a few of them. Also the 2011 5.0 liter Mustang has been tested on the track. Ford is just not giving any numbers because performance has not be finallized. I have personally had it out on the track. Keep up the good work!
  20. Rodico will also pull the oil out of your fingers and transfer it as well. Try to handle it as little as possible. Also Rodico comes in contact with oil, it tends to become gummy, so using a new surface on the piece you are working with helps a lot.
  21. The DE has one heck of a giggle factor everytime you pull the trigger. Although at $1.25+ every squeeze, the fun aspect wears quickly. Like I you prefer smaller, .40cal. Reading your review more, I kind of wonder if the SS type will have a factor in the final appearance of the DLC. My guess as it would as I know coating processes like anodizing had a big appearance difference depending on the material. I think I have some old contact that did TiN coating near me, see if they are still around and can shed some light on the subject.
  22. This is what I am down too right now. Jewels between the too plates that at not aligning within spec, that allow for enough play while running dry, but not enough when oiled. Thinking about appling oil to each wheel and stoping at the escape wheel to see what I get as this is where you have the least amount of power and the slightest amount of drag means enough binding to overcome the little power that is there.
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