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Everything posted by Usil

  1. I thought that there was a possibility of a new IWC Big Pilot out by the end of this year. Anyone know what happened? Timing? Is it really going to happen? Usil
  2. You might get a replacement from the dealer but sometimes not. If you are not adverse to trying things yourself, here is a post where I explain to a member how I replaced a pearl. Pearl Replacement Usil
  3. If it is truly shipping damage and you did not ask to have it insured for delivery then your expence. If manufacturer damage then sellers expence. Since the seller may not have even seen the box if she had it drop shipped just contact him/her and discuss. Usil
  4. You missed the 'ml' on the link. Here it is: Times Running Out Web Page Usil
  5. Breitling has a very distictive look to it and it was what first turned my head to reps. One of it's characteristics is 'precision'. Because of this, if it is not reped right it looks like crap. But once they get it right - beautiful. Usil
  6. Maxmsu, I like the low light pictures a lot. This contrasts to Neils and Pugwashes great light box shots. What kind of camera equipment and setup did you use? Usil
  7. I can't get my Omega Railmaster XXL off my wrist. Every morning I start to reach for a new one from the box and wind up putting the Omega XXL on. I changed the strap to a very comfortable black textured leather and the whole thing just looks well balenced, fits nice and is extreamely comfortable. Frankly, I am puzzeled. It is a rather simple watch and I still like my Pams but this is getting most of my wrist time. And it still hovers around +/- 1 second every 2 to 3 days. And it has the best lum of any of my watches although it might be because of the massive areas where lum is painted on the face. Anyone else like this watch as much as me? Usil
  8. http://www.waccex.de/catalog/index.php?cPath=145_190 I like the ones that have a curve in it so it form fits the wrist and strap. Does not stick so far out. I just bought a 24mm brushed prevend. from Bob along with one of his new alligator strap. Will show it next time we get together - maybe January or Feb. plus 4 new watches (well, 1 new (IWC SS GST from Neil) and 3 from members, (IWC Aquatimer, PAM 212, IWC Black faced - white subdial panda). Usil
  9. That strap really works with that watch. I just ordered the Bob Dark Brown Alligator and should get it this week for a Pam 212. It is the first one reasonably priced that looks good and it is thick without padding. Usil
  10. That is exactly the kind of alligator strap I have been looking for but most of the time I wind up looking at something that looks to be padded which I don't want or looks plasticy. Yours is nice and flat - (not padded) not too shiney and thick = perfect. Looks to be dark brown. Can you do me a favor and tell me exactly what Bob strap this is (name/item number), dimensions, a link if you have one. Thanks in advance. Usil
  11. Thanks offshore. I am very interested in your story as I will retire in about 3 years. What you do is a natural, liking the watches and all and my passion, while I love the reps, is photogrphy and has been for 40 years. I set up a table at the last church art fair a few months ago and made about 400 Euro selling some of my pics and this was encouraging since it would be nice to actually make some spending money from my hobby when I retire. Something to at least cover my costs and my impulse watch purchases. I also got 2 of my photos used as the cover of a book last year so I think there is a potential. Plus, if I actually make money at it then it might cover travel to take more pictures. Anyway, I am an American living and working in Paris and will return to the US next summer. I have seen the art fairs that happen around the communities in the summer and thought that I might try this when I get back. Not sure where to start but I think it is at least worth a try. If you have any hints I would appreciate your insight. Good luck with your small business. Usil
  12. I will retire soon. Is this something yoiu do in retirement? I have thought about doing this to sell my photos. Usil
  13. I stayed at Playboy Towers in Chicago one week. The bed cover was leather and there was a large mirror on the ceiling. Usil
  14. Can we get some pictures of lum shots of the new 46 mm B&R? Especially the black face - white numbers and hands. I would just like to know what this looks like. Is the orange one lumed? Usil
  15. Yes, I read the informtion and it looks simple and I suppose this would translate to a relatively inexpensive set is a number of them were made. The problem is that most of us are not hobbiest, would not know how to source the materials and we then have to locate a watchmaker willing to do this, describe the needs and order the work. Frankly, I would just as soon send you twenty bucks and find the new set in the mail shortly after. Your watchmaker performs the work already to a standard you have set (and we like), and makes relatively easy money. Provide the watchmaker with the orders (names and addresses), hand over the money and let him make them and mail them off and you keep a 10% handling fee for your troubles. This would put you in good with the watch maker for an easy way to make money for his shop and any future work you might need on your reps might just get a little priority and extra care. So, this seems a lot better to me than trying to do this myself and I bet a lot of others here would too. Usil
  16. If your watch maker is proficient and can easily make these, I would be willing to bet that you could easily get a group order for these from the forum. The closeness to the case and the form fitting curve completely change the look of the watch. I would buy a pair even though I don't have the watch yet as it is one of the reasons I have neglected adding one of these to my collection. And I like the black strap too. I have been looking for a nice black strap. Is this one soft and pliable? - comfortable? Usil
  17. Josh, what a great explanation - very clear and thought out. The Fiddy is one of my favorite watches and if anyone ever put all of this together I would buy another one. Maybe some of the dealers can ask for an upgrade model to be made. Usil
  18. I think this is the model with Superlum. Night shots? Opiniojn from other reps you have for lum? Usil
  19. Good question as I am still looking for the perfect strap size. To the strap experts - when you have a strap custom made for you do you specifify the exact 'prime location hole ' measurement for the hole you will use with a particular watch? If so, how do you determine this? Do you take the watch you want the new strap for, put on a spare strap and wrap it around and then measure the distance from the lugs to the 'prime hole'? Maybe I am being entirely too analytical here but none of my pre-made straps have a hole in exactly the place I would like it. How do you insure this on custom watches? Also, since the watch gets tighter on the wrist at the end of the day would you take this measurement then rather than in the morning? Usil
  20. This looks like they yanked out an instrument cluster from the dash of an airplane and strapped it to your wrist. It looks the size of a wall clock. Why does this look so much bigger (way bigger) than a Fiddy? Anyone with a 7.5 inch wrist shot? Usil
  21. Great read. I am going to borrow one of his sayings for my own: "We old men, we never quit,'' Usil
  22. Been there done that. You are right the strap sucks. And even worse is the deployant buckel which was practically worthless until I did some twisting to reshape it. And it gets worse still as the end measurement of the strap is not 22 like we have on the panerai straps so standard deployants that we may have on hand will not work. So it looks like you will not be able to use the Omega deployant unless you can find a strap that narrows to the dimension of the buckel. Make sure you measure it and compare it to straps before ordering. But, I did put a 'Watch Prince' (inexpensive but looks fine) black, textured, thick, leather strap on it with brushed standard buckel. It feels and looks lots better. I like it like that so I guess no big deal. Usil
  23. I wish everyone would stop holding back their feelings and say what they really mean. Usil
  24. I saw this add on the Fox News Web Page. I noticed the Staur watch in the bottom row that looked like the old Steinhauser watches from a few years ago. The Tritium add caught my eye too. Is this add showing up in other places? Tritium watch Add Usil
  25. LOL, I did this when I added two links to my Navitimer. My fingers and thumbs were huge compared to the myriad little pieces that all fell out and I wound up using tweezers and hemostats to put it all back together. I can not imagine what this is like at this part of the assembly line for the bracelets. Usil
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