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Everything posted by Usil

  1. I don't want rubber glove tight, I want secure waterproof tight. Usil
  2. I saw some nice Zenith reps early this year and then they were gone. I keep looking even now but no more have shown up. I really liked some of the models they reped. Where did they go? Usil
  3. The poured plastic should not be too soft because the surface area of the sides of the case is large with regards to the force needed to tighten and loosen. If I make the disk large enough to give support to the wrench part of the casting, this should work. We will see. I have not made it yet, I will look at materials tomorrow (Saturday at BHV). Yes, I know about the metal ones but I am not going to pay the big bucks for these and prefer to try to do this myself as a project. Usil
  4. Must be an F 1.2 lense for night shots but he moon keeps going out of focus. Usil
  5. I am going to try to make a PAM case wrench this weekend. I am tired of using Duct Tape and I am not going to spend big bucks for the aluminum custom-formed wrench even though it looks nice. Actually, it is what gave me the idea. Someone tell me where I may be wrong here. I am going to get some molding plastic, the type that you pour and sets up hard. 1. I will put a thin piece of plastic wrap over the case back 2. I will make a small well on my table and pour the plastic into it 3. I will set the case back into the well letting the liquid plastic take the shape of the case 4. Let the plastic harden over night 5. Glue the disk of plastic formed as reverse of the case back to a piece of wood And Bob's your uncle - a case back opener. Usil
  6. We need to stick together on the GTG. Usil
  7. Obviously, the cam was undercover. Usil
  8. It's getting very late. You need a rest. Usil
  9. The big question is how did they find out? Usil
  10. Gerco: Where did you get that JC? Nice looking watch. Usil
  11. Curious. Someone here must have the answer. Usil
  12. Leave it to Neil to bring us back to reality. But of course with all of us screwing up our reps we will have to go out and buy more so Neil turns out to be the winner. Usil
  13. Pugwash: You have the computer skills, why not set up a web cam and give us some live photography lessons? They could be a prescribed times and people could log on to see what you are doing. We could use the forum chat section for feedback to you and you could get questions that way. Usil
  14. Note that it appears the hub that the gear fits on is eccentric. This would cause it to rotate off center and may look like a back and forth mothion if guided by the watch mechanism. Don't know why this is needed and I am only making a guess. Usil
  15. Yes, it is claimed 'Cow Farts'. But I don't believe it. Usil
  16. Time stamp is printed at bottom. I have it FTPing every few minutes. I figured a live feed would be a little overkill. Usil
  17. So, if you seperate the two halves, applying lume is easy for this part since you just apply it at each number location? The hands are the tricky part for this type of dial. Usil
  18. Try resting the watch to 6:00 pm and retry. Usil
  19. My Watch Cam. Watch Cam Usil
  20. What holds the two layers together? Are they glued? Usil
  21. Super Glue will weaken in water. So, if this is going to be used in swimming, don't use super glue. Use epoxy. Usil
  22. Welcome back Klink. Good to see you in the forum again. Usil
  23. leitztozeiss: Did you ever take your 187 to the watch repair guy? What is the finish of your story? Usil
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