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Everything posted by blade007

  1. here you go: http://www.torrentbox.com/torrent_details?id=193421 enjoy
  2. i like the idea too. Iam putting off the urge to buy another rep and waiting for a 44mm Steinharts. There is also a seiko diver that I am after. Did I mention the spring drives? hehe.. I was out shopping today and noticed that Hamilton arnt that pricey either. I think unless an exception rep is released my next purchases are gonna be the above gens. I normally lurk around at http://forums.watchuseek.com to get some advice on cheap-mid price gens.
  3. I thought they might be, I havent seen many Quad electrostatic speakers around. They are one of the finer breed. I went to an hifi demo room at harrods once and they had Martin Logan electostatic speakers hooked up to a krell cd/amp combo, boy did they sound nice.. back to the subject, often when I go for hifi demos etc, my personal experience is that when demoing audio kit worth as much as an average car, it pays off not to dress in a hoodie if you want to be taken seriously. I cant even remember the number of times I have been shrugged away for not "dressing up" to the occasion..
  4. OOh, very nice amp mate, is it class A valve? they are a rather expensive arnt they?? I wont ask if its a gen or a rep. LOL Actually why dont we start a "post your watch and hifi pics" thread? ps: love the watch too. just noticed in the background you have something that looks rather like electrostatic speakers... am i seeing things or what?
  5. hiya mate, I think you are after this one: http://www.replicawatchreport.com/articles...e-eta-7750.html
  6. LOL, you mean like Russell Brand? Feel sorry for the "Russell Brand wannabees"
  7. haha, i think my Shure story is very similar to yours, I went from having Sony MDR EX71SLB Fontopia headphones, similarly the wire started getting ripped and looked like my dog had chewed through most of it. Ended up getting sennheiser PX200, then moved onto AKG and finally got the sennheiser HD25. The thing with sennheiser HD25 was the size and looked odd on days when I was dressing smart for work. Looked like I had pair cans stuck to my head, didnt go with the outlook. That led to IEMs.. Since I got the Shure ones my sennheiser HD25 are confied to PC/Mac use. harman kardon soundsticks 2 are very nice choice. I love the sub design. you have good taste sir. Again, very similar to your setup, I used to have a pair of B&W 602 stand mounters with a marantz. loved the mellow soun dof the amp and the slightly bassy undertone of the B&W speakers. so, good taste there buddy. Hmm, a portable worthy of Shure sound signature...!!! this is tricky. When i had got my SE201's the mp3's sounded crap cause as you say they do "feels like the music is injected direct to your brain cells". Thats the downside of having high quality headphones... Unfortunately I couldnt find anything that was as usable as the iPod and had similar features. My way around the problem was to re-rip all the music in 320 bit rate setting. There is a way you can imporve the sound signature of your ipod However if you are looking for a different player to an ipod there is the creative zen, iriver etc. I have not heard the sound signature to be able to comment, but the usability is nowhere as nice as an iPod.
  8. Excellent discussion an very interesting points having been raised. This brings me to the age old question. Why would someone actively try to pass of their fake as a gen? I guess in order to explore this, we first have to assume that "faking it" is the mild form of lying (depending on intent). Someone having bought a rep despite paying the gen price is quite severe form of lying and deception on the dealer's part. We must look at lying in general. So, why do we lie... lying comes very easy Excellent point above, So alongside the pshycological aspects we (at times) lie to get a better position and to further enhance our image, project success, boost confidence and influences ones ability to successfully conduct business (@tenacious_b - sorry, I hope you dont feel this is taken out of context) If someone is actively going around telling people that his rep is a gen could it be fair to call it "deception"? So, lets move on to discussing about how human mind goes about Detecting Deception. Excelent points have been raised in the above 3 posts it seems clear that when we as humans do not take anything at face value, there are underlaying factors that influence our judgement and decission making. We tend to not only observe the person in question but also take note of factors that could support their claim. I agree mearly observing someone's appearence is not sufficient to detetct a "lie" or "deception".. Our subconcious mind is also looking to behavioral clue to help us reach a conclusion.. full version of The detection of deception via non-verbal deception cues any thoughts?
