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Everything posted by JJFlash

  1. My small recommendation: When dealing with Paul always mention you are from RWG. You might just get upgraded to sophisticated buyer status. Perhaps dealers do give better service to those they know are connoisseurs and potential return customers. Suspect this might be true for most other dealers here too.
  2. Blue Magic metal polishing cream, (#1 rated by consumers reports) Green rogue to polish it extra bright and shiny. Then to get the satin finish: Satin finish buff wheels for dremel. Jules Borel & Co. or Otto Frei
  3. I polish mine first. Then place the bracelet in a plastic baggy. Spray well with silicone spray. Let sit in baggy overnight. Next morning wipe off the excess. Do not wash off the lubricant. Your good to go!
  4. Loved his last CD - Trio. Disappointed in the latest - Continuum Better cuts on current CD came from Trio anyway; Gravity and Vultures. Only mediocre cover of Hendrix - Bold as Love. After Trio I expected a much better CD from him than Continuum. Must be that marijuana vaporizer he has been hitting lately. Either needs more of it, or less of it, don't know which.
  5. Overall a nice looking watch. Obvious issues are the offset pearl and the offset cyclops. Otherwise an acceptable sub. We all have received watches with these type of flaws. I personally have paid the highest price dealer to the lowest price - they both have sent me watches with these type of flaws. I have bought ten watches in a row that were great quality, then suddenly a flawed timepiece will arrive. Always irritates me, however it is all part of the replica game. Some days I get a winner, some days its a loser. New bezel is good recommendation. King will likely send you one for free if your communication is polite. The cyclops - let it ride for now and see how much it bothers you later. New cyclops can be installed, not an easy task for newbie tho. Congradulations on the new addition.
  6. Well it has finally happened to me. One of my Steinhaus quad winders has a single winder gone dead. Not too bad, this one has been running continously for two years. Several other of these winders are still running strong, tho a little more noisier than when they were new. Some time ago I recall someone, (here or the old RWG perhaps), found a source for the motors in these little machines. Does anyone know where I can find a replacement motor? I would rather just replace the motor rather than attempt a repair. Thanks guys
  7. I am a big VC fan. Got the Malte Chrono in SS. About 2-3 years now with this timepiece. Still one of my favorites. Continues to work perfectly. Replace the cheap strap with a good quality leather one makes this watch look even better. The Venus 175 movement is bullet proof. Yes the Chrono's are not in perfect alignment secondary to the movement. But I would rather have a solid working watch that is just slightly off perfect, than a perfect watch that does not work. (Yes I am still grumbling about my broken Daytona, looks great - doesn't work) Buy it !!!
  8. Daytona right out of the box would stop at 5:00 everytime it came around. Sent it in for repairs and required whole new movement to fix problem. Now three months later the new movement is also broken. Runs for a couple hours then stops dead. Hands down my worse experience with any movement in my entire collection. I will not repeat this experiment again. No more new, improved 7750's with seconds at 6:00 for me. However my new, improved 7750's with seconds at 9:00 are all doing well.
  9. Thank you Ruby for your kind reply to all of us here at RWG !!! We would very much appreciate pictures of the movement.
  10. A thumbs up from me also. Have used them for years. Also look at the top ten downloads. They are pearls.
  11. It is a significant irritation for me when dealers show multiple views of a beautiful watch, but fails to show a single picture of the movement. Am I the only one here that believes a clear picture of the movement is just as important as a pictures of the outside of a watch? What is inside the case is just as big a consideration to me as what the outside looks like. A offer with a good picture of the movement is most likely to activate my "buy me now" impulse.
  12. I agree here with Ubi - Was not so bad when Paul would discount 10% for WU purchases. I would just bundle a couple of watches together. Oh well, if Ruby gives us a discounted price then that will make up for the WU fee.
  13. Nice looking winder Bignasty! Looks huge-ly. Just how wide is this baby? These winders with the added storage space for other watches are super. I am spoiled using my winders. The watches are always set to the correct day and time ready to go at a moments notice. No fidgeting; pick it up, put it on the wrist and go with it.
  14. It is now available. From Ruby at RWI.
  15. Have you ever noticed that none of the ophthalmologists have had this proceedure done on themselves?
  16. http://www.bestswiss-watches.com/ I have never seen this site of Paul's before. It must be an alternate web site. Prices seem a bit higher tho. Hence the reference to same prices as at Aspire for everyone here.
  17. P.S. nice looking watches Longshot and Ubi !!!
  18. .....so base is back in business again?
  19. ....but even then the "Swiss movement" is really a combination of Swiss and Asian parts pieced together. The primary movement is Swiss but the additional gearing is all Asian add on parts; tenuous at best. If it was 100% ETA I would have better faith in this movement.
  20. Andrew has them currently on his site as available in titanium and S/S.
  21. Hello By_Thor, Not my poll, tho I paid close attention to it. It was the only somewhat semi-scientific poll ever done on the issue. I agree, you are probably correct about the inaccuracy of the study. Tho we do know the movement is unreliable as testified to by The Zigmeister and all the repairs he has told us about. I have never purchased the old 7750 just because of polls like this and bitter statements made by members at our old 'hood, RWG. Yes, we shall all purchase more and more watches to decide this issue. What a grant experiment. So far mine is a thumbs up on the Daytona style new, improved 7750, may it always keep ticking. I have the exact same model as Ubiquitous posted, its a beauty.
  22. Yes, The Zigmeister says its a fine movement save the extra drain by the additional power train, well understood by all. The point I attemped to make is this; just how reliable is this new, improved movement? Again the old 7750 life expectancy is less than 50% at six months. This information we have previously collated. We have yet to benchmark the new, improved 7750. Is it straight out of the box also 50% at six month life expectancy, or is it much longer? I suspect it is in fact longer but by how much? We have not yet had this movement a full year. The life expectancy of a particular movement is quite valuable information to any member considering a watch purchase. The 7750 may still be the most risky purchase of our currently available movements, in particular the seconds at 6:00 model.
  23. I might suggest that we somehow again try to track the reliablility of this new, improved 7750 in this forum. We know the old 7750's are quite prone to failure. If I recall properly from a prior poll, something like 50% were not funtional within the first 6 months. We are starting to find this new movement in other brands as well, Breitling, etc. My personal experience: My Daytona with the new, improved 7750 arrived dead from the dealer earlier this year. Entirely new movement was installed, serviced, and has worked fine since. So far I am happy but when I wear it I always put my lucky rabbits foot in my pocket right next to my four leaf clover, and I keep my fingers crossed as well.
  24. Is the PVD holding up well? Is it easily scratched?
  25. This is the new, improved Asian 7750 movement right? Personally I have found it to be less expensive to replace entire movement rather than attempt repairs.
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