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Posts posted by thorg12

  1. This is the error message ive been getting all day at different computers. Is this happening to anyone else. I recently pm'ed people and cannot read their response. Just wondering how to fix this.



    SQL error: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)

    SQL error code: 2003

    Date: Monday 12th of February 2007 10:03:36 PM

  2. ive got the tag link chrono and wound it fully and the chrono did not reset correctly. it acutually never resets in the right place. then i realized if i stop the chrono before the 30 sec mark and reset it resets around plus 1-2 secs if i stop the chrono after 30 sec from where it started is goes back 1-2 secs. anyone else have this problem? im gonna let it run down with the chrono at 12 and wind it fully and see what happens.

    also can you guys here the watch winding and feel it on your wrist? im sure its normal but this is my first chrono and just wonderin


  3. Im going to be purchasing an 063 in the next couple days and i want to place my strap order soon too. there arent enough pics in the photo gallery of 063 so i would like to see what kind of strap you guys have this beauty on. lets see some good pics.


  4. Hey i was just hoping for some feedback about the 036 with the 2836 movement. is it worth it for me to purchase the 2836 and do some mods like a relume or should i just get the 2893 and wait and save for the mods? is the 2836 gonna crap out before the 2893? ive read about some issues with the 2893, are there any 2836 that are having problems too. also with ar coating, is it possible to get it when there is a cyclops, because i know davidsen said he was having a problem with it. Im stuck between the two and would appreciate any input in helpin my decision.



  5. i dont want you guys to get the wrong impression. i neither blamed a dealer nor claimed to be a watchsmith. im not asking for money back from the dealer. i simply asked a question to the forum for a little help. and many people offered their advice for which i am grateful. my watch was running about 2-3 mintues fast a day. you dont learn if you dont try. i thought i could handle it with what i read. i messed up and paid the price but im not sorry about it. i brought the watch to a watchsmith and he's gonna show me how exactly to adjust, open, etc. i'd rather try something myself first, its just the way i am.


  6. thanks everybody. i think i fixed the problem i caused but i cant remember if my date was that far to the right, o well i can live with it now. i need to buy a cheapo watch to practice on, not one of my favorites. thanks again.


    btw could i have caused the date to move to the right, and if so can i fix that easily...probably not but figured id ask

  7. OK so i got the bright idea at midnight to open my watch back because ive never done it. it opened real easy. then something went wrong. the plastic spacer came out a little and then the whole movement moved. im afraid the stem is gonna break and its not sitting right. is there a way to disconnect the stem and fixt the dial and movement then reinsert it. im sure its on here somewhere but im kinda freakin out right now. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks


  8. watchprince.com has some beautiful boxes. Theyre about 125-160. i picked up on of their defects from the website. they said it was stained too dark. i paid 36$ including shipping and the box is awesome. i cant tell where its too dark. Very elegant looking with nice cushioning inside.


  9. thanks a lot. the rep is very very close and very nice looking. my airking is an older model than the ur rep i think so i dont know if "precision" is right or not.

    the soap and water works but there are several good scratches on the bracelet that i could do without. rolex servicing is like 600-700$ and i feel like thats not worth it. all i want is too get the scratches off the braclet.

  10. This was my college graduation present from father. It was his and he wanted me to have it. what are your guys suggestions to polish the bracelet. i already took a toothbrush with soap and water to it and it looks much better. but i dont think im supposed to use a cape cod cloth so what do you guys suggest.



  11. i was interested in hearing from anyone that has purchased the so called ultimate from paul. maybe some pics? is it worth the money or should i stick with a more trusted dealer? i might give him a shot just because his prices are so low but i dont want to be disappointed with my watch. any input would be appreciated.thanks


  12. I am just wondering where the gasket is on the crown? is it inside the crown or is it at the base by the watch? When i unscrew mine i dont see a rubber gasket like the rolex's but i think i see something inside the crown. I did the hot water test and no bubbles but im goin on vacation and would like to swim with the watch. Any feedback would be appreciated.


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