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Everything posted by truzement

  1. last week I started to wear my panerai 187 again after a long time of box time(more than a year). no problems with winding up or keeping time. compared to the "today" reps it still holds up nicely in terms of quality and finish. at least that where my toughts until i looked at it this evening and saw a missing marker (the 2 o clock oval one) that was a terrible thing to experience. I was so happy with discovering it again last week that it felt like a new watch. can i fix this? are there replacements or home made/custom made parts available I got mine from TTK so it is a non screwed version. hope you guys have some tips or sollutions for me
  2. I think you are missing my point by hundreds of miles JohnG. The outlandos did was his choice, and he got away with it. I am not disapointed dont get me wrong, but congratulating him could inspire others to do the same thing. Its like like trying to disarm a bomb, it could go two ways. I'am someone who tries to avoid being damaged and I want to keep others sharp and create awareness when they come in the same situation.
  3. If you think that a 500 usd dollar replica watch is worth the trouble it can give you, go ahead. I think its like double or nothing. If they had opened the package there it would have been a whole diffrent ballgame A big fine and no watch The story told to customs would fall apart and you would be in trouble. Why, because communication goes through letters in the mail. info about items is given through te phone, but when you claim or make a statement about an item , it can only be done through mail. My point is, not to get wise when it comes to dealing with customs, its their job to hunt you. Everyone can do as they think is best, but the stept taken by cutoms in outlandos his topic are not standard procedure on this matter.
  4. I just dont get where they based the 13 euro's of tax on I thought you told them you bought the watch from a friend for 700 or 250 euro's Or is your tax based on the price of the repairs I think it is important to realise for everyone, that if your watch really got through it was a with a whole lot of luck. The bottom line of this topic should be not to cook up stories and lie to customs. It is normal procedure for customs to inspect the item by hand and look up the value of the item in cataloques or verifie through officiall channels. This value is than used for calculating the tax.
  5. Thats 100% correct. Untill you make a false invoice, bill or start telling them lies. Then it is fraud and you cannot win that game.
  6. The problem with cooking up a good story is, that the risk is not worth the reward. You can make up story, but you can never know what they know. At the bottom line it remains a rep. Ans it is illigal to sent a rep. They will not sent it to anybody because is is illigal to sent reps. Trust me I have been there and gone through multiple letters and phonecalls with the dutch customs. Evertime you see an opening for a sollution you have to stay in line of your original story because everything is recorded in your file. Never lie to them, just WALK AWAY!!!!
  7. Indeed 3 watches are allowed by customs, but not through mail.
  8. The rules are as follows: You are allowed to bring 3 replica items (watches) though customs. But you have to travel in person and then pass customs. Sending through mail is not allowed under any circumstances. This information is also stated on douane.nl
  9. I was in the same sort of situation two years ago. My PAM 187 was stopped by Dutch customs and I received a package without a watch. The sender marked the package as repaired chronometer or something. There was a letter attached that It was illigal to import replica watches etc, etc... Thinking of what to do and also calling this for help on this board, I got another letter te next day from customs. This was a whole diffrent type of letter. They stated that the watch was exemined by an expert and that it was a real panarai watch. But through the simple way of packaging it was asumed to be fake. They gave me a few options, proof that the watch was bought in the netherlands, or pay the tax. I considered making a false bill or receipt but didnt do it. I got a lot of advice not to do so. The best advice I got was "not to get my arm amputated over a splinter". ordering a fake watch is one thing, making false bills is (tax)fraud and a whole diffrent ballgame!! My advice forget the watch and bite the bullit. or in dutch "Vergeet het horloge en bijt door de zure appel heen!"
  10. I have the black dial and must say, after wearing it daily for 6 months now. it is the best rep I have ever owned. Its solid, waterproof, superbly finished and most of all, its a modest watch. not too bling bling, flashy or unbelievable expensive as a genuine. thats also something I agree with. maybe the lume could be a bit more shiny, but on the other hand, who sees my watch in the dark?
  11. I dont think the U-boat reps look bad at all. maybe the hands and size are a bit off but in general thet look ok. I have an original 53mm black faced one and my girlfriend has a 45mm one. at least these U-boat reps look better than other no name brands with U-boat design
  12. DO you guys remember "het falconplein" from about ten years ago. there where a lot off small shops from russians. they had almost every rep watch you could think of. and of good quallity and price. not to forget they also sold anything you needed, rep clothes, bags, tv's, phones, etc....
  13. you are one lucky viking!! Since I lost a watch from a trade in Dutch customs, I dont have the guts anymore to buy watches from outside the EU.
  14. I had a somewhat simmilar experiance with my genuine tag heuer, so i know how you feel. i accidently damaged and seriously scratched the clasp of the bracelet. I also tried to polish it out with a dremel but it got a high gloss finish. (my watch had a mat finish) I ended with me buying a new clasp and bracelet. that was the only thing that took away the pain.
  15. i would liko to see a good one of these
  16. WOW the Patek sure looks like a stunning watch, surely something I would wear. For an old vintage it looks a little bit too crisp, unworn and new. For the rolex I think the seller should stick with his other items (mainly "vintage" porcelain)
  17. Looks like a IWC
  18. I sold my Kawasaki ZX9R recently. It was the most smart thing to do. I could just not resist opening up the throttle. It had 145 HP with 180 kg, so it was really really really too fast. I do miss the bike, but my newborn son will miss his father more I guess.
  19. I have a 187 and not a 186. Damn all those numbers. I dont know about the 186 bezel markers so forget my input.
  20. For some sort of reason I always think that Elwopo and TTK are one and the same. but thats just a feeling I have and could be wrong offcourse.
  21. A lot of what you guys said and not to forget. Movies -Seven -Gothika -Fallen -The Bone collector -Along came a spider actally there are too many good movies Series -Lost -Prison Break -Bottom (the Series)
  22. I hope for a good Breitling Chronomat with 7750 matel bracelet and matte finish.
  23. I have a 186 from TTK and they are very strongly attached to the bezel. I dont know if they are glued or screwed, but its very solid.
  24. its a nice idea but it looks as if it is printed with an inktjet printer
  25. I too had a somewhat "disapointing" rep received. For me its the same question. the pearl looks damaged and there is a noticable circular scratch under the bezel markers. the scratch I can live with (and hopefully will fade through exposure to air) but the pearl looks really bad. It should be handpicked and "loup examined", well maybe that examination took place on a monday morning. is there somebody here who nows a source for replacement pearls? on ofrei i cant find any.
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