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Everything posted by Usil

  1. The Bentley is a nice looking watch. Good size and weight. Feels good to wear. Usil
  2. Removing that pin wouild be destructive to the bracelet unless you are careful. Might have to snip it in the middle with cutting pliars and pull out from the sides. A thick spring pin could be fitted as a replacement if you size it to the clasp. Initially, the ends of the spring pin would stick out of both ends but you could carefully file the ends flat to fit neatly in the clasp holes. This would provide the attachment point for one side of the strap. The other would have to be worked for the pin in the other part of the clasp. The strap would have to be custom cut to fit everywhere but this should be doable if you provide the measurements to the strap maker. Let's see you do this and show us the result. Usil
  3. Where did you get it? Seems strange for anything the collectors would have. Usil
  4. I used to work in ER and saw families destroyed by drunken teens. You look at the number of deaths in Viet nam over 10 years and then compare that to the total traffic deaths each year and suddenly you realize the magnitude of the problem. I find there is no place I need to be that fast. Drive carefully. Usil
  5. Thanks for the advice but the watch got worse and is now to be sent back for a replacement. Tthe haze came back under the dial and it stopped randomly. TWP said a replacementt will come. Usil
  6. My sticky balls. Can't live without this essential tool. All work begins and ends by twisting my sticky balls. Usil
  7. All the flip clasps I have seen, (I have a Navitimer Series Speciale, Chrono Avenger, Evolution, Bentley GT and Bentley 30's model) look like they have screws attaching this clasp but every one that I have - when you turn the bottom one the top one turns too. I have never been able to tighten them or remove them with a screw driver. This leads me to believe that they are pins with fake screw ends on them. If any one else has direct information to the contrary I would be glad to hear it. But my experience with 5 different Breitling bracelets seems to point to fake screws. Your project to create a band using he bracelet clasp is intriguing. I would think that the clasp could work but you would have to do some custom work. If you get the clasp to work you would need a custom strap with no holes puched in it. This would be a very cool strap/clasp combination. Keep us informed. I find inspiration for these kind of projects by visiting the local hardware store, the kind that has every size and type of screw in small bins in the back. Look for small SS screws of the correct length or longer and see if if you can adapt or create replacement screws once you remove the clasp. Good luck and keep us informed with pictures. Usil
  8. Sorry, had to travel. Will try again and get the pictures up. Usil
  9. I lived near San Francisco for 7 years in the 90's and it is the only other city I would consider living in outside of Paris. Great city for exploring, food, culture, sights and sounds. Great stop over for you. Keep up the good journey. We wait with baited breath for the next installment. Usil
  10. Great looking watch. I would be proud to own such a watch. Wear it well. Usil
  11. I will post pictures tomorrow. As for service, I have never had service issues with any dealer but never tried TWP before so waiting to see if he steps up quickly to resolve the bezel issue. Usil
  12. That is really impossible to say and highly personal according to taste. Browse the collectors area and see what you like. Others here will tell you what they like. I just bought a Breitling Bentley GT Two Tone and I think this is a nice dress watch. Browse around. Usil
  13. This is a review of two watches I recently bought from TWP - a dealer on RWI. I have been admiring the super reps for the past 6 months and finally decided to add another to my collection. I have enjoyed Breitling since I saw my first poster in Switzerland several years ago. I have the Chrono Avenger
  14. Welcome Helmut, Glad to welcome you to the forum. Usil
  15. I stopped at MBK last summer for an hour and bought three reps. When I got home and gave them a closer examination they were Sh*t. Like everyone else tells you - let your fingers do the shopping - go to your favorite dealer and get what you know will be a good deal. I had a garage sale for the last few weeks of some of my reps and the three I bought at MBK were so bad - I did not even try to sell them. It would have been too embarassing. Usil
  16. Fantastic, comforting, beautiful - nice collection. Usil
  17. Based on my company using SS in construction in asia and on how they are constantly trying to get us to lower our standard from 316 to 304 I would bet that the majority of our reps are 304. 316 is very difficult to get in Asia so to assume they use it in reps is not logical. Just my 2 cents. Usil
  18. What you are doing is difficult and more power to you. But I always thought to get this right someone should have put the exact dimensions of the crown guard from a gen on the table. Exact inner dimensions, thicknesses, heights, cambers and angles. Does everybody do this by eye? It would make me go blind trying to do this with out specs. Looks like it is polishing time for your project. Make sure to show the final results. Good luck. Usil
  19. Usil


    I am a forgetful person so this happens to me from time to time. There is a pattern to it too. I generally lay something down in a place I would never do this normally. Like my glasses. On the table, the dresser, the desk no problem but as I set myself down by my book shelves the other day, I laid them on top of a book in the case. Drove me crazy till I found them. Good luck to you. Usil
  20. This is really cruel. I have been looking for a good Graham for over a year. I guess I will never see one. I was out scouting some Gen stores Friday on my Moto and ran into a few Gens in a store window. They were spectacular. Nice pictures and since they look like you took them, I am assuming these are yours. Usil
  21. I think this watch is one where the idea was better than the reality. I love the looks of this watch as you have shot them but the wrist shots I have seen by members just seem too wierd. Usil
  22. That is a great shot. It almost has a 3-D appearance. Usil
  23. Swisso Swissorama Swissonian
  24. Is that 2 hands I see on the 9:00 subdial? Usil
  25. There is no way any dealer is going to know that nor would they gurantee aviation accuracy. These are reps. Usil
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