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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. I have not lived in the United States for over ten years Sherlock. But was there a point there - or just going off on another tangent again? Because if you ever actually address any of my points directly without just running off YET AGAIN in another direction, I think I will die of shock.
  2. Did you know Chad receives military aid from the U.S.? Burkina Faso? Djibouti? Eritrea? I doubt it. Since Georgia is a sovereign nation that makes its own decisions, I am not sure how you arrive at this conclusion. But ok, let's say it's true - this makes the U.S. look really bad and evil. You should be happy! What are you griping about? I told you to stop watching Fox News. If you read the NYT, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Miami Herald, the Boston Globe. etc. etc., or listen to National Public Radio or watch CNN International or the BBC or any number of public television broadcasters, then yes, you know. So I guess you didn't look too carefully now did you? You can't force people to seek out reliable news sources. Welcome to the real world.
  3. Ummm..... your very first post in this thread of yours? Haven't you actually WATCHED the Aaron Russo clip you endorsed?
  4. Dude you need to learn how to read. I didn't say ANYWHERE the attack was unprovoked. Did you even read that quote you cited because if you did, you sure didn't understand it. Revealed? Military aid to Georgia has been listed in the foreign appropriations budget for as long as it has been provided. It was no more secret than military aid the U.S. provides to nearly two hundred other countries. Revealed. That's a good one!
  5. The U.S. has made a lot of errors in dealing with Russia since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, but abstaining from an unprovoked attack was not among them. The major miscalculation has been in treating Russia in a way that continually reminds its leadership (and citizenry) of it's lost glory. Negotiating with Poland to put a ballistic missile defense system on Russia's doorstep is not the STUPIDEST thing we have ever done, but it comes close. It is humiliating and provocative. Anyone who has been paying the slightest attention to the nationalist noises coming out of Moscow should not be surprised that they are flexing their muscles in the region now. Georgia is a message. That said, it is silly to suggest that the U.S. is responsible for Russia's actions. As far as I know, they are all adults in the Kremlin so the "devil made me do it" argument really doesn't work anymore. Of course, some people are always eager to set common sense aside and blame everything bad that happens in the world on the U.S.
  6. I don't have to sign up. According to you, Rockefeller is going to put them in our bodies whether we want them or not. But since newcomers who talk trash about the man are top of the list, you better get used to the idea that the black helicopters are coming for you first!
  7. Yup, everything bad that happens in the world is America's fault. You sound like a broken record man.
  8. Why bother with books - you can find really good rep degrees on CQout - the Ivy League schools run around $400 for degree with transcripts. Community colleges and state universities run any where from $30 to $250.
  9. If you want the low down on Chrome see what they are saying at Anandtech.com - those guys are the real geeks. I have no idea yet what they are saying but it will be more reliable than CNN's "tech" journalist.
  10. McCarthy and Co. did a lot of scary stuff in the 50's. The 50's were followed by the 60's. See where I am going with this? The ACLU and in fact the entire concept of judicial review are still alive and well. I wouldn't start getting ready to lick any boots just yet.
  11. But this is the Off Topic forum. If people don't like seeing political debates (and everything they imply - disagreement, silliness, a few flames, etc.), why do they browse threads titled, "McCain picks Alaska Gov. as running mate"?
  12. Bills like that and much worse are drafted all the time. There is no prohibition on submitting legislation. The vast majority of it is never passed. Some is. But laws that are un-Constitutional are challenged in the Federal Courts and are struck down all the time, in whole or in part. This is a normal part of the functioning of the legal system - not a once in a while occurrence. Though it is true that "rights" are somewhat fluid because the ultimate arbiter of what the Constitution actually means (The Supreme Court of the United States) is composed of human beings, even a conservative court, such as we have now, is no rubber stamp to violations of basic rights. If people don't like a proposed piece of legislation they should write their representatives to say so. Because I am pretty sure those representatives are not monitoring this forum to find out what their constituents think.
  13. Well "[censored]" was more funny. It was a reply to the previous post. And Pug's responses here might have seemed funny to YOU but his private pm's to me were kind of scary. Is there any way he can see my IP address and figure out exactly where I am?
  14. Hey, gay is ok (sorry Mrs. Palin but it's true). But though I am a big believer in gays' rights to do as they choose, I still prefer not to be confused with one. And I SURE don't like it when some mod edits my posts to say "I'm gay" and then runs off to hide. To me, THAT is gay.
  15. EDIT: Wow. I didn't know that Mods here went around editing your posts - because I did not post those words above. So someone is playing around. Now let's see if they have the stones to come forward and admit it.
  16. Well if you read the whole cartoon thing from Google about Chrome it explains why it will run much faster than other browsers with older architecture: http://blogoscoped.com/google-chrome/
  17. Well I got mine about fifteen minutes before that post - so you were probably first - but I was checking all day and it just became available - was it available earlier for Mac or did you just find a working download link before I did?
  18. I'm the FIRST!!!
  19. I'm gay Hmmm. I didn't say that. Someone's playing games.
  20. A good number also believe that the Bush Administration had something to do with it. There are gullible people all across the political spectrum. Welcome to the real world.
  21. It would depend on who was giving the [censored].
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