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About sashwatch

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    Hong Kong

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  1. i guess dealer have the responsibility to inform the community that we are not able to respond quickly to mails and questions... its like reporting sick to work.... always have some kinda of accident? i hope it will be never happen again... maybe its retribution? :
  2. just want to let my friends and customers know that recently i met with a car accident and basically i am bed ridden because of the thick plaster cast on my leg.... my response to emails/pm may not be as quickly as i like... pretty groggy with all the medicines that i am eating every day... my leg looks like this...
  3. OMG, you cant pleased everyone... maybe i try a flying text in the future.. cheers
  4. made some changes, change the font size.. its more readable now.. on my 22" LCD monitor.. with 1440x900 resolution... keep those feed back coming.. cheers
  5. Does this mean that you are going to have a fully functional website similar to the other dealers and the Photobucket album is just temporary? the answer is YES... the member area page is available.. but it is offline now, under massive construction.. PS: thank you for the feed back..cheers
  6. over 100 views but not a single comment? come on guys... help me out here.. thanks!
  7. better late than never...
  8. sounds like fun... i have too many remote at home and a universal controller is too expensive.. for $6... OMG.. i wonder they have a replica here in china? haha.... but i dont think its worth the while, its too cheap to be replicated.. maybe the replica model can have a remote just like the movie Click...
  9. $5.90 ?? where to buy?
  10. did some revamping of my original webpage.. removed the ugly lady due to popular request.. keke let me know what do you think? thanks
  11. pysher.. i can assure you that all parcel were packed the same way as it should and some of the members has already recieved the watch in perfect condition.. this is very unfortunate and unacceptable if i am in your shoe.. lets take this off-line to see how we can resolve this
  12. you guys can always check under sash fashion accessories over here in RWG... or visit www.sashwatch.com for the album.. cheers
  13. glad that this group buy is coming to a close... PS: if you guys finally receive your watch in order, feel free to leave me a dealer review.. thanks!
  14. some of you may have receive a seperate email from me for your replacement tracking number.. if you have not, pls let me know as i have 1 watch that i dont know which member does it belongs to... thanks
  15. dont misunderstand me.. i love watches.. just that i can only afford 2 that i like.... not every dealer is making loads of $$$ cheers
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