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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. nooooooo.... they be stealin my bucket
  2. Any 30 year old touches a 14 year girl in my family they will find out the true meaning of the work pain. You deal with your own family however you see fit, but understand that when you try to minimize the molestation of a 14 year old girl by a 30 year old man, you are going to find some people who violently object. Take responsibility for your own words.
  3. Well sorry man, but if that football coach was "banging" MY 14 year old daughter, I would rip his [censored] trachea out of his neck. I guess you think that is ok, though.
  4. Amen to that brother. 95% of the people who complain about poor governance have NEVER written a letter to their elected representatives. And a shocking number don't even vote.
  5. That's more what I figured - I was joking around before. Is there much difference between the rep and gen bracelets? Because maybe this guy would buy more watches from you even with rep bracelet? That's what they say about us on TZ.
  6. I have no doubt the comment was not intended in a mean way but it was a stupid thing to say. It perpetuates a social stereotype and I have not the slightest doubt that a lot of people DO find it offensive. With all due respect to Nouns Defions, he is one latino, not all latinos. Furthermore, just because someone DOES find that offensive does not make them a whiner or a weakling. Tony Kornheiser did the right thing and apologized. I personally don't find the comment offensive but it would never occur to me to hold those who might in such open contempt as I have seen in this thread. It doesn't take that much effort to take someone else's feelings into account. If I say something that offends my fellow and he tells me so, it is as easy to say, "I am sorry, I won't say that again" as it is to say, "Stop whining you hypersensitive pussy."
  7. The bracelet cost $455. But it's still a cool story. I think.
  8. Don't know why you would want to do that, but hey, go for it.
  9. Absolutely - I wonder what the whack jobs are going to come up with now...
  10. Well, the psychology of conspiracy theory is complex. And the line sometimes hard to draw. There ARE bad people in the world and there ARE cover-ups. But knowing which is which depends on a good dose of common sense combined with critical thinking skills and a touch of skepticism. Common to most conspiracy theories is a notable lack of all three - and the presence of a lot of magical thinking.
  11. Yeah, I looked at that hack's website and now he is doing all Palin "art":
  12. High bidder has zero feedback - and it's a brand new account! I hope the seller doesn't expect to actually get paid!
  13. You don't know me, but I will miss you. I always enjoyed your posts and it is clear you are a very honest and generous person. I too spend too much time on the boards. I don't really have other responsibilities but nevertheless, it is not the most healthy way to spend my time. There is a whole world out there - and you are doing the right thing (as usual) by placing your family ahead of your own interests. Your kids are lucky to have you. I was especially touched by the picture of your vintage Sub with your son's hand on yours. My own father died several years ago and I miss him fiercely. He was my hero. The best of luck to you. JohnG
  14. His whole gig is that Al Qaeda had nothing to do with 9/11. I guess his point is that these are loose threads around the edges of the conspiracy - somebody forgot to tell the FBI to pencil in some 9/11 charges to complete the curtain of deception.
  15. There is no Myswissreplicastore. There is swissreplicastore and there is myswissreplicas but no Myswissreplicastore In any event, it hardly matter as they are both scam sites. Stick to the "trusted dealers here." There are a dozen or so that are well known by the members here and are trustworthy. Take your time and do your homework - a hasty purchase can end in tears. Good luck and welcome. No, his question in the Rolex area was "who has the best sub?"
  16. If you ever run for political office, you are going to regret it.
  17. So this is yet ANOTHER variation on this theory. In this one the culprits are not the Rockefellers or the Bush administration, it is a consortium of the buildings' owner and a bunch of people accused of SEC violations. Did your documentary happen to mention that the architects of the building themselves gave interviews within a year of the collapse of the buildings addressing this very issue? The buildings were designed to withstand the impact and they did. What they were not designed to resist was the burning off of many many thousands of pounds of jet fuel carried by planes loaded for long transcontinental flights. The reason? Because when the towers were built it was technically impossible. The architects themselves are on record as saying they did not build the building to resist this type of impact AND extended fire because they could not. Are THEY part of the conspiracy too? I am not going to go point for point. It is clear these shows are entertainment. They pick ONLY the facts that favor their hypothesis. That make people watching the show say, "wooowwwww.... really makes you think!" and stay tuned in during the commercials. If it was a serious documentary, half the viewers would change channels. In the end, the people who choose to believe this stuff are not going to let logic or common sense stand in their way, so really the debates are meaningless.
  18. You mean your pet theory that Rockefeller flew the planes by remote control? Come on, do you REALLY believe that? Tell me you have just been pulling my leg.
  19. If I misunderstood what Lanikai was trying to say, he is a big boy, I am sure he can correct me himself. But thanks anyway.
  20. No. No. It might be an ok deal for $65 but it won't have sapphire and it won't have a 7750 with working chronos.
  21. Why do people here find it hard to understand how the majority of gen owners feel about reps? If you spend five or ten grand on a watch of course you are going to be [censored] if you find out other people are walking around with something that can be distinguished only on close inspection by someone who knows what tells to look for. It is a rare bird who is going to just say, "to each his own." Most will feel resentment and will express it by calling you a wannabe or by denigrating the watch itself. It makes perfect sense to me.
  22. I think that Lanikai meant that he values his country and the ideals that it (to most Americans) stands for, even when it is wrong. I don't really know him but I suspect he would acknowledge freely that the United States makes errors of judgment, has many structural and institutional defects, and even suffers its share of corrupt and self-serving behavior. But recognizing that a nation composed of human beings must necessarily be imperfect does not negate the nobility embodied not only in many of its most sacred founding principles but also in the hearts of the vast majority of its citizens.
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