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Posts posted by tr4driver

  1. hello RWG

    -dipped a paper in acetone and "rubbed" slightly the acrylic glas


    This is a beautiful watch, but one thing I don't understand is why everyone wants to mar the plexiglas crystals on their vintage watches. Polishing the crystal is very easy, and I keep the plexiglas crystals nicely polished on my genuine vintage watches regardless of how badly the cases get nicked/scratched up or how much patina the dials have.

    Again, beautiful watch. I'd love to have one some day.

  2. you can also try to find the old version MBK TT sub model from trades forum. It has fewer flaws and what I like about mine of many years ago is that the gold plating seems to be much thicker than the current models.

    Yep... been keeping an eye on the trade forum. Just never see a TT model come up.

  3. The bezel is supposed to be bi-directional (same as genuine). I'm no sure you can tighten it since it is not constructed like the genuine (it uses a bent wire instead of the flat washer for tension). When I took mine apart, I had to remove the crystal retaining ring bezel insert to get the thing all seated back down properly, then reattach the bezel insert. The bezel by itself would no snap back on properly.

    Hey all,

    Just received it today (ordered last tuesday). As this topic has been well covered, overall I am happy with the purchase. One minor issue, about which I just emailed Andrew, is that the bezel on mine is bi-directional and "loose." Assuming a replacement bezel is not available, does anyone know how to make it uni-directional or even "tighter?" Oh, as for the sweep, it looks to be 28,800.


  4. thanks for the review lani; quick question -- tell me about the datefont: is it an improvement over previous versions? i saw from josh's page that it has open 6 & 9's; the font looks a bit bolder too. are we talking flat top 3's? any comment on the silver/brushed appearance (relative to the genuine article of course)?

    thanks in advance :victory:


    ps, i sent you a PM last week & haven't heard back :g:

    I don't really think the color of the silver date wheel is close to the gen at all. From certain angles, it almost black out completely. I've handled gen watches with silver date wheels, and the color really doesn't change based on view angle. This one really does, and is much more difficult to read that the gen silver date wheels I've seen.

  5. Seems no reason the gen bezel assembly shouldn't work since the gen crystal fits. Currently waiting for gen spring bars to see how that works out.

    Love to hear other opinions......

    kbh... have you actually fitted a gen crystal to yours? I'm curious as to whether or not it really will work. The crystal retainer ring is definitely different than the gen ring, but it might still work.

    My overall opinion of this watch is that it's probably worth the $200 price, but not in the same league with the MBW/MBK version (for $370).

  6. here's one that The Zigmeister did for me.. the CG's are out of fucus .. I was shooting the silver dw.. but you can make out the dimensions.. regardless .... you did it yourself..congrats.. B)

    Yep. Took about 10 minutes with a Dremel and small paper sanding disk. I didn't even remove the crown - just kept the paper side of the disk against the crown. I ended up taking them down more than I intended. Easy to do with the Dremel. I'll be more conservative next time.

  7. Thanks for the suggestions. I popped the insert and was able to get it put back together (sort of). The bezel is still pretty loose.

    Again... very disappointed with this watch. The bezel construction is not as advertised by Andrew and Josh. I think a gen-like retainer ring/washer/bezel may work on this watch though. I just don't have one handy.

    On a related matter... Once the crystal retainer ring is off, should one be able to pull the crystal off fairly easily (assuming it's not glued down)?

  8. Well, I was having problems re-installing my bezel assembly on the new 1665 that Josh and Andrew are offering. They advertise that the bezel is the same construction as the genuine; however, it's got the bent wire instead of the flat washer retainer. My problem is, I can't for the life of me get the thing to snap back into place.

    The crystal retainer ring has a slight lip on the top of it that I assume the wire has to pop over. In the process of removing my bezel, I think I may have pulled the crystal retainer up slightly as well because there was a gap between the bottom of it and the base of the case. Anyway, I pressed it back down, but when I tried to then put the bezel back on (with the wire in place), the base of the bezel just went loosely down to the base of the case. The wire never hit the lip of the crystal retainer ring. If I pry the crystal retainer ring up slightly, I can get it to catch (kind of).

    Needless to say, I'm pretty disappointed with the false claims by Josh/Andrew that this thing is constructed just like the genuine. It's obviously not. Maybe if the crystal retainer ring was replaced a genuine bezel might work(?).

    Anyway, I can't figure out how to get the bezel wire to catch on the crystal retainer lip with the retainer pressed all the way down. It seems that the retainer isn't high enough, and the bottom of the bezel hits the base of the watch before the wire in the bezel hits the lip.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


  9. It's called marketing.. the World is full of it..every brand .. every Company

    I doubt you or anyone here believes everything they read.. that's why we wait for pics and reviews.. if members find it's not what it is cracked up to be pass..simple..really..

    Some of us buy reps and post pics and reviews .. so others can decide and not spend their money on reps that are less than what we thought they would be.. leave it at that .......just pass..did you buy one? .. I've bought reps that were not what I thought they were.. don't blame the dealer.... that's why you wait for the reviews.

    these friggin comments are useless really.. what good do they do us ? A simple.. "I'll pass on this one".. would suffice wouldn't it??


    Granted, the rep game is a bit of a crap shoot, and I agree with most of your comments. However, I'm not sure that there is a way to categorize the claim "Same Bezel Clip-on Construction as Genuine!" anything other than a lie. Calling it marketing is very generous IMHO.

    I did buy one, but I knew the risks ahead of time, and I'm willing to live with what I got, but at the same time, I believe that the trusted dealers here should have some degree of accountability in exchange for their trusted status.

  10. Response from Andrew:

    "MBK is not constructed for the genuine... The bezel parts have to modify to accept a bezel genuine"

    He didn't even bother to address my issues about the bezel construction of *his* watch. Oh well... live and learn I suppose.



    "BEZEL: Black Uni-directional bezel (non-click)

    **Same Bezel Clip-on Construction as Genuine!"

    wtf :angry:

    I emailed Andrew and included a picture. I'll see what his response is. Seems to me that this watch is pretty useless as a base for modding.

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