  9. hehe indeed I am a bit of a self confessed audiophile. I am still sticking to 2 channels where possible. Here is what my setup consisis of at the moment: Home: amp: Audiolab 8000A (british) speakers: proac tablette 50 (british) audio source: mostly on pc using Creative x-fi platinum card and high bit rate mp3s. Sold off my Musical Fidelity X Ray cd player. Interconnects: van den hul D - 102 III HYBRID Portable: headphones: sennheiser hd25-1 headphones2: shure SE210 Ipod: 4th gen beater Shure SE530 are so nice, I wanted to get a pair of those too, sadly I couldnt strech that far and already had a pair of sennheiser hd25-1. What equipment do you mainly use? woohoo, my 100th post..
  10. looking really good mate, excellent build quality. I am looking to get one myself, but waiting for a 44mm version.
  11. if anyone is interested in a deeper psychological discussion about replicas and subconscious decision making, please head over to: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=71357
  12. Since there was overlapping conversation at the other thread here I thought the topic deserved a thread of its own.. I have been interested the human thought processes, mostly how we perceive the world around us and what persuades us to make certain decisions. Why we make certain perceptions about others? It appears that the subconscious mind is more alert than we like to think. We often perform actions and tasks that we not even thinking about. The same is true when judging what we like and dislike, what we believe and disbelieve. So our mind is making decisions in the background and we are not even aware? How many of us consciously or sub consciously pass off our fakes as gens? How many times you see someone wearing a watch and cant quite make up your mind if its a gen? How many times someone sees your watch and thinks "wow thats a lovely watch, I bet its expensive"? It would appear that your subconscious mind is already making some judgments and conclusions in the background without us knowing? I wonder if power of persuasion can be used to convince someone that the "cheap rep" on your wrist is in fact a gen. Here is a short video to get you all in the mood for some healthy discussion: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=B5aqpTs6rd4
  13. you think he really cares if people this his t-shirt compliments his watch? lol On the other hand no one would assume its a fake
  14. haha.. nice suggestions, I am sure many "geeks" would love em.. although not binary but if i was ever getting a quartz digital I think it would have to be a Tag Heuer Monaco Sixty-Nine. Sadly I havent seen a convincing rep of this as yet. If I got a gen, I wonder what I would wear with it.. (joke) but plenty of choice for someone who is passionate about computers or enjoys "geek watches" here: http://www.productdose.com/article.php?article_id=3831
  15. Anyway since this topic has drifted kinda into the relms of offtopic duscussion and is hinting on social influencing, social conditioning etc, for anyone interesting in deeper human behavior - here is a really interesting book: Cognitive and Social Factors in Early Deception on that note, It was not my intention to discuss social aspects of wearing a rep or to talk about social conditioing or to analyise anyone's taste in clothing brands or get an estimate of people's spending power. my reason for starting this thread was simple, to find what what you guys wear with which watch. Taking into account that people have different tastes and styles, it was not to condem or "laugh" at anyone's sense of fashion. Neither was the purpose to complile of list of "which jeans/shirt combo will make me pass my fake {insert watch name here} as a gen". Its rather simple guys, wear your rep and enjoy it. Whatever you wear it with it doesnt matter. Some will actively make an effort to pass their fake as a gen some wont. Some will beleive that person passing it as a fake is wearing a gen others wont. The guy on the bus might be wearing a gen (who cares), did I beleive it was a gen? No.. Did he make an effort to convince me? no.. Did I know him? no.. so in words of Katherine Tate (british comedian) "am I bowtha?" So here is my request to the mods, please lock this thread if you feel.
  16. exactly, that is just the point I was trying to get across before my post started getting taken out of context. Personally if i had a gen $4000 watch given to me by parents/relative or if i was uber rich, I wouldnt be wearing it to college/uni, especially not with the london mugging/crime rate. And more so I wouldnt be wearing a $4000 watch to college on a bus in london. We as humans take a lot of influencing/enviornment/sorrounding/association factors into account before beleiving someone/something. A little off topic but an interesting read How to Detect Lies..
  17. for all you tech geeks out there: http://www.tokyoflash.com/en/watches/1/
  18. hmmm, this thread is turning into "bad dakku for judging a poor student".. :-| We all have steriotypes, I didnt start this thread to discuss the steriotypes but more to find out what other people wear. ah none the less... here is what I am gonna be wearing with my dungarees: and this for a special occasion with my tux :ph34r:
  19. That is a very valid points. something I have seen happen in Central London as well. I am a software programmer/web developer by profession and what I have found working in my sector is that: 1) It is too hard to impress anyone with your watches in my field, programmers like binary data. That often means quartz digital. For one, they can keep time a whole lot better and as with computers they are "digital" 2) if it aint got ram/cpu/graphics card/motherboard us programmers are generally not interested.. LOL It is interesting to see various combinations of watches and clothes surface up..
  20. I guess the topic got a tittle sidetracked into talking about steriotypes and associations we make about people and their possessions. I understand that. Being I "geek/IT bod" I spend more money on computers a year than most.. so yes it is about preferences and priority in spending money. Since i am a hoodie and jean wearer myself, I cannot deamonise the "casual" attire or the watchs to wear with it. So... What do all you guys wear with your fancy watches (we wont pass judement on your style) ;-)
  21. not quite, I guess everyone has their own taste and can wear anything they like. My original post was to get an idea of what other people on this board wear with their watches.. thats all. I am not saying dont wear whatever you like. All I am saying is that dude on the bus wouldnt haved pass it off as a gen even if he was wearing one, not in my books atleast... steriotypes I know.. ps: I dont wear shirts and suits to work either. Mostly I am wearing a hoodie, jeans and trainers... needless to say I work in the "geek" field.
  22. sorry, I assumed "dressed in the usual student clothes (next/river island etc - no suit/shirt)" would give everyone a correct description, but I guess I am assuming everyone knows the kind of stock NEXT and River Island stock for average student.. Again, I am assuming he was a student... here is the kinda stuff he had on: Now, there is nothing wrong if your taste in clothes is similar to the above or ifyou shop at any of the outlets in question. The point I am trying to make is that when wearing a $4000+ watch, the rest of the outfit has to match somewhat... the same way as you dont wear slippers with a suit.
  23. I think Rolex's popularity has become its downfall, I for one will never ever wear a rollie. not even a gen. Not even a gen studded with diamonds that can cook and clean and is good in bed. WHY? i dont wanna have to answer to the infamous questions such as "is it real?" or "naaaah, it looks like a fake" or "you damn foo, it looks just like mine and I paid only $xx for mine". IWC, yes. yes..yes... I love the understated look of the 3717, love it... (sorry, 2 red bulls this morning)
  24. guys, a little story to share with you all.. I was on the bus this morning in North London, happily making my way to work, humming along to songs on my ipod and my beloved Shure SE210 headphones. Everything normal, so I assumed. I noticed the guy on the seat infront of me, dressed in the usual student clothes (next/river island etc - no suit/shirt), iphone/ipod touch (didnt care to notice), standard issue white earphones, usual messenger bag, everything as you would expect from a 20 something male living in london. Then suddenly he stretched his arm out, there was a flash of polished steel and rubber, next I see the crown guard... damn this dude had been wearing a panerai. I didnt get a good look at the watch, but it was the newer model with the rubber strap with "Officine" written on the side of the strap. It could have been a gen. I dont know. I didnt care.. Now, in my book his outfit and the watch he was wearing didnt go together. Even if it was a gen, I wouldnt have beleived him even if he slaped me around the face with it. I know this is a tricky one as everyone has different taste in clothes/watch combos. What do you guys normally wear with your watches?
  25. Nautilus and Aquanaut are great watches but sadly at my age I would not be able to pull them off, secondly my work doesnt require me to wear a suit/shirt attire. Its more of a casual affair, so I was looking for something a little less formal.
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