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Everything posted by Usil

  1. This is easy to check. Remove the back, remove the o-ring, gently screw the back on again and see if it now seats properly. If it does, it is just the stiff compression of the o-ring is preventing the complete seating of the back and maybe you can seat it with another small turn. Depends on how good your back removal tool is. Usil
  2. There is only one cure for this addiction. Usil
  3. I like the U-boat but it was too expensive and did not fit with the reasonable price range of what I referenced. Usil
  4. I saw the neat Timex watches TTK was showing and found a link that had some more interesting watches. Here is one for 174.00 USD with tritium tubes on the face. UZI PROTECTOR UZI-001-L A very nice PVD Dive watch for 309.00 USD - looks like GMT plus alarm: Skymaster Computer black-IP Flieger-Alarm-Chrono A Dive Watch for 268.00 USD (52mm): XXL Military diving watch with automatic movement diameter A 55mm Dive Watch - 268.00 USD Check out the glow. XXL 2.WW German DATE SWISS-GMT 55mm !!! Usil
  5. Nice looking watch. Wierd about the missing 3 o'clock marker. Usil
  6. Welcome to the forum. Lots of good information in the many threads here so browse around. Lots of great reps to choose from. Usil
  7. I can see why you bought it. An stunning piece. Usil
  8. Sorry your GTG did not work out. Anticipation followed by disappointment is a bummer. A few of us have had good luck in Paris and we would be glad to have you join us on the next one. Usil
  9. Wow - What a watch. I would buy a rep of that. - I AM JUST JOKING. Usil
  10. As an expat I can give you the corporate scoop. I am allowed 5 weeks vacation right off the bat when I came over here. On top of that I get 17 extra days to compensate that I am working 40 hours a day in a 35 hour a day country. The extra 17 days allows for an additional 3 weeks vacation and plus few days. That plus another week or so for national holidays and I get at least 9 weeks vacation a year. The hard part is finding time to take that much time off but I learned quickly. I like the French system a lot. Usil
  11. Good information was provided to you. Davidson is the concensus for your rep but it would have helped knowing your intent up front. My info was also good and summarized quite a few threads and as Pugwash pointed out the info was available to you as recently as yesterday. Sorry to ruffel your feathers but I assumed you were in it for the long run. Usil
  12. Thanks for this information. It is fascinating as I had no idea. A GTG with a master. Would he even want to see our selection of reps we usually bring to ooh and aah over with each other? Usil
  13. Can you tell us a little more about this district. I want to check it out this weekend. Usil
  14. I am going to answer your questions for you but your not going to like it. Who's got the closest to the real thing without the price tag? This varries. All of them will fall apart in comparison to the gen when you pop the back. Reps change over time with slight changes and different rep versions are released. What is the best - you will get DIFFERENT answers from DIFFERENT people. You have to make the comparisons yourself and decide what you like the best. who has the BEST PAM 111H or 177H and why? Again, different people will tell you different things. You would know this if you read the last three months posts. So, you will have to pick the bits and pieces of wisdom that each impart and again - choose what you like the best. Who's needs the least amount of modding to be "complete". No one will ever be complete. The movement is generally an Asian copy that can be very reliable or if you are unlucky can give you a lot of problems. All of them will have some Asian copy of some movement. It is a never ending journey and depends on how far you want to go. What differences should I expect in build quality? All are manufactured in Asian shops with very little to zero quality control. Add drop shipping to mix and what you get is risk that we all accept when we place the order and you will too. Never spend money you can not afford to loose or have escalate based on problems. You probably won't think this is constructive and all of it could have been gleened from the last three months posts. You will probably think that I have been evasive giving inexact answers. If you had read the last three months posts you would have seen that this is an inexact hobby. So, pick a dealer that advertizes in this forum and you should soon (1 to 2 weeks but can go longer) be the happy owner of a new rep. All of them wil get you a watch or we soon learn who is not a worthy dealer. If you like some mods already done - select Davidson. Good luck. Usil
  15. What you want is for someone else to put their time in to responding to your questions rather than you - spending your time (more than you have already) to find the answers. I am being kind here as others will probably be more direct. To narow this down for you - check out all the posts for the past 3 months and you will pretty well have your answers. There are many opinions on what you want to know and only you will be able to make a choice based on what you want in a watch. And that comes from reading. Usil
  16. I have many reps with the 21j Asian movement and never had a problem. But, a few in this forum have. There is no way to tell if you will be unlucky or not but it does not keep us all from collectively buying hundreds of watches each year. Go for it. Usil
  17. Welcome. Addiction is not fatal, unless spouce kills you for buying all the watches. Usil
  18. Run the picture through a jpeg artifact cleanup program might help. Usil
  19. What will they think of next. [censored] roaches with mini cameras behind enemy lines? [censored] Roach Driven Robot Link Usil
  20. Cockroach controlled robots was mentioned. Usil
  21. Ryyannon, Pugwash and Usil met at the Cafe Select for a great afternoon of good conversation, beer and sharing our stories of our past growing rep collections. Pugwash just about brought everything in their very nice display boxes and I am sure that those seated around us were wondering what the hell we were doing. We showed our new watches, straps and bracelets and Pugwash provided me with an extra link for my IWC SS GST which made it fit perfectly. Pugwash is moving toward the bigger watches and finds that he can wear them. This is one of the advantages of us getting together to see watches we don't own and trying them on for size and looks. Unfortunately, and you will not be able to understand this until you make the transition, it moves your perception of what a watch should look like on your wrist and suddenly all your smaller watches, as good as they look in your case, just seem too small on the wrist after that. Ryyannon had one of his favorites in the shop. It was a PAM (can not remember the number) with a beautiful Russian movement that seems to have developed a problem. Hope it works out well as it has been gone for 2 weeks. Sorry that others in Paris could not join us. Looking forward to one more GTG (Maybe early March) before Pugwash leaves for greener fields, literally. Usil
  22. That is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Could you tell us the maker of the strap and provide a link? Wear it well. Usil
  23. Still waiting for when this strap will be available. Usil
  24. 95 % of my dail email is spam. The new gif with text is now the default format. As I sit here typing this 5 more just slid in at one time making me think that this is coming from all the same source. Do they think that they are endearing themselves to us or that anyone will actually use thier adds to buy something when they are responcible for completely ruining the email system daily with crap? Usil
  25. You can enjoy this forum at many levels. Some just want a rep, some make this a hobby, some have advanced to working on reps and modding them and some make this a living. Explore the site and read everything. Follow the current topics for a while to see what is hot and what is not. Never ask where can I get the best xxxxx watch. 'Best' is defined by many differently. Welcome. Usil
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