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About GFish

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  1. Found it! Thanks! GJC
  2. Where did you guys find this on the website? I can't seem to locate it. Thanks! GJC
  3. To the few cynics on the board who always seem to find something wrong with the dealers, or what they say, just let me say this: When the good dealers are gone---the good watches will be gone! Just my opinion, but I would certainly hope that most members feel likewise. All the best to everyone! G
  4. TT---Your opinion is very important! Purespeed---precisely! Please see Economics 101 in my original post. All the best, Dr. Gary
  5. Nice to see the support for the good dealers that we are fortunate enough to have to do business with. Please understand that I have nothing whatsoever against low prices, but unlike some members, I would never try to tell a dealer what price he should charge. That's entirely up to him. Also, we sometimes forget that there are high volume dealers, low volume dealers and many in between. Some do it as a full time business and some more as a hobby or small sideline business. Some offer more services than others and may price accordingly. To me, trust and reputation are extremely important and I shall always be loyal to those dealers who have gained that with me---regardless of price. If it happens to be a very low or favorable price on the item I want, from a dealer I trust, then all the better. The point once again is: pricing is his decision---buying is my decision. As an aside, in business, I have always found that you usually get back what you are willing to give yourself. Sometimes we tend to forget that little tidbit! All the best, Dr. Gary
  6. I am amazed at some veteran posters who seem to want to tell our trusted dealers how to conduct business. First you say how pleased you are with the products they steadfastly deliver, then in the next breath you say that you may stop doing business with some of them because they are not the low price merchant. How arrogant and disloyal can you be???? Last time I looked, reps were just like any other product subject to free market forces. Economics 101 of supply and demand still prevail. Price 'em too low---you may go out of business. Too high---very few buy from you. AND all those other peripherals that we like so much have a price. Things like swift delivery, fast informative communications, standing firmly behind the product, etc. etc.---they all have a price. I value the dealers that I have found and the way they have treated me on numerous transactions. The price they charge is the price they charge. I can either decide to buy it from them or look somewhere else---pricing is their decision---buying is mine. I really hope most of my fellow board members feel likewise. All the best, Dr. Gary
  7. WOW! Free international wire transfers! I'll BET that is a big exception to the general rule. GJC would say go for it. If your bank offers free international wire transfers like mine does....you can't really get any cheaper than paul.
  8. Yes, and with some gens now costing $100K to $1Mil+, one never knows---HA! Thanks for the clarification and best wishes to everyone.
  9. Surely you mean a rep of a $20K+ gen---right????
  10. Hey Doc! Interesting post, but did I understand correctly that you have a $20K+ rep??? Please tell us more about that one. Thanks, and all the best.
  11. Hey All! I have just seen some pics of the new Panerai-Ferrari line. Beautiful! Does anyone know if reps will be available? Thanks for any info and all the best---GJC
  12. Hey All! A few days ago, I asked members which watch in their rep collection was the closet to the gen---right out of the box---no modifications. Especially given the recent posts about new reps getting better and better with no need for mods, I thought you might be interested in the responses. Here's the list: Omega Seamaster (Old version) Rolex Yachtmaster Pan 2B (Josh) EL V2 1950 AP JA Omega Seamaster Pro (lots of votes!) Omega GMT (Andrew) Explorer 2 FM Conquistador What do you think? Comments? Additions??? All the best---
  13. Hey All! Which rep in your collection do you feel is closest to the genuine---right out of the box---no mods????? Should be interesting!
  14. Could other members please describe the problems some have been having recently with pp? I've been away for a while and am just now hearing rumblings about bad experiences. Is it now completely safe to make payments through pp? I have used them in the past for numerous rep purchases with no problems whatsoever, and hope that good experience will continue in the future. Thanks so much for any information and all the best to everyone.
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