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Everything posted by robj

  1. I am sorry I didn't realize you were any more than a normal poster . Only goes to show that to the average poster you don't come across, as anything particularly "significant" or extraordinary at all and maybe you are the one who needs a reality check, because if you have tell everyone you are a particularly "significant" poster all the time then you are deluding yourself. In all honesty I thought your response and the remark about the watch being sub $100 were the work of a Noob rather than a particularlly "significant" poster. As for moronic I have to agree that people who only see the faults are just that I think it's particularlly suited to the people that spend $$$$ in making a $200 fake watch into a $1000 fake watch that with all the best intentions in the world will never be anything more than than an expensive fake copy of a cheaper fake watch. But it's their money and it is their choice I certainly wouldn't call them morons as you seem to do with anyone that doesn't agree with your "Significant" opinion I think you will find that your "Significance" is limited to your opinion of yourself and to all the other people you are nothing more than ordinary at best
  2. Do you have or you tell us your source for any 7750 daytona for under $100 ? James most likely has fun and enjoyment out of the hobby rather than being too pre occupied with getting only reps that are 1-1 he buys what he likes well done James. You continue to buy what you like and instead of agonizing over what the gen looks like and spending months and big money as some do only to fail. in getting the watch close enough to fool anyone that knows enough about them. You have fun and enjoy
  3. @FGD A fair to middling rep of this is due in the next month apparently
  4. I am not trying to suggest anything as in my experience these sort of confrentations end up in a "Handbags at a 1000 paces" sort of situation with no one doing anything other than threatening. I don't know how offay you are with the way police in the UK do things . He will if he compalins of threats get a number to an immidiate responce department Who will come and lock all you bad boys up Why would he not be able to complain to the police if this was reported to them it would be l laughed out of court. The police would not be overly concerned that a few people were missing their Copy watches and crystals They would however be concerned about threatening phone calls and messages and very concerned if a gang showed up at the house threatening violence. But you go ahead you obviously know everything and don't see any problem with your actions nothing to do with me just telling you the likely outcome that was all Just seems silly that you have forwarned the guy and are risking a major proplem with the police
  5. Why would you warn someone you are going to get physical with? It only gives them time to be prepared. If he has any sense at all he will have registered threatening phone calls and emails with the police. If you go there and start performing chances are you will be locked up. If there is more than a couple of people it gets really serious the police will not care about your reason for doing it at worse what he has done is a misdimena what is being suggested even by the mere suggestion is a felony
  6. Without pictures difficult to make an assesment of the watch certainly all the other reveiws are not as complimentery as this one. Also worth mentioning there is some talk that the watch listed on Ebay may have been a copy as well at least that appears to be the general opinion on RG that the watch on Ebay is a V3. Don't know if thats true or not but a lot of people are saying it
  7. Maybe a silly question but have you contacted Mark before you posted the tread? Because if has not been on the forum he maybe blissfully unaware of the situation and people could get an altogether wrong impression
  8. Where is the fair what area? Traveling across BKK is a nightmare and can take hours at peak times if you tell me what you are looking for I will point you in the right direction
  9. +1 Offshore Nothing much to choose between either of them both have their redeeming points. Certainly sensible to look at both to get a better prospective
  10. America is only doing what it always does it is not interested in the political problems there outside of it being stable enough to pump oil. Right or wrong doesn't enter into America giving support to either side or backing them with money it's a purely commercial decision based on oil nothing more or nothing less. look at Iraq do you think this would have happened if America instead of France and Russia had the biggest oil share there. Don't take any of this as personal either backing Georgia or Russia it's only buisness No one should blame America for what is happening there now it has nothing to do with them the leaders on both sides don't need any outside influence to go on a killing spree they do it without any outside involvement. Unfortunately as a world power America is always going to be dragged into these regional problems with having either direct or indirect links with one or the other side so blaming America is inevitable. I don't think for one moment America will deploy troops or take any active part in this conflict as I don't imagine Europe will either they have enough problems fighting a war they cannot win in Afghanistan and Iraq. So I don't see them getting involved anytime soon with anything more than words and possibly sanctions
  11. Think Eddie Lee retired TTK got banned from here I think TTK is still active on Repgeek hope this helps
  12. To make a 188 with 7753 you need old style case and different dial from 7750 movement it is not a straight 7750 out 7753 in thing. Only the older cases have the correct 10 button location for the fast date change. I beleive Josh had some of these ready made at around $800 would seem the best solution
  13. Think it was with the dealer who had the best sub!!! Can't think of the name now
  14. robj

    Vertu Replicas

    There were a couple of versions of the Vertu phone 1 was Chinese and cheap at about $200 the other was much better at around $450 and used nokia internals very simular to the originals.
  15. Thanks for clearing that up! But that wasn't the question I could have also choose a pam 225. All I was interested in was if the 212 existed in an original in a white face I have no intentions of buying any. The key to the question is "Did Panerai ever make a 212 Flyback with white dial" Had I wanted alternatives I would have asked " What white dial Chrono's do Panerai make" Don't know how else I could have asked the question in English
  16. I can find no reference to to it but did panerai ever make a 212 fly back with white dial? I know they made a limited edition Pam 060 white panda dial in 40mm but question is did they make a 44mm with straight white dial? Thanks
  17. I always thought sweep second hand was center sweep hand but thats in English so Ofrei being an American company could mean something completely different
  18. I agree best to use main dealer Price wize I normally pay between $300-$500 depending on model
  19. Is he an authorized service point for Rolex then? If he is I will use him from now on has to be better than going to the AD and they send it to someone
  20. Hardly worth the bother you won't have hundreds to choose from like an AD just as well buy them from Narikaa or someone they will be about the same price and you can have it to your door
  21. Isn't airsure or datapost simular?
  22. I had a hell of a problem sending my Rolex from Greece to UK for service. None of the courier companies wanted to carry a watch. I had to use a freight agent in the end to get full insurance coverage on the item. Funny thing is Rolex sent it back fully insured by TNT! Certainly it's not easy to get a courier to take it maybe EMS is an option they have secondary insurance available
  23. I read on Repgeek yesterday i think it was that some members had been getting spam email in accounts they had set up and only used for buying watches from the trusted dealers some I think even pinpointed which dealers. Either they are being hacked or more likely they or their payment processors are selling leads
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