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Posts posted by #ars

  1. Well, as I said the 42/44mm are good sized-watches, but if I run around with my red 50mm Breitling it's "god dammit, wtf ... since when?" (lol) every 30 minutes. :D

    Problem is, that these brands are more common in Germany. They got noticed more frequently. ;)

    But, to come back to prodigy's question: I think we agreed on Josh as a good supplier for you new Breitling. Have fun with it. ;)

  2. I'm considering to buy a Bentley GT (white) from Josh or Andrew. The 48mm 6.75 is a little too huge for my taste.

    I don't want to play the "god dammit, where the heck do you got that huge Breitling from?!"-game with every person who I run into, all day long. :D

    The GT is quite a watch, too. The more I look at it, the more I like it.

    Here is the GT, by the way:


  3. Do you remember there was a big theft in london( 700k+ gpb worth watches incl. a bling breitling), could be any connection to this, so hes trying to sell a stolen watch?

    Could be, but then that guy would be stupid like bread.

    You have to keep in mind, that the dealer, they've stolen the goods from, still have the serial numbers - 100 percent. And I read, that this guy stated the numbers in the auctions.

    And if even people from outside have made the connection between the theft and this offers - then the original owner is already on that thing, checking numbers and making contact with eBay and future buyers.

    Man I hope these are the stolen watches. Would be great if they catch that punk red-handed. B)

  4. I think the Mee/May issue will continue to run and run. I suspect that the classic pronunciation was 'may'/'meh', and, there is a difference between being right and being wrong. Personally, I just really liked the exchange between Bond and Vesper, and the smug tone in Bond's voice (at putting such a bossy woman in her place) really makes the scene. All this talk has caused a flareup of my PlanetOceanitis... Just when I thought it was firmly undercontrol, with my PAMophelia, it rears its head :lol:

    Well, I guess you're right. :)

    In fact, it's a free world (at least the most places are), so Daniel Craig could be running around all day saying "Oh-Meeeeee-Gah". :D No Problem with that.

    Actually I like that dialog the most, too. I think it stays in every viewers mind. Who ever wrote that passage, knew what he was doing. ;)

  5. I've bought the same watch a few weeks ago and this is a known "problem". There are a few instructions on how to correct the misalignment, but I have to say, that the first method I've tried, did not work - so I accepted the thing as it is. Now I'm just turning the bezel into the most correct position, even if it's not engaging/locking into the engage-mechanism.

    One thing you can try in order to fix this up is a method, described in that thread:


    I've tried that, but couldn't get the bezel out of it's position by using my fingernails - maybe I wasn't using enough force, but I don't wanted to damage anything.

  6. First: I've just found that thread a minute ago and I'm quite amused about the fact, that people from overseas care for the correct pronunciation - which I think is a nice gesture of respect, as you could say. And since I'm from Germany and most of the sported brands are from Switzerland, it's easy for me to pronounce them right, as a native speaker. The most "corrections" were right, so far.

    But then I saw the OMEGA-discussion and I'm glad to help you out. :D

    Here's a comment, referring to the "problem":

    This has turned into a lengthy debate on other forums, I believe one even conducted a poll. About a third said it 'mee' and two thirds 'may'. I have heard swiss watch makers and ADs (stateside and in europe) say it with 'mee', but its rare to hear it.

    For the millions Omega must pay in Bond films, you'd figure they'd insist on an exacting standard for product placement. But then again even some of Omega's product videos will have more of a 'may' sound to them.

    I also think the swiss butcher words worse than brits...so it could be a bastardized swiss offshoot.

    This is one instance where both are probably right.

    First thing is: Mr. James Bond DID mispronounced the brand! It's not "Oh-Meeeeeeee-gah". I was laughing as I was watching the movie.

    You speak out the vowels as short as possible. Just like that: "Oh-Meh-ga" - you can even forget the h after ga - you don't "stretch" the me and ga out. And don't try the US-style "eeeeeee" on the me part. :D Won't work with a swiss watch smith. ;]


    I am watching a lot of US-television, etc. and I saw some hilarious action a few years ago on some celebrity talk show - I've even forget about the name of the show, I guess it was something like a pre-Oscar special or something. Anyway, there was an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow and the interviewer asked her about her shopping habits. She told him, that she likes to buy expensive Italian clothes - the interviewer again, asked her about her favorite brands and she said, as it's the most common thing in the world "Ghukki" (as you would say Cookie, just with the G) and "Channnnnelll" (outspoken as the TV-channel) - I was literally laughing my ass off.

