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Everything posted by blade007

  1. http://peachyforum.com/forums/p/193661/591553.aspx
  2. The girl in DeamonSlayer's avatar is called maliah michel http://www.hiphopvideomodels.net/maliah_michel.html
  3. plenty of options buddy. bob straps are quite wicked too take a look at http://www.waccex.de I was looking a strap too, do a search on the forums and you shall see plenty of other alternatives
  4. hey guys, do u know if anyone is offering AR service in UK?
  5. yeah thats what I meant, PT == PTSwiss == Precioustime-UK
  6. i have the same watch on order with PT. my vote goes to PT
  7. lol. there is no such thing as free lunch my friend. I suppose you might get a free Quartz version like I do from time to time..
  8. lol. al khyda got though to rolex too?
  9. all i know and care about is this: I wanna pay a FAIR price for a good quality rep. Something in the region of
  10. I am in London and visit bham often.. haha. small world I didnt wanna bother risking the overseas orders due to customs etc. I have just purchased my 3rd watch from PT (precioustime-uk.com / ptswiss.com) and I cannot reccomend him enough. His products are of very high quality, nice friendly chap to deal with and no customs issues either. He is highly recommended. There is Narikka if you fancy fantasy or cheaper reps + pens and stuff. Nice fellow but i havent yet bought anything off him yet
  11. surely thats good for us buyers right? I think in stock market, the term for such behavior is "bears"
  12. who are u on about mate?
  13. hiya dan, welcome mate. Nice looking watches u got there mate. where in uk are u from?
  14. i would like to know this also. ideally a UK source
  15. first post? ooh i get to pop ur cherry.. welcome and the thread below is always a good start http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=49957 i am getting the sosf eta version too. its a very nice rep
  16. maybe he got a grinder and tried to test his royal oak for scratch proofing?
  17. forgive me for askin, what is a "frat boy"?
  18. i was looking fwd to a nice ebel rep.. yaaaay black version for me thanks
  19. thats almost like saying "Is it true you blacks have large dicks?" lol.. the answer is...I am not sure. I have come across a lot of indians like Rolex, Omega and Rado. due to their marketing possibly?
  20. Kidda yaar? Ki chalda? nah not india..I am in UK. whih part of india are u? pm me and we can chat about fulfilling your obsession in india without the customs hassle.
  21. thanks for all ur input guys. It really made me question buying asian version. I have instead got an eta version from PT. Awaiting delivery, I am so excited.
  22. thanks for the pics guys, its really great. I chose the white version for the very reason that any strap will go with it. I went to a gen shop and tried out the real deal. The watch is bigger than it appears in the pics. The good things is that it was PERFECT size for my wrists. The cost of a gen deployant is ~
  23. hiya guys, I have a SOSF/SFSO eta from PT. I have decided to get the white dial version. I cant wait for it to arrive. Any one got any suggestion son where to get a leather strap for it? suggestions on style most welcome too. Also, anyone know where I can get a deployant for it? Cheers
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