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Posts posted by ducatista

  1. Sent two watches and PP payment to Everest in late May. Have not received confirmation of payment or of the watches/

    Have not received any reply to my emails (only three over the past two and a half months)

    My last email bounced back with a message saying it was rejected by the recipient's Spam Assassin filter.

    Anyone know what's going on with Kent and Everest????

  2. Hey D.. My message center is accepting (?) it was on the blink awhile ago.. but seems to be ok now.. please re-register for the tickets.. I don't recall you name on the list I verified..

    sorry for the trouble.. please re-register and chime in on the raffle thread..

    thank you so much for your support of Our forum..



    Hi Lani.

    Thanks for your response here.

    Have sent you a PM with info about the raffle tickets I purchased on the ninth.

    Thanks for your help.


    in Oz

  3. Hi Henrik.

    Down here in Oz I ride a 2007 Ducati Sprot Classic 1000. I have added quite a few modifications - mainly higher quality after-market alloy parts from Italy amd amazing Beringer brakes from France.

    My insurance is with a company that specialises in insurance for motorcycles and sports cars. For this motorcycle (and my 1994 Honda Civic Type-R) I pay $1200.00 per year (about 7532 SEK). To get this price (for asportsbike and a fast car), both must be kept in a secure place and not visible from the street (and I've been riding motorcycles for 30 years)

    Good luck with your choice of motorcycle and insurance.


    Melbourne, Oz.


  4. Hi Col.

    Just following your advice about posting here.

    I donated yesterday (Sunday) and sent you a Red Cross Receipt (pdf) and an email message thanking you and everyone else who has put so much work into this raffle. I included my RWG name but need to add here that I'm a member of RWG.cc.

    As my RWG name suggests I'm a motorcycle rider and my Ducati Club here in Melbourne is also organising a similar type of raffle.

    It's very encouraging to see the way ordinary citizens - without government help (or interference) are able to organise themselves and make really effective contributions to sections of the community in dire need.

    I live about 30 minutes south of the fires. It's now 7.45 on Monday morning and for the eighth day in a row the sky outside is blood red. I know several people from Kinglake who have lost homes, jobs and family. I teach here in Melbourne and in just one of my senior classes, one student has lost three adult friends of the family and three children under ten.

    So once again, thank you Col and Offshore, and all members who have donated so generously of their time and resources. It is very much appreciated.


    Melbourne, Victoria.

    NOTE: when mailing your e-recipt please include your forum name and the forum you are from so I know who is who. This is rwg.cc There are two RWGs remember!

    Also, it's a good idea to post here to tell me you have donated. That way I'll remember to chk the mail box! :)

    Thanks , Col.

  5. Had to add my thanks to BKLM and express my admiration for his beautiful WM9V2.

    Not only is this watch magnificent - looks, feel, weight, functions - all my communication with BK has been courteous, fast and informative. My very first RX rep - before I'd heard of BK's work and reputation - was a beautiful BK 'personal project' LV Sub that I acquired through a member who had purchased it direct from BK himself. And now I have BK's magnificent black prince as a companion to that first RX.

    Although I'm a relative newb down here in Oz, I've followed more experienced members' research advice and have now built up quite a nice selection of about a dozen great reps from both dealers and members. To date all my dealings with RWG members and recommended dealers have been trouble-free, and I've no complaints about any of the watches I've purchased from them.

    So thanks to all those I've purchased from, and everyone else here on the board - and especially to BK -for making my intro to watch-collecting so interesting and rewarding.

    (very sorry I don't yet have the skill to include pix of the watch, but there's been several good posts about this watch already)

  6. I would think that DSN has the best dials...but heard his cases are little off....

    Any wisdom from the forum?


    Before you proceed I strongly suggest you read right through this very informative post:

    >> http://www.rwg.cc/members/DSN-Experience-t...;hl=dsn+problem

    I was about to purchase my first better quality Pam from this source. The discussion on that post caused me to revise my plans.

    Well worth a read.

    And good luck with your Pam hunt (like many newbs I didn't understand the attraction of these odd watches. Now, one is seldom off my wrist)

  7. Saw Q of S last week here in Oz.

    What a disappointment!

    Craig was convincing as a new style Bond in (the remake) of Casino Royale. That film retained the witt and understatement of Fleming's character as a contradiction to the new pugnacious wild boy image. For example, check out the devastating psychoanalysis M's accountant practices on Bond when they first meet on the train, and the great dialogue as the various villains sit around the poker table: both examples of clever, dare I say it, adult writing.

    Compare that with Q of S: just one unbelievable action sequence after another, each one terminated by an explosion of some kind. Then Bond's newly cut face appears ready for the quiet bits: Bond and his agent mentor-father-figure forgive each other their indiscretions before the old guy dies; next Bond, the wayward son type, confronts his M, his mother-substitute; and finally Bond commiserates with his guardian agent and brother-substitute, Felix. (does Bond like women any more?)

    Like the Bourne Identity style action sequence editing, the story and the characters have been reduced to just another special FX action movie. Vale 007.

  8. for those who HAVENT seen it, PRETTY INTERESTING STUFF

    a MUST watch, very entertaining as well as sickening

    it's not another lame quack conspiracy theory style documentary


    Absolutely a must watch. Thanks so much for posting.

    I 'woke up' a year or so ago after my son did a lot of research into the banking system and then persuaded me to pay attention to what is actually going on. The current so-called 'bail-out' is just one more sickening way that those who maintain this ridiculous and anti-democratic system are given even more of the money that we - not they - have actually worked for.

    The third President of the young Unites States, Thomas Jefferson, made it perfectly clear in 1802 just how predatory, anti-democratic and dangerous (big) banks are:

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

    Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), in a Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802)

    I am a capitalist. I believe in free enterprise. I have started and run two small businesses (here in Austrlalia) and I deeply resent the real wealth and the real value created by my labor, and the labor of my employees, enriching others who have no right to benefit from it.

  9. Both sites are run by Silix, silixprime is their premium site dealing in better quality reps while watchsilix is for the cheaper end of the rep market.

    Thank you to all who responded to my query about the Silix websites.

    I had noticed the slightly different collections, and your replies have explained the difference - and that I should expect to wait a day or so for them to get back to me about the Paypal processing.

    On another subject: SCAM sites.

    While browsing this forum I came across a posting of scam watch sites.

    I would like to add one to the list: < Luxurywatches.net >

    Actually, I'm here as a newbie because I was taken in by that site. Paid $300 ($Australian) for an IWC Portuguese.

    I did know their watches must be replicas, but the watch that arrived was not the one I ordered, was not automatic - and didn't work!!!

    Lesson learned.

  10. Hi.

    I tried to purchase one watch from Silix last night using their PayPal option.

    On the final page of the transaction process there was a notice to email them for instructions on how to complete the payment. I did that but have not received any reply - yet (seven hours later).

    May I ask a question.

    I am a learner about replicas so I was not sure whic of the two Silix sites to use: < www.watchsilix.com > or < www.silixprime.com >


    I would welcome experienced mebers advice.

    Many thanks.

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