    She obviously meant Gucci and Chanel, but managed it to mispronounce her favorite brands in the most professional way. :D


    And another one:

    Ok, this is an old thread, found it searching montblanc, but I loved this part. Sorry for cutting your quote Vic, but I laughed when I saw this one in bold.

    So I guess eww-k is wrong?

    Actually the thing is funny, but still wrong. :D

    The English pronunciation is obviously clear, but to say it right all the way, you have to spell the three letters in good old Swiss/German. ;)

    Then it would be "Eeeh-Vehhhh-Tzehhhh".

  7. Everybody who was involved in that "stunt" is a sick f*ck. Pardon my french.

    It's not a bad idea to show people how they change their view, if something is put in another proportion. BUT: The whole thing was not completely thought through.

    First: The artist himself got death threats - and everybody knows, that there are some crazy guys called "Herbert" out there, who could've actually killed the man. And what then? How would they explain that the guy died, only because he wanted to simulate a sick experiment.

    And second: I agree with Victoria.

    What next? Finding a little homeless kid, tying him up to a rope in an art gallery to highlight the hypocrisy of the public's "non-reaction"?

    Absolutely right.

  8. Good afternoon guys,

    I wanted to ask around, if any of you knows a rep dealer, who sells MeisterSinger reps.

    You can find the MeisterSinger-Website here.

    MeisterSinger is a german/swiss brand, which've gained some fame with it's single-handed watches (you can see them in the link above).

    My brother told me, that he would like to have one of these, but he's not willing to pay 1000+ Euros for that watch.

    And that's the part, where I'm entering that game.

    I was looking around on the typical dealer-websites for a few days and read myself through a number of forums. But I still haven't found, what I was looking for.

    And since I know, that this board have a number of capable watch-brains, I wanted to activate that think-tank.

    Would be glad, if you could help me out.



  9. i remembered.. but didnt really go that great :o didnt last that long :p

    I was wondering about those "beginner" reps for under 100$.

    One the one hand, you get a watch, that you don't really have to baby around and not care for scratches or anything, just because it was so cheap.

    But my other thought was, that these watches got to have poor quality control, movement and not that accurate cases and details - considering the low price.

    And while we have all the things above in mind: Is that really a good beginning for someone, who wants to enter the rep-world?

    In 7 of 10 cases, the purchaser will be disappointed about the final product. Watchparts will fall apart and so on.

    I've never owned one of these beginner watches, so my writing is not based on experience. I was just wondering, if these beginner reps are really a good idea.

    But maybe I'm wrong - maybe the quality is not that bad at all.

    I haven't read many reviews about cheap reps - maybe my doubts are already refuted by a number of reviewers, but I would think, that maybe this beginner rep-strategy is counterproductive.

    What do you think?

  10. Hello,

    i just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Andre and I'm living in Germany, while I am originally from the former Soviet Union. I am a watch "fanatic" - not really a fanatic, but I couldn't find another word, which would describe it more accurate. ;D

    I own a couple of authentic swiss watches, since I'm so close to the source here in good old Deutschland. I can call an OMEGA Seamaster my property, as well as a couple of TAG HEUER's and a Breitling Chronometre.

    But since I've read about some high-end replicas (which weren't even known to me just a few months ago), which could be built so close to the real thing, that they can fool even owners of the real watch, I wanted to know more about them and purchase one or two of those toys, to compare them to the originals.

    During my research work I've met one name over and over again: "Replica Watch Group Forum". So I wanted to join you guys, in prospect to get some great tips and to speak with people, who actually have experience within that replica world, which is completely new to me.

    My first watch of interest would be an OMEGA Seamaster Professional 300 replica - since it's my overall favorite watch, but I'll specify my shopping plans and moves later in a different place at a different time.

    First I wanted to say hi. I look forward to a nice time here at the RWG.

    Greetings from Germany,


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