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Everything posted by yacht_master

  1. Hope not... I am very busy at the moment, sorry I didnt reply your PM, will take of this after xmas...I havent forgot someones owing me a watch...
  2. yeah this seems to have lost public interest. Monday again, and again nothing arrived... BTW...the polish security team I wrote to replied to me...I will wait another week, then they will take a look and care of the situation...
  3. Those are my thoughts, too. There has been work done to my watch, I am sure of that...and that may be the reason he is not returning it...
  4. My usual post at the beginning if the week: Nothing arrived here despite another email with the polite request to please return my stuff...
  5. Nothing new here still...
  6. hope we can achieve 100% by christmas...
  7. Nothing arrived here yet...I sent the watch to him in June and I can't really imagine it hasn't been touched since then as he wrote me the crystals were already ready...I still hope for him to return it to me anyway...
  8. nothing arrived here yet....
  9. Well I didn't receive anything so far...and Germany is very close...but I am hoping, too...
  10. Well I doubt he sent back all the stuff he has without annoucning it...but let's give him some time... @jamesG: Has Jakub contacted you recently?
  11. THX, please keep us posted...
  12. Because I think a lawyer would know the means available to pursue him. Just because nothing happended so far doesn't mean everyone is keeping his feet still forever, I especially think of the guys with gens and 1k+ watches. Especially in EU, it would be easy to get him. That we were dealing with reps or rep crystals is irrelevant. Additionally prosecution is for free, also in Poland, so a polish member can easily press charges against him so authorities start to investigate...
  13. Well I guess he is no lawyer...
  14. Lets all connect and ways to get out watches back instead of complanining...this guy will not return anything voluntarily!
  15. Well if yomeone is offered a section to deal professionally he should provide his full name and address and phonemuber, a copy of the id etc...if we had this from jakub it would be easiers to pursue him...
  16. Well given that he needed 3 weeks for shipping inside the EU you can as well send it to the US. I am testing Chiefs service right now...we will see how this works - and this time I am only sending the crystal
  17. I think as time passes, a line will be crossed where there will definetly be no more friendly contact, sooner or later the bounty hunters, Detectives and PIs from all over the world will swarm out to retrieve the stuff of the scammed customers...no one can say he didn't had a chance!!!
  18. Guys, honestly, the case is clear...we have been scammed can write about as much as we want, this will not bring us our watches back. But he should know things do not work this way, even if it was just a USD 80 noob sub...I will pursue this case until it is solved for me!!!
  19. Thank you. I did write him a very polite mail last week, but no reply here, too...
  20. Yeah and I really dont understand, why a simple post to this forum can't be made to calm down his customers...
  21. It would be great to have an integer alternative in the EU, keep us informed.
  22. Same here...this is so weird...
  23. Lets stick to the topic again, please. He also got back to a member from RG...
  24. Yeah and he doesn't seem to contact everyone as I have not received anything...I am still very suspicious...first move should have been to contact the forum mods...it is not too late for him to return to integrity before trouble will start with private investors etc...
  25. So we are facing a happy end? Fact is, that I will not pay anything until I have my watch back in my hands!!! Maybe you could ask him why hasn't be on the forums for month???
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