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Everything posted by blade007

  1. great pics and a very nice watch. normally I am not a fan of watches that have a nipple like crown... BUT that nipple like crown feels perfectly justified sitting on a pair of mamary glands (last 2 pics) :-)
  2. you know this does call for a photo!!
  3. damn good photoshop job, that requires some skill.. funny none the less. do the have a hummer mod?
  4. my contribution... let the pics do the talking
  5. "santa baby, i am cuming down ur chimney tonight...." lol.. nice one Andy @skool: no need to be guilty mate, take a peek over at http://www.revengetv.com to rid yourself of them gremlins.. and get uploading.
  6. all this wait for a thumbnail? erm, anticlimax. nice looking girl though..
  7. "its not the size, its what you do with it that counts more" tbh, its kinda small.
  8. ok ok here are a few to keep us going while we wait for the real deal to be uploaded:
  9. ooh site you found, to me, is like viagra to 80yr old. thanks for sharing.. now where is that box of tissues
  10. beautiful combo, i am so jealous.... btw: you dont wax ur arms do u?
  11. i am in london. do gimme a shout if you are here
  12. damn.. i should have waited for the rep seiko. I bought a genuine automatic seiko like a moth to a flame... (insert sarcasm at will)
  13. you could ask PT (ptswiss.com) to source one for you..
  15. a lovely holiday shot
  16. "stick and stones may break my bones, but i iz gonna bite yoru a55"
  17. V V V V V V
  18. http://www.pornfortheblind.org this is some really funny site.
  19. what? 24hrs later and still no bewbz?
  20. here is a booby contribution from me... now lets see urs :-P
  21. hey buddy, sometimes it all happens for the best, but sorry to hear it none the less. now, upload em pics will ya?
  22. PAM request page is here
  23. thanks buddy, is gonna come in very handy... edit: pam link seems to be dead..
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