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Everything posted by watcher71

  1. Halley has a sub that has already been modded by palptine in the members offers section - and it seeme to be at a very good price. Could be a good starting point.... good luck.
  2. 183 is pretty close, except for the pin (but I guess that is not a case issue)
  3. Very well done And your photo skills are amazing.
  4. Very nice...and great presentation. I just received my blackseal from Joshua and you gave me some good ideas for making her look purdier Wear it well...
  5. @bra @ekhunter - after black
  6. Correct...
  7. His breitling prices are the lowest I have seen. Tempting for sure, but I am still apprehensive about dealing with him until I see lots and lots of positive dealer reviews like in the old days...
  8. The partridge family? (sounds like something you'd pay money to see bra3000 )
  9. @TJ The Zigmeister can do it. He just did one for kruzer's breit navitimer with the 6 9 12 chronos. I imagine the same transplant can take place for the chrono avenger. But lets HOPE it does not come to this.
  10. Great thread. As some have noted, I understand buying reps of certain watches. At the end of the day, I would NEVER drop the money required to buy the genuine of some of the reps I own or have owned. I love the watches...I love the look of the watches...but I have much better things to so with my money than buy genuines when I can get so much variety through our dealers. But the Omega's and tag's strike me as a curious rep purchase only because many of the basic/common models that we see around here are affordable compared to the price of a good rep with a good movement. Anyway, good topic...
  11. I just ordered my first asian 7750 in a breit chrono avenger from joshua, so I am hoping the problems are not as bad as the headlines would indicate. Josh said he tested it and kept the chrono running for 24 hours before shipping and it was working fine, so I am optimistic. worse case scenario, it poops on me and I buy an ETA 7750 off eBay and have The Zigmeister do a transplant.
  12. Gotta love the old metallica I have seen them three times live and each show was phenominal. Great live band. I am not into their new stuff, but their older stuff was just splendid!
  13. Whatever richard. You always take it personally when people dont agree with your opinion...always have since I have been coming around these boards and always will I guess...Your word is not gospel... I stand by what I said I above... Have a happy memorial day weekend!
  14. In the words of "at-large"... your all gay...
  15. Mr. Tracy, I will start with your last point… I don't know Mr. Brown, never communicated with him, and don't have a vested interest in this little squabble. Then, somewhere in the middle, you opined as follows… Mr. Tracy, take a look at the homepage for this web forum… The goal is NOT the quest for the Holy Grail… rather, it is too avoid being ripped off. Maybe there are two schools of thought on this issue. My school is that no one should be ripped off…period…whether they buy a rep knowingly or buy a rep unknowingly off of eBay. I personally do not want to see the creation of the holy grail, because I believe it will lead to lots and lots of people getting screwed when they think they are buying a genuine…but actually get a fake… Then you say… Mr. Tracy, these boards are great for those with the time to actually find information. Without getting into the issue of newbs getting spanked for asking dumb questions…I will simply say that Mr. Brown's book answers a lot of questions for people new to this hobby and for those who would never buy a fake, but want to avoid being screwed….it is a service IMO. then…. speak for yourself. I learned more about reps in reading Mr. Brown's book, then I ever imagined. The subtle differences in rep v. gen without having to search through hundreds of posts…it was a great read to say the least and very informative….some of us do not have the luxury of spending hours per day on these boards to find the info for ourselves. Yes, research is great, blah blah blah, but it sure is nice to have a little encyclopedia of knowledge at your finger tips that puts all the info in front of you in a coherent manor… then…wow! You say this…. "our"? are you serious? Did you help Mr. Brown compile his e-book? Did you take the time to put it together? Did you deal with the risk of legal action from GAF and others (which I would assume Mr. Brown has received considering his use of Rolex pics and pics of other brands)? Have you ever written a paper Mr. Tracy? Have you ever written a non-fiction book? Those things are accomplished because people spend considerable time and effort collecting data from multiple sources and then spend considerable time creating a coherent paper, e-book, or whatever… BUT the underlying info is collected from others… How is this any different? And how do you know if Mr. Brown does or does not have the knowledge to write those books himself? He has been around for some time…I would imagine that he is quite coherent in replica analysis… (Or, is the real issue with you…the fact that his book might enable someone to spot your watch as a fake?) then… What is your problem with capitalism or profit? Again, the man spend his time and money compiling, marketing, and dealing with the business/legal risks of what he is doing…so, why should he give it away? Why should he not capitalize on an idea to do what he did? It is hypocritical for you to criticize his business when you and our dealers reap the benefits of ill-gotten intellectual property of companies that own the trademarks to the watches you wear on your wrist…. Amazingly, you defend one dealer's "lying" to customers in the dealer review section, yet you sink your teeth into Mr. Brown's business venture as if he was selling heroin to school children…again…I am simply amazed at the hypocrisy. Then… First, do you know if Mr. Brown sells or buys reps, or are you just talking out of your [censored]? (Personally, I hope he is not a purchaser or seller of reps, because I do not approve of lying…but I do not know the answer to your accusation…so I will wait for Mr. Brown to defend himself on that issue) But, second, the hypocrisy in your accusation amazes me. Again, I point you to your own comments in dealer review where you bent over backwards to defend the questionable tactics (i.e., lying) of a dealer…passing it off as okay because if we don't like it, then we don't have to do business with them… Then… Anyone critical of profit in the rep game is fooling themselves. Again, we are talking about an industry founded on STEALING intellectual property from other companies…and you want to give [censored] to Mr. Brown? He found an angle…he put together a product…and he sold it…and the problem? Did Mr. Brown really find the information here? Or are you in reality enjoying information that was actually made possible, in part, by Mr. Brown? (He has been around for quite some time Mr. Tracy…I would imagine that he knows a thing or two). But more importantly, he expended the time and resources to put his product together...so why not charge for his efforts? At the end of the day, I believe that Mr. Brown's product benefits far more than it "irritates" or hurts. If you think the man stole your (or someone else's) intellectual property, then tell him so...otherwise, what exactly are you bitching about? Afraid some shmo may call out your rep because they read Mr. Brown's book?
  16. elliot is scum. anyone who would associate with him in a business sense is as questionable as "E". he has a pathetic history of crossing the line and doing questitonable things. I was extremely disappointed when he showed up here as a dealer...extremely dissapointed. and I was extremely pleased when he was shown the door... sooner or later, the scorpion will sting you...it is in his nature. E-hole cannot be trusted. whatcha think E-hole will do the first time he gets in any legal trouble with reps or rep sites or trademark violations or whatever? hmmm...maybe spill every bean in his database? (too all the E defenders who feel a need to respond because you love your 40% off discounts....shhhh...i dont want to hear it
  17. I just got a nice beautiful pam 183 from joshua. It is swiss manual wind movement. It is my first manual wind and I do not know how often it should be wound to prevent it from slowing down and losing time. I am asking only because I have read some posts recently about the fragile nature of the crown and stem on the 183s when winding, so I do not want to wind unneccesarily. Thanks
  18. the casino baby! Its all about the casino....
  19. It is a friggin ridiculous process. I spend countless hours trying to get the account I use unfrozen, and the only reason it was frozen was because I did not use it often...and then suddenly sold a bunch of stuff. friggin ridiculous! Good luck.
  20. yeah, poor me too...I have only been to england, france, norhtern ireland, the other part of ireland that is not part of the UK, wales, and france
  21. I have only had one person ask "is it real"...and I said, no...its a fake. I have had about 9 or 10 notice and say "nice watch" without identifying if they recongnize the brand, and to them I also say its a fake. I also explain it as a hobby and that I collect replicas of many many watches. I could not imagine lying about it and having someone say "no, it is fake"
  22. Im not jumping on a band wagon...thank you very much...I have posted in detail in several threads on the matter. READ! Search...whatever....this is old news...not new, not even remotely new and my opinion has been stated quite clearly. good night.
  23. He apologized??? Where? When? What specifically did he apologize for? Ahh...forget it. You people seem more preocupied with saving 20% or 40% or whatever... and forgot about the principal of the matter.
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