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Everything posted by BROM

  1. No not at all is actually set 4 hours ahead of gmt in the pic I just did not set the gmt hand properly it should be -5 hrs where I live because daylight savings otherwise -6 I believe. Thanks
  2. Hi guys I would like to share with you my first Rolex. In big part thanks to By-tor for the wonderful reviews and pictures which had a big influence on me getting this watch and a big thanks to Sead for getting me the watch as always great service and prompt delivery. Now that I have the watch understand why Rolexes are so appealing, it looks amazing in person and it gave me that awesome feeling everytime I looked at my wrist this afternoon. On to the pic's
  3. Carrera on Hirsch Rally very confy
  4. Sat at work guys
  5. I wash all the watches as soon as they arrive, with colgate and a toothbrush under warm water and have never had a ater leak of any kind Carrera and Link included
  6. I manage an RV Store we sell Winnebago's and other types of recreational vehicles
  7. Got this from timezone BRE (short E)-gay hope it helps
  8. Will follow with my new toy
  9. Stan is one of the best in my experience over at RG always good products with great prices and outstanding service. Welcome WBK
  10. Here is my new toy
  11. How do you tell time on that watch I cannot see the hands
  12. Congrats on a awesome choice Carreras are great lookers
  13. The one I had will go almost 48 hr after a full charge if I remember correctly. Wear it for a couple of days straight and see what happens
  14. In my experience the A7750 has been really good never had a problem with one not running or anything like that. Simple watch a would say SOSF Asian in white dial will keep you under 200 and is a great looking watch. Hope that helps
  15. This is goung to be fun can't wait for my first Rolex
  16. Thanks By-Tor it has been a lot of fun and a lot of learning specially in the buying guides you have put together.
  17. Congrats man you are going to love this.
  18. Here is the white ones that I have had, starting with my favourite so far Tag Link Ebel 1911 Discovery after By-Tor's amazing write up of this watch I just had to have it thanks Next my favourite BCE the dial was pure white which I loved 188 SOSF Asian from TTK I think BCE white dial the dial was a little creamy and silvery Santos Regular Asian SOSF great value have no idea why I sold it
  19. I thought it was a GMT master II
  20. I do not think there is anything wrong with us. The reason I say that is because I feel that being passionate about something is a quality more humans should have. Be it baseball, basketball, or what ever else you like to pursue, for example for me, my son,dad,mom,brother and sister, golf, girls and watches in that order is whats inportamt to me. The problem I think is when people place hobbys or objects before family and friends.
  21. BCE V3 Black Dial SOSF Black Dial Skyland V2 Black Dial is the most accurate I believe but the blue is the best looking if you ask me 6.75 Big Date Black is more accurate I think again Blue does it for me best pic I could find The best thing I can say is to get the color of dial that you like no matter how accurate it is. The reason I say this is because no matter how accurate it is you should get what you like, because the chances of someone calling you out are slim. I always let people know if the conversation goes that far that they are rep's and we do this for fun and the passion of watches not to miss lead people. Just my opinion.
  22. Is that Ebel 134 what they call a Modulor?
  23. BROM


    BR eitling and OM ega
  24. Wow this is amazing and scary at the same time. Thanks for the write up The Zigmeister
  25. Here are mine for now The Link is my favorite watch the bracelet is very confy and the dial is amazing. Dial close up The Aquaracer which I regret selling
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