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Everything posted by docblackrock

  1. shameless plug for some more gen PO chrono info http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=7183 Movement issues aside, couldn't care less if the subdials spacing is a little off, the AR isn't as strong as it should be, the lugs are 20 not 22mm, there's not a 2.37856mm gap between omega logo and omega text , and the damn He valve is a billimetre too low ... ...I just wanna see this config classic manly black with just a hint d'orange, mmmmm
  2. @Ry, you read my mind That post of Bob's was a classic, a legend, and the sort of thing I miss most about the old times @Ubi, I'll happily vote this Post of the Month!
  3. The words 'nail', 'hit' and 'on head' spring to mind
  4. You're welcome, nothing quite like the real thing (c'mon Coke, sue me I dare you! ) Dial, glossy text, quality of printing, case, pearl all stand out a mile - great pics by the way Just curious, is your avatar a graphic representation of 'the sale'???
  5. Congrats Wear it well, look after it well, and pass it on to your son on his 30th
  6. That 16610 looks F series at least (late 2003+) as it appears in photo that there are no lugholes If so, then 2100USD =
  7. Four years till Euro 2008??? Do you live in a GMT-hand-like parallel universe??? Ha ha seriously though good for you, Greece did amazingly well to win Euro 2004 (German manager ) against all the odds and should be proud of it. Still, it was a pity the 'best team in Europe' couldn't see their way to represent UEFA in the FIFA World Cup *edit* ha ha just seen the "probably", either you work for Carlsberg or you're an eternal optimist
  8. Yeah I thought that too! Guess he's accepted his team are no longer 'the best in Europe' and jumped ship
  9. Someone's just got to be able to rep that buckle p.s. nice straps - got mine now on a MF1942 but I think you're being unfair to the rubber, suits the 187 well IMO
  10. docblackrock


    Bazz, is that a 1942 strap??? Did you oil it? Has a nice patina... Hmmm, may have to try this combo out for myself (have a 1942 on my 217) - looks great
  11. Interesting the depth gauge only goes up to 120m, only about the depth of a freedive and even girls do that these days In other words it's a big pansy girly watch I would expect this baby to take me down into the Laurentian Abyss at least Nanuq knows where I'm coming from I'm sure
  12. Good observation, I believe the term is 'advertorial'
  13. Thanks. Can you post URL link please?
  14. Thought THIS may be of interest to those of us that have, as well as those who will soon have (that covers just about everyone then ) Enjoy
  15. Already PM'd him about an AR crystal for the 187 earlier this week His response.... Sorry, i do not ahve plans for that. Sorry not able to help
  16. Careful of the sun Bob, wouldn't want to ruin that manly 'pale blue' complexion of yours
  17. Firstly, I stand corrected Randy, not sure where I picked up that 440 fact I'd go for vintage bracelet personally, rep bracelets are ok but lack that certain 'je ne sais quoi' - I especially love those folded link types, and the rivetted verison (rep also) look great. As for a 'cure' for your problem, I'm afraid you're pretty much stuck with it - you could try a topical corticosteroid cream I suppose (can you tell I skipped dermatology in med-school? monday morning lectures probably ) When this thread was first posted, I asked a max-fax colleague (who ironically trained in Sheffield ) - apparently it's a common issue in certain dental work as they use Ni-Ti alloys, but allergic reaction to SS is very rare - something to do with the bonding of the Ni within the alloy's molecular structure making it safe. Hence use of SS in surgical instruments. As long as it's less than 30% Ni it should be safe. But obviously it's causing a problem with you guys so something must be up. Hmmm, maybe it is something to do with the sweat/salt content somehow electrolysing a reaction??? Any chemistry buffs out there? @Eddy - should we co-author a paper on this? Maybe RWG will provide the funding? I'm thinking NEJM
  18. Manual movt would be nice (venus or asian unitas), but nothing too flashy yellow/red, subtle is better...
  19. G0222/1000 arrived this evening "I am not a number, I am a free PAM187"
  20. Hmmm, strange as I was led to believe the markers were anchored/screwed on from underneath rather than glued as in the Arktos? Obviously not.... Still waiting on mine - should be here today/tomorrow hopefully
  21. As lucky no. 14 on the original 'want' list, I feel ought to be upfront at this point and withdraw my interest and let someone else opt in. If possible, I'd be happy to put down as a 'sub', reserve, cancellation list that kind of thing (or if you guys absolutely desperately needed one more to make it happen, or someone drops out at last minute then I could possibly reconsider but otherwise...). Purely financial reasons, what with a couple vintage projects bubbling away, a 187 from Eddie on the way, and a rather large mid-year adjustment by the tax man ( ), I'm pretty maxed out for a little while in terms of disposable income. Good luck all of you, I really hope it comes together and I look forward to gnashing my teeth with seething jealousy when I see first pics posted - for your efforts, Chronus
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