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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. I checked for you. There are going for around 175 gbp.
  2. His second post and he quotes himself. Does anybody doubt who this is? If gay is going to be our topic, there is already a prop 8 thread... please join the fun.
  3. You missed us too - don't be afraid of your homo side you homo.
  4. First of all, you guys are getting sloppy with labeling your threads RWG1: - DON'T FORGET WHO YOU ARE! Secondly, and no less important, DEMSEY WAS JUST SEEN ON RG! He is a member named Chancellor who I have seen before and never guessed until I had it spelled out for me:
  5. Or they might be from Russia. Russian babushka boobs.
  6. how much for your old one?
  7. Oh come on man. His father was from Kenya, it is normal that those people are celebrating.
  8. JohnG

    Prop 8

    I agree. They are not comparable, for the reasons you have stated. That said, you are wrong when you say AllegryDoc is a bigot. He is not. Not everyone who opposes gay marriage is a bigot or homophobe. I believe the arguments for allowing it are superior but I don't write off anyone who disagrees with me as a bigot. There are MANY reasons people object to same sex marriage. I don't happen to be persuaded by those reasons, but I recognize that they are diverse and complex.
  9. JohnG

    Prop 8

    You CAN marry a fake watch forum however. I know a bunch of people who have done it.
  10. It is either Magnum P.I., or Groucho Marx, or Luthier... can't remember which...
  11. JohnG

    Prop 8

    It is a state matter as long as there is no Constitutional issue. And even if there were a clear Constitutional issue (which there is not), the Supreme Court is not compelled to hear ANY case. Cases are chosen for review by the justices if they believe that there is an issue that needs clarification or that has not been correctly decided at the intermediate appellate level. If the opponents of Prop 8 wish to seek redress in the Federal courts, they must appeal first to the Federal district court. Then the case will wind it's way up (unless all appeals are denied) the ladder. In all likelihood, the Federal district court would defer to the California Constitution, as amended. If they hear the case and grant relief, the appellate court would probably overturn. And if they did not, then the SCOTUS would probably hear the case, and overturn. I don't know the composition of the Ninth Circuit, so I don't know if this would make it past the Court of Appeals, but if it did, and given the current composition of the Supreme Court, there is no question in my mind that any challenges to Prop 8 would fail. On another point, I think that the gay community is not trying to "shove" anything down anyone's throat. What they would like, is to see a generation of children raised to not hate and fear homosexuals. Even today, homosexuals suffer great emotional and physical abuse from the heterosexual community. For example, "gay bashing" doesn't refer to talking [censored] about gays, it refers to the practice of seeking out and beating homosexuals for fun. This is a common practice in the United States, as much as many people would like to deny it. If I were gay, I too would be working to increase social acceptance in any way possible, not to "shove my agenda down their throat" but rather in the hopes that perhaps a day will come when a homosexual doesn't have to suffer shame and fear for his or her physical safety, for no other reason than their sexual orientation. In fact, even though I am not gay, I was once accused of being gay in the sixth grade by a little [censored] I had a fight with. [censored] like that sticks for a LONG TIME in school - children are merciless. I got a good taste of what many young gays go through and I have never forgotten that lesson.
  12. Ohh when Luthier gets done with you, you are going to want to demand a recount on prop 8!
  13. JohnG

    Prop 8

    No, not a fascist, nor even a homophobe. You are mistaken, that is all.
  14. JohnG

    Prop 8

    We were going to Boston. And we still are. Marriage, in all its forms, is still alive and well there.
  15. JohnG

    Prop 8

    I read this article a long time ago. Neiter Kurtz nor anyone else has proven the causal link. This is an opinion piece, not a scientific study in a peer-reviewed journal, and published in the National Review, so pardon me if I don
  16. Well you need to start making more of an effort. If you want this relationship to work, we expect to see you here often, and contributing. You need to work on creating more intimacy. MGI/Luthier can help you with this... if you will kindly lay face down on the floor... naked.... yes, that
  17. JohnG

    Prop 8

    It is a shame. Constitutions should be used to define POSITIVE rights, not NEGATIVE rights. The argument that gay marriage destroys the institution is false.
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