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Everything posted by blade007

  1. anyone know what film this is from? and please dont reply with "300"
  2. This is what i call a bomboozled replica u got some?
  3. sorry to hear it buddy, hang in there
  4. there is a "community guide to buying iwc" on this forum, have a look though that and all will become clear. cheers
  5. 3717-05
  6. another excellent review. thanks mate
  7. Cool, I wasnt aware of that company! Mind if I ask how much did that cost you? My main concern is the quality of the AR as well. I am not sure how industrial AR/Optical AR etc compares to the AR on the watches. I received an e-mail back from the techies at one of the companies in question stating that if I send them a sample of the type of AR required they might be able to match it! Now, i dont own any gens with AR and certainly do not want to remove the sapphire from my swiss SOSF hehe... I guess I will just have to try it out and see..
  8. "RUN FOREST RUN"...
  9. going good for me too, i am in UK
  10. Cheers for the heads up mate. i will certainly avoid them, they are not one of the companies i contacted anyway. Sadly i cannot name the companies on a replica forums. Google lists almost every post in their search results despite the "members only" nature of this board. A simple search result from a replica or replica related site could be a turn off for a company to not go ahead with the AR service. Once the results are in, perhaps the best way forward is to appoint one person who will be the "buffer" between the forum members and the "AR company", perhaps we can use both of them. I had a positive confirmation from both companies to provide a "sample service" for me in their next batch. There is a good chance that I might never see the crystal again, for this reason I am going to send a couple of spare seiko sapphire crystals to them. Once I get the results back (hopefully), we could perhaps work out a way this can work for the benifit of everyone here...
  11. hey buddy, welcome to london. you have a mail..
  12. Hiya guys, I was trying to find someone in UK/EU who might be able to do an AR job on seiko crystals. I made contact with 2 professional optics companies that are willing to carry out the job. Now, i dont really know much about the "technical" aspects of the quality or strength of the AR service they provide. After a bit of communication (as a gesture of goodwill and betchmark of quality), both companies have ageed to "slip" my watche crystals into their next AR run for FREE. I might have to wait for a bit but its great and FREE. I am gonna pick up a couple of seiko sapphire crystals to test this out. It is a big possibility that the AR is nowhere near the services already on offer here. Will upload pics when I get mine done. If this is of any interest to any EU/UK members, i can probe this further.... Hopefully if it all works out we might have another EU based AR service. Although, someone will have to organise the batch AR run and collect crystals, sadly it cant be me due to time, wife and life restrictions... Cheers D
  13. Cheers for the links mate, I am not sure if internationalwatchman ship to UK, but their straps are certainly very affordable. I like the collection at panatime too. :-)
  14. Hi, I just saw this strap: But this one is 26mm, can anyonw suggest me a 24mm strap similar to this? Ideally an EU based dealer. I have seen and love the red21 straps but somehow I cant afford them, does anyone know of a cheaper alternative to them? Cheers
  15. @P8B: Cool, i look forward to seeing it mate. Was ur other box improvised from a bangle case? Looking cool though. I have a local leathersmith, I had got him to make a a custom pair of cowboy boots a few years back, since then he has made many custom bits n pieces for me. I generally give him a pic for any custom designs. There are a couple of leathersmiths in Delhi that specialize in making cowboy boots (mostly for export), perhaps have a word with them..
  16. Hiya guys, I have 2 sapphire and 2 hardlex (seiko) crystals that I need to get the magical double AR i keep reading about on these forums. I can get the crystals removed by my watchsmith to make the postal transit easier. Ideally i would prefer to have the job done in EU but I need to get them done sort of promptly and cant really wait around for 3 months or so as I wouldnt have any of my fav watches to wear during this time... so.... * Who is my best option for this job? * Do i have to wait for a communal AR run or can this be done ad hoc? * how long does it take on average to get the crystals back (besides the postal delays) Thanks
  17. @TagShmag: ingenuity has no bounds, in your case no taste or style either. keep it up.... @P8B: oh cool. I am heading over to india in a couple of months and got a few relatives in delhi too. Time to get some custom made panerai style straps along with a similar box to urs. I am in UK btw..
  18. thank heavens for that. I had to block the old image on my work pc using firefox adblock plugin. sometimes less is more.
  19. why not wear and enjoy the one you just bought? i know its an addictive hobby, but its worth nothing if you dont fully apperciate and enjoy the "bird in the hand"
  20. thats a very nice looking box. may I ask if you are in India?
  21. 3000+ views and 150+ replies out of which only 15 or so with pics. what a load of peeping perverts.. I gave up my pics for this? comon ppl. lets see what you got
  22. she is very familar indeed. I think I remember seeing her in a porno or 2 as well. will try to dig up a name for you.. /me goes on a porno research mission... now where is that porn backup hdd!
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