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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. I never said it can't happen. I never said it DIDN'T happen. OF COURSE it happened. Duh. I mean, that is all that is missing from this thread - someone to come in here and say the whole incident never happened and that the television coverage was faked and that the twin towers are still standing there. I mean this thread gets richer all the time. What I said (or am saying now anyway) is that the idea that Bush ordered this is beyond silly - it is a little children's drama fantasy. Now I can't stand Bush - but I am perfectly capable of seeing him for the arrogant and incompetent puppet he is without losing my head about it and latching onto every crackpot 9/11 theory (and there are a LOT out there - yours is not the only show in town, sad to say). There are plenty of real reasons to hold him in utter contempt without making new ones up out of whole cloth. It is amazing how badly some people WANT this to be true. I don't get it.
  2. http://www.repwatchearlyreleaseinfo.org/no...signup_ddo.html
  3. Well looking at it that way, maybe you exist only to keep me distracted from seeing the truth. Maybe you are an artificial intelligence in a DoD facility somewhere, designed to sink conversations that get too close to the truth with giant college-essay thread-killer posts... I mean, "the likeliness is extremely low, but i wouldn't rule it completely out." Your phrase fits here just as well. I mean it is POSSIBLE, right? Like I said before, once you concede an inch to the crackpot theories about no moon landing, the CIA/Mafia/Castro/Bell Helicopter/Johnson killed JFK, Fluoride in water is to control our minds, etc., - once you say, ok that MIGHT be true, you are up to your eyeballs in it. I mean, how do YOU know the American Revolution EVEN OCCURRED??? Because you READ it somewhere? Have you ever BEEN to Beijing? I haven't. Maybe it doesn't even exist. It's all cgi trickery from Pixar - under a super-secret government contract. Hell, maybe CHINA doesn't even exist - I haven't been there and I would have to rely on second hand information to believe that it exists - and how can I trust what other people tell me? You see what I mean? Sounds ridiculous but using the logic of the conspiracy theorists I can produce ANY theory I want, and they are all EQUALLY VIABLE. And all they have to do to discredit me (in their own minds anyway) is say, "how sad, you are too scared to open your mind." And if you "open your mind" - i.e. actually listen to the "evidence" - they will bury you in a mountain of minutiae about missing letters, a guy who told a guy about a girder bent a way that couldn't have been that way, a "scientist" that says blah blah blah, complete with charts and graphs. All the time, ignoring the good sense God gave an ant - but they want to drag you into the details of stuff they read in a book (curiously not censored by the evil government) or the internet - because of course you can't respond because you have better things to do than go fill out Freedom of Information forms to get the data to refute them which they will only say "hah, that comes from the GOVERNMENT!" Sigh. Hell, I would love to believe a lot of that stuff - it is much more theatrical and exciting than the boring truth. The whole world a giant Grisham novel! Cool! But the psychology of conspiracy theorists - that is a whole other topic...
  4. Well THAT is not an exaggeration is it? The statements just keep getting more extreme all the time. Be careful - your user name, ip address, and the word "terrorist" just caught the attention of that big CRAY in the NSA sub sub sub basement. I am sure there are sending some black helicopters right now with a special RFID just for you! Just to help things along a little... Dani Jihad plan finalized disposable cell phone uranium trigger diagram moneybookers execute infidel imminent Just a few keywords for that hungry CRAY to chew on....
  5. Not everybody, but a few people were predicting this, yes. Not me.
  6. Yes, I see the crown... but I still like the pic:
  7. You mean that research funded by the Raytheon Company?
  8. Ok, I was hypersensitive, I worked it out off the thread, I apologize to all involved - especially By-Tor, and now I will say that he is right - you can pick angles for shooting that watch that make many things less obvious. I have taken shots using macro where the pearl is fuzzy, the cg's are invisible, the rehaut thickness looks different because of interference from the crystal thickness... the shot from that thread made it very obvious for anyone who knows what to look for.
  9. Probably the Stone version from the sound of it. I think a film that gives a fairly accurate rendition of the complexities of global power struggles, the myriad confounding factors that frustrate even the most well-laid Machiavellian plans, and the law of unintended consequences, is Syriana.
  10. I apologize. I meant that TO ME, if someone says that as a U.S. Citizen (which I am) I will be forced into a gurney and a chip inserted into my body against my will, and that this will happen to ALL Americans, in MY life time - that SOUNDS whacky. Maybe it isn't but most people (I think) will take it that way. I know all about the technology. It is one thing for me to have a tattoo put on my body by my own choice. It is quite another for the government to tattoo bar-codes on people - what you are talking about is even MORE invasive. RFID technology will become a big part of everyday life. But it is not going to be forced into our bodies against our will (in the U.S. anyway). Not while there is still a Constitution and rule of law. Please trust me in this.
  11. I apologize. This thread is about the fake SD on TZ - not me. It is the wrong venue for me to deal with my own issues. Please accept my apology and enjoy the thread.
  12. Sorry to disturb the thread. This is not the place for me to work this out.
  13. Having gotten all fired up and said that - I find I don't have any idea how to cancel my membership. Any help?
  14. Well I was with you right to the very end. I didn't know why there was hostility at this watch but it was very obvious there was. You explained the history (which obviously predates my tenure here) very concisely. But if you think that I came here to stir up trouble then just ban me. I said nothing to deserve that accusation and I won't be cowed. I have been guilty of being a real jerk at times - but this is not one of them. Feel free to cancel my recurring membership. Don't bother, I will do it myself.
  15. Good luck with that - but it can be best summed up as arrogance and incompetence. Throw in some greed, manipulation, and (yes) best intentions, and that pretty much covers it. Well, hypothetically speaking, the United States remains under the rule of law - laws enacted by a legislature. No politician who gives a [censored] about his career is going to present a bill proposing compulsory RFID tagging of the entire U.S. populace. Sorry, but the RFID lobby is not THAT big.
  16. From TZ: This guy is going to win some friends - he has 45 posts and is calling others in the forum idiots for not spotting the fake.
  17. Congrats! Though I am as aware as most people here of the myriad flaws in that watch, it is worth noting that the VAST majority of posters at TZ didn't notice - and one guy who OWNS a gen is saying he doesn't see the problem with it even after others have called it out. This reinforces me belief that most people, even gen owners, generally don't spend hours, days, and weeks analyzing the tells of fake versions of their own watches. There are a few people who will spot these things - and they are WIS's, suspicious by nature, AND have the benefit of a frozen target blown up about four times larger than life to analyze.
  18. OMG you guys are everywhere. You have seen too much science fiction! Or been on "those" sites.... In the 60's it was subliminal messages, then flouride in water, mind control, government-funded ESP projects, now it is a RFID-tagged cow-eyed population... Sorry, it is just hard to take you guys seriously... If you were as logical as you thought, you would be more adept at persuading people - you would tone it down and plant seeds of doubt rather than come off like whack jobs - I mean, where is the logic in that if you are trying to deliver such an important message?
  19. There it is again: The loopty-loop logic: I don't agree that the evidence is compelling or even convincing. From THAT you can make the following assumptions: I have a fragile world view and am just struggling to protect it (and myself from the trauma of waking up to the truth). I have "blind faith" in the "state-run media" - whatever that is - and am incapable of seeking out and evaluating for myself the credibility of multiple sources for information. If I disagree with you I am doing "the intellectual and philosophical equivalent of sticking [my] fingers in [my] ears and yelling " LA LA LA LA LA LA LA, I can't hear you!!!" I could go on but hell, we all read the post... This is why I [try] not to get sucked into these things. It is always the same. You have the truth and we are too domesticated to see it. Dude, congratulations of figuring it all out. Somehow I don't think I am ever going to, so you might as well give up on me right now.
  20. No doubt this guy is a [censored] and the SSD has flaws and is not a super rep - fine. But WTF with the hostility towards this watch? I have not seen another rep that gets [censored] on as consistently as this watch. Some of us own it and might even like it. It is entirely possible to point out tells on a rep without ridiculing it.
  21. This is the fatal flaw in 99% of all conspiracy theories.
  22. i wish you could see what happens to the face of the first [censored] who tries to put a tracking chip under my skin. lol. But seriously, by then you won't want to talk about this anyway because they will have nano-bots in your brain regulating your brain chemistry. You will be as docile as a lamb.
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