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Everything posted by chazzz

  1. Thanks for your help. That looks pretty EZ. It shipped on Monday, but I haven't been home all week I'll check my mail box on Saturday. Thanks again
  2. Can someone give me instructions on how to size the SA braclet! Thanks
  3. Hi All! I have been reading about & looking @ the pic's of the new SA since it was relaesed a couple weeks ago, what a beautyful piece. All of your comments & pictures have been very positive. I have wanted a Gen SA for some time, but right now I just can't justify the purchase. The Rep is awesome, so I guess it's the next best thing. Just placed my order with Josh, He has been very helpful & quick to respond with any questions I've had, so he was my choice. I am confident it was a good one. Now the waiting game, But I am Pumped. This is my 1st Rep since I've Joined RWG About 6 weeks ago, although I have 3 Reps now 2 Breitlings & a Rolex. So this will be my 4th Rep. I look foward to getting my SA & will share my Expirence with you. Thank You to all who have helped me in the past & an advance Thank You for your help in the future.
  4. Thanks so much Shundi, I will look into those sites
  5. Thank you! are there any other sites wher I might be able to do this?
  6. Hello, I have a few Seiko & Citizen Gen's I would like to sell to make room for a Breitling rep or two, Can someone help me as to where I would be able to post them for sale. Thank You
  7. I was'nt aware untill yesterday, that a new SA was comming out. I have been in contact with Joshua & he let me know. so I will just wait. Josh say it will be on his Site soon. I am hoping to order 1 early next week. Thanks
  8. Great information, thanks so much
  9. Thank You, I really apprieciate your help.
  10. Thank You Andreww, Now I see what it is being refering to! I apprieciate the responce.
  11. Thanks Polynomial, but I still don't understand, a few post earlier, they were refering to the 60-80 being fixed
  12. Hello! I am new here & so far I love what I see & read. I have thanked many times the friend that told me about this Site. I am a Breitling nut, I do not have any Breitling Gens, But I have two Reps, A Bentley & A Chrono Avenger. I love them both. I have a collection of 18 watches as of now. Here is what I need help with. I am going to purchase a Super Avenger Rep, I hear very good things about Josh, I am hearing the name Angus here & there. The Name Andrew & Ruby pop up as well. Can someone lead me to the best Rep Dealer, Give me a link to their site so I can do some research before I make my Purchase. I would greatly appreiciate it. I will buy A Super Avenger On Aug 1st & I will buy A Skyland Avenger on Sept 1st, the Skyland is a Beauty. Please be Patient with me as I learn the Terminology. Thanks in advance for you're time & input.
  13. Hello All! I am new to this site, Can someone please tell what the 80-60 or the 60-80 is in reguards to. Thanks
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