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Everything posted by Usil

  1. Bw sure to show a picture of it with mesh bracelet. Usil
  2. http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/playlist/Phantogram/26808455 Usil
  3. Scientists know that the recorded historical temperatures increased came BEFORE the CO2 increases. A fact ignored when advocates propose CO2 is the cause of temperature increases. CO2 is only one of the green house gases of which the most common is water vapor. But since no one can do anything about water vapor they latched on to CO2. The variable energy cycle of the sun is by far the most significant driver for climate change and the climate has never stopped changing since the earth first evolved an atmosphere. So, decrying climate change is like decrying that the grass is green and the sky is blue - i.e., well duh. Usil
  4. I bet you could put the watch inside a large clear plastic bag to do it and when it flys off 2 or 3 times at least it stays inside the bag. Usil
  5. I use Verizon and am happy. Fiber line to my house, no throttling and no download limits. Usil
  6. I was all set to tell you where to get the best Sub but changed my mind. Usil
  7. Holy crap - you are really getting serious about this. I know the feeling about figuring it out for yourself and even if you wind up screwing up a few in the process just chuck it up as tuition fees instead of ruined watches and it might not feel so bad. I can't imagine the feeling of a success for something so intricate. Now tell me are you programming at the computer while you are disassembling a watch and also taking pictures at the same time? Usil
  8. Usil

    Mark XVI

    I am drooling. Usil
  9. One of the most important questions to ask yourself before buying a macro is how close to the subject can you get. If your subject is sitting on a table then with a tripod anything from 55 mm to 105 should do you fine. BUT - and here is the biggie, if it's hopping or flitting around the garden then you need to be a far away from it as possible and still get the macro shot. You will need get a longer lens for this. Usil
  10. Welcome to the forum. Usil
  11. Very nice collection. Decisions - Decisions - what to put on in the morning? Usil
  12. Usil

    Took the plunge

    Please post pictures wehen you get it. I have been looking at these and for some strange reason I find them interesting. Usil
  13. Long ago and fresh out of University I worked as an epidemiologist for a County Health Department. That was the 70’s and I can tell you then, we took all communicable diseases very seriously. They were all reportable, by law, and required a follow up visit by the Health Department to see who else in the family or friends might be at risk. That was being pro-active. Then something happened. HIV entered the scene and activist did not like or want this pro-active approach to happen because of the life style stigma becoming public knowledge. They fought hard and lobbied against it until it was no longer treated as a communicable and thus reportable disease. This was the beginning of insanity towards all communicable diseases and ultimately led to confusion in the public towards taking proper preventive measures to prevent communicable diseases that had been in check for 30 years. The health requirements that virtually closed down many very bad communicable diseases, saved many, prevented spread and nearly eliminate some historically bad bugs slipped from the hands of trained professional people and entered into the hands of politicians. It got so bad that mothers began refusing to even inoculate their children for the common communicable diseases. So, now with H1N1 ‘out there’ in the ether, so to speak, we have politicians still controlling and disseminating bad or conflicting advice and both epidemiological and prudent medical investigation is suffering as a result of it. The average Joe just has the media to listen too and who would pin their medical health on what they see in 20 second sound bites or blogs. Sorry, lanikai for getting caught up in this mess and as you have ranted about the indifference I join you. Thank God you are surviving but then for you to see that this seems of no consequence to those supposedly who are learned medical professionals hired with the sole challenge of protecting us is inexcusable. Keep up the fight. Somewhere in the system, some medical person actually cares about this but finding that person may be difficult. Rational approaches to disease control and prevention do exist but we unfortunately are caught between indifferent medical people (remember that half the doctors out there graduated in the bottom half of their class – probably the ones that hire on as administrators), clueless politicians and a frenzied media that can’t report anything today without whipping up Armageddon scenarios and scaring the hell out of the general public. Keep up your health and the fight. Usil
  14. What button to see new posts since last logged on. I guess I am blind but I can not find it. Usil
  15. Amazing work. Skills and tools make this a profesional solution. Maybe plastic or teflon could be used for the ring. You could not count the number of watches people would order kits for this mod. Usil
  16. Usil

    My Dream ~

    It's our dreams that keep us going and our hope that they may come true. Best wishes for your dream to come true some day. My dream is going to happen next year. I am going to be retiring next spring and plan to get an apartment in Paris for about 6 months. I will use it as a base and do many long and short moto trips across Europe. France is a beautiful country and Switzerland, if you have ever taken the back roads is heaven. Northern Italy is supurb too. Lots of places to explore. It will take me years. Here will be my base: Paris by Night - Panorama (scroll the picture from left to right) I like the City but my passion is to travel the countryside. The Alps is one of my favorite places to spend time. Here is from a trip several years ago. I already bought a small notebook, the Asus Eee 901 to keep contact with friends and create a diary with pictures of my excursiona. Great little computer to travel on a moto with. I have been to every state in the US except Alaska. Now it is time to explore Europe. (Nanuq - I will get to Alaska one day.) Usil
  17. Mine too. Usil
  18. I like it. Usil
  19. Yes, the BCE is one of my favorites. Perfect balence, nice curved crystal, great design and nice size and weight. It all comes together. Usil
  20. You mean like this one on my 187? I think it will fit on the Fiddy too. Usil
  21. Loose bezel screws has always been a problem with Breitling reps. Several years ago it was the Chrono Avenger and others have noted losses in the past on others. All are wise to fully inspect their watches as soon as they are received and use loc-tite on them if they are loose. Same can be said for bracelet screws. This is just part of the rep protection/maintenance program all should be routinely doing to insure at least the simple stuff doesn't catch us off guard. Usil
  22. Most comfortable - hands down of any watch I have owned. And I find my Fiddy is very comfortable too. Least comfortable. A close second. Usil
  23. Welcome to the forum. Your desires can easily be fulfilled here from our 'trusted' dealers. Usil
  24. Welcome for 2009. Usil